
The violent explosion was, of course, impossible to Chu Nan’s ears from the vacuum universe, but directly caused by the strong vibration of the body The eardrum vibrates, producing a more intuitive, clearer, yet more terrifying sound.

After the explosion, Chu Nan felt that not only the eardrum, but even his whole body was buzzing, and his eyes were blurred because of the violent sound.

"Damn it, it's so powerful!"

Chu Nan was startled, and quickly retracted his hand, not daring to continue to use the palm of his hand to hit the arrow of Light Feather, but instead Withdrawing and retreating quickly, at the same time, the figure flashed sharply, trying to avoid the remaining feather arrow attacks.

On a whim just now, he thought that he had been shot with nearly a hundred small holes by these feather arrows because he was not fully protected, so he wanted to try the formidable power of these feather arrows under full protection now. .

After trying this, I found that the formidable power of these feathered arrows is even stronger than the formidable power of the feathers shot by the Daguang avatar used by Ahmed before, and the feathered arrows also have their own powerful formidable power. The explosive formidable power, when he placed the Energy Shield on the palm of his hand and hard-connected it, the feather arrow exploded directly, and the space energy terrifying instantly burst out from the feather arrow even far surpassed the violent space energy in the different space.

If he wasn't fully protected, maybe his entire palm would be blown to pieces.

However, in this short contact, Chu Nan also obtained more detailed data about the Light Feather Arrow through super induction.

Through data analysis, he can confirm that although this cultivation technique looks very similar to the light feathered arrow used by Ahmed, it is not the same in essence, and the energy of the space energy in the feathered arrow is passed through. Structural analysis, we can be sure that this cultivation technique is not as good as the cultivation technique of Daguang Zhenshen used by Ahmed.

The real body of Da Guangming is the S-Rank cultivation technique that Alahuk Venerable is proud of. This cultivation technique is probably just an A-Rank cultivation technique.

The main reason why the formidable power of Yujian is stronger is that this guy's strength is better than that of Ahmed, and he has a better grasp of the mobilization of space energy.

Of course, Chu Nan dared to face Alhammed when he did not condense the nebula. Now that the nebula in his body has condensed successfully, his understanding and application of space energy has been substantially improved. It has been greatly improved, so how can there be any fear.

He dodged two feather arrows, body flashed, looked towards the other side and slammed it out.

This throws a punch, the space energy in the large space around the body moves with the nebula in Chu Nan's body, and condenses into a light that seems to be a real light with the fist. At the moment when it was completely stretched out, the light condensed by the space energy came out and turned into a fist shadow that cut through the starry sky. In an instant, the distance between the two of them was more than tens of kilometers, and they came to the man.

Feeling the terrifying pressure on my face, Angklu startled.

When I heard from Rowe that he had suffered a loss at the hands of this kid, and even caused the operation to fail in the middle, leaving those young martial artists who had already been arrested, Angklu also returned. I don't really believe it.

Although the targets of this alliance meeting are those special young geniuses Martial Artists on Orion's spiral arm, all of them are of great strength, but no matter how talented, after all, they are young and their strength is bound to be limited.

So the actions of the three action groups of the Alliance Club completed very smoothly in Early-Stage, but didn't expect to return to the Perseus spiral arm, but Rowe's group had such a problem.

At first, Ankru thought it was Rowe who was careless, but only after he was suddenly attacked by Chu Nan when he jumped out of the star gate, did he reluctantly believe what Rowe said.

This kid caught from Orion's spiral arm is really extraordinary. He is so young to have the strength of the Heavenly Reign Grade, far exceeding ordinary geniuses.

However, even so, he was easily defeated by him and Luo Wei teaming up, so Anklu still didn't care much about Chu Nan in his heart.

But just now, after seeing Chu Nan appear on the spaceship's surveillance screen again, Angklu was really started.

This kid obviously has his fleshy body penetrated through nearly a hundred small holes, and he is already dead to the point of death. Why does he appear here alive again now?

Looking at him, there was no injury at all, and he looked like nothing was wrong. Anklu didn't believe his eyes at all.

He even wondered if this kid had a twin brothers, one of them was killed by them just now, and the other is now jumping out to avenge the brother?

Of course, sanity tells Unkru, this is impossible.

A guy who can have such an innate talent at such a young age, impossible has another one!

Seeing that the fist shadow condensed by the space energy has come to the front, Anklu only had time to be surprised, but found that he could not dodge at all.

Thinking of Chu Nan's stubbornly taking his own luminous feather arrow with his palm just now, Anklu was coldly snorted, punched out unceremoniously, and hit the fist shadow.


this time, but Anklu's body was vibrated strongly by the violent explosion, and his ears were buzzing.

At the same time, the fist shadow was blasted away by Anklu's fist, but it instantly exploded into an extremely bright radiance, making Anklu's eyes turn into a snow-white, losing all vision.

Anglu finally calmed down the abnormal vibration of space energy in the surrounding space, and suddenly heart startled.

"Not good!"

I turned around and saw a white light and shadow cut through the starry sky and rushed towards the spaceship in the distance.

"Damn! This cunning kid still wants to destroy the spaceship!"

Anglu cursed fiercely in his heart, but found that he didn't have time to stop Chu Nan, so he could only I watched helplessly as the white light and shadow hit the spaceship.

There was a colorful light on the surface of the spaceship, but the spaceship turned on the Energy Shield immediately. After Chu Nan hit it, the Energy Shield was activated, causing an energy shock.

"Ha, this act recklessly kid, do you really think he can do it easily?" Seeing this scene, Ankru sighed in relief.

However, the breath was still fully exhaled, but Anklu suddenly passed a single thought in his heart, and the complexion changed in an instant.

"No! This kid has the ability to destroy the Energy Shield!"

Just as the thought flashed, I found that the white light and shadow hit the Energy Shield outside the spaceship again, and then the Energy Shield Waves of colorful energy rippled on the road, and then disappeared.

white light and shadow followed and slammed into the spaceship fiercely.

The terrifying fire exploded from the spaceship, and the huge two-kilometer spaceship was directly disconnected from it, followed by countless explosions, and the first half of the spaceship could no longer be kept in sync. The attitude of flying in orbit is affected by the gravitational force of the planet below, and it falls towards the surface of the planet.

Seeing this scene, Angklu complexion greatly changed, and the murderous intention in his heart increased.

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