The white radiance and green aura slowly subsided, and the nearly 100 small holes that had been penetrated on Chu Nan's body fully recovered.


With a crisp sound, Chu Nan had broken free of the frost that had frozen him.

Looking down at the body that has become whole again, Chu Nan frowned slightly.

Actually, he wasn't completely incapable of escaping. The reason why he stayed to endure this fatal attack in the eyes of the opponent was purely to test the strength of the extra Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

As for the test results...

It turns out that the strength of the other Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist who appeared with Master Luo Wei this time is indeed comparable to that of Master Luo Wei. And the cultivation technique he used is very peculiar, somewhat similar to the cultivation technique used by Ahmed, both of which use the highly condensed energy of space to cause extremely powerful lethality, so that Chu Nan's now powerful fleshy body cannot be hardened. Resist down.

If only Master Luo Wei was the only one, Chu Nan was not afraid even though it was difficult to repel him head-on.

However, now there is another Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse with the same strength as Master Luo Wei. No matter how confident Chu Nan is, he knows that with his current strength, he will never be able to face the other two.

But compared to this issue, what Chu Nan cares most about now is that since Master Luo Wei has appeared again, it is obviously aimed at them.

"If you can't solve this group of guys, the retreat plan will not be executed."

Chu Nan frowned, body flashed, has disappeared from the positive space universe.

Two minutes, Chu Nan landed on the island.

At this time, Thiago and the others on the island were looking for food and fresh water resources because of the hard day, when they suddenly saw Chu Nan fall, and a group of people were stunned.

"Hey, Chu Nan, didn't you contact the people from Eto'o Chamber of Commerce? Why did you come back so quickly?" Urquia was the first to rush up and asked in surprise.

"An enemy is coming." Chu Nan shook his head and described what he had just seen.

Everyone was startled when they heard that there was another Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse.

With their current strength, one Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist is enough for them to have nowhere to run, and with one more, they have no resistance at all.

"What should I do then?" Urquia looked anxious. "If we let them come over, we'll be dead!"

"I don't think you need to worry so much..." Little Fatty Oncora shook the head. "We are staying in this kind of place now, how can they find it so easily?"

"But we can't leave now." Thiago objected with a serious expression. "According to Chu Nan's investigation, this star system has only this planet that is suitable for life. As long as the other party is not an idiot, he will definitely come over. Do you think the other party will not have the ability to change us from a planet without other human beings at all. Find it on planet?"

Everyone fell silent.

Tiago is right, they can only stay on this planet and can't go anywhere. Since the other party has come to this star system, they will definitely come over.

And the other party is obviously prepared, and there must be enough technical means to easily find them from the planet.

By that time, they didn't even have a place to hide.

"You don't have to give up hope so early." Only Chu Nan's expression was relatively relaxed, he smiled and said: "I destroyed part of the power plant of that spaceship, and the flight speed will be greatly affected. .And they can't do super space jump in the star system, so even if they fly directly from the star gate to this planet, it will take at least ten hours according to the distance estimate."

"Ten hours?" The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay. "What are you doing in ten hours?"

"There are so many things to do." Chu Nan carefully calculated in his mind, and then nodded: "If everyone cooperates well, I am still sure. I took you away."


Although everyone will be skeptical of Chu Nan's words, but now they have no choice but to choose to believe in Chu Nan.

Chu Nan waved at the crowd, signaling them to come closer.

"Come, listen to me, this way..."


Thirteen hours later, the two ships were only three hundred meters long. A small spaceship jumps out of a dilapidated stargate.

In the main control cabin of the spaceship in front, Chu Nan gave Captain Norman a bright smile.

"Captain Norman, thank you and your subordinates for taking the risk. Now that you have reached your destination safely, you and your subordinates can go back first."

Captain Norman frowned and looked at Chu Nan: "Are you really going to solve it by yourself?"

Chu Nan shrugged: "If you can provide me with this spaceship, it is already for me The greatest help, I can't let you take such a big risk because of my personal affairs."

Captain Norman stared at Chu Nan for a while, and called the head, but didn't say anything. He waved to the surrounding subordinates and took them out of the small spaceship together, and then took the short-distance airship to enter the small spaceship behind.

A moment later, Captain Norman and his subordinates had already driven the small spaceship behind and flew into the stargate again, disappearing into the different space.

Looking at the monitoring screen on the virtual screen of the main console in front of me, it showed that the other spaceship had disappeared. After a while of operation on the console of Chu Nan spaceship, I first set up the connection between it and the personal terminal on Chu Nan's wrist. Connected, set the route, restarted, and flew straight towards the planet marked on the route.

After completing these preparations, Chu Nan stretched and put out a breath.

"Okay, the preparations have been made, I hope Thiago and the others are now ready."

Then Chu Nan did not stay on the spaceship, and It is to open the emergency exit of the spaceship, the fleshy body flew into the starry sky, and after a while, the wall of space was opened and flew into the different space.

Two minutes later, Chu Nan once again emerged from the positive space universe above the planet's outer atmosphere.

Looking up, I saw a cosmic spaceship about two kilometers long hovering in a synchronous orbit above the planet in the distance.

This spaceship is obviously the previous spaceship that was smashed by Chu Nan with a punch. Now it can be seen that there are many robots on the outside of the spaceship that are working hard to repair the surface wounds of the spaceship.

Chu Nan glanced at it and noticed that there were still several tiny light sources flickering in the synchronous orbit, which were obviously artificial satellites released by this spaceship.

He unceremoniously flew over and blasted one of the satellites with a punch, then flashed and blasted another.

As he flew towards the third artificial satellite, a powerful aura charged violently from the side and rear, instantly making Chu Nan feel the chills all over his body stand on end, and the warning sign was aroused.

"Is there only one person?" Chu Nan turned around and looked at several arrows of light feathers in the starry sky that were obviously generated by the highly condensed space energy, laughed. "Then play with you."

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