Chu Nan hid himself in the clouds, squinting his eyes, watching the thick clouds in the sky rolling wildly ahead.

And in places that naked eyes can't see, the space energy in the surrounding space is even more terrifying, and the situation is not much worse than in different spaces.

Chu Nan's expression didn't change at all in this situation, whether it was the terrifying space energy surging all over his body or the hundreds of face looks sinister that almost covered the entire cloud layer, the same terrifying A. -Rank ominous beast couldn't make his eyelids twitch halfway.

The only thing he cared about was the intense fighting in the clouds ahead.

Introducing the two Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses, Rowe and Angklu, into the planet's atmosphere, so that they would have a fierce battle with the ominous beasts that were dispatched at night, was Chu Nan's plan before.

Now, seeing that Anklu, who flew down with him, is being besieged by dozens of A-Rank ominous beasts with different descriptions but the same terrifying aura, Chu Nan couldn't help showing that he simply had no time to take care of himself. smile.

"Hey, let's play with these rare beasts first."

Chu Nan's mouth grinned, and then his figure flashed, already quietly emerging from the clouds whereabouts.

Although there were some ominous beasts along the way who wanted to block his way, they were all taken advantage of by Chu Nan's extremely fast speed and powerful flexibility, and most importantly, through powerful data capabilities. The precise calculation of the ominous beast was cleverly avoided, and after a few circles in the sky, which had been completely dimmed, it didn't take long for it to quietly break through the layers of ominous beasts, and landed on the small island again.

This time no one else came up to greet him, Chu Nan rushed directly to the cave where Thiago and the others were hiding.

"Hey, Chu Nan, you're finally back!" As soon as Chu Nan appeared, Urquia was the first to jump up, and she asked nervously with a hint of excitement: "Why? How is it? How is it? What's the situation now?"

Chu Nan looked around and saw everyone else staring at him, many of them looked solemn, with a trace of anxiety in their eyes, they showed confidence smile.

"Don't worry, for the time being, everything is going according to plan."

Said Chu Nan raised his personal terminal in his hand, opened the virtual screen, and displayed a picture on it. It's not a very detailed star map.

In the star map, a small point of light is drawing an arc in the Star Sea, heading towards the planet they are currently on.

This point of light is the small spaceship that Chu Nan started from Captain Norman before.

He had set this small spaceship to auto-navigate before, and the destination was this planet, or more precisely, his personal terminal as the destination.

Chu Nan made some settings on the personal terminal, then took it off and handed it to Thiago.

"Here, Thiago, the spaceship will arrive on this planet in about two hours, and then fly over according to the positioning provided by this personal terminal. When the time comes, you will take everyone else on board. Get on the spaceship and leave this planet as quickly as possible."

Here, Chu Nan smiled.

"The spaceship of those guys has been destroyed by me. As long as you can fly out of the atmosphere and into space, they will not have much means to catch up with you, and you will be safe. Next, you only need to follow The star map settings left on the spaceship, skip the star gate and go to Eaton in the Kingdom of Kasha, where someone will pick you up."

I heard that Chu Nan has been arranged, and there is really hope of getting out of the predicament , the crowd suddenly became excited, and many people were happy.

Thiago glanced at the personal terminal in his hand and frowned.

"What about you? Aren't you going with us?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this question, and then they reacted instantly.

Chu Nan just talked for a long time, it was all "you" and "you", but he didn't mention himself.

Could it be that...he doesn't plan to leave?

“Me?” Chu Nan laughed. "It takes time for the spaceship to enter the atmosphere, land and take off. This time is very dangerous. If the two Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists of the other side shoot, you may not be able to leave. In order to ensure that you can leave, I have to block that Two guys."

Chu Nan said it casually, while the rest of the crowd were stared wide-eyed, full of shock.

"Oh, my God! How can this work!" Urquia was staring at the star map on the personal terminal in Thiago's hand, when she heard Chu Nan's answer, she immediately lifted the head, looked at him in surprise. "Chu Nan, are you crazy? Those are two Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses! Do you actually want one person to block them?"

Tiago also frowned deeply: "Chu Nan, this It's too dangerous. Although I admit that your strength is very strong, you are only a beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist who has not succeeded in Condensation Nebula for a long time, and according to your description, those two enemies are at least third rank Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, you can't stop them."

"There is no more suitable candidate besides me." Chu Nan shook his head.

Chu Nan didn't say why, but it was clear to everyone.

The reason why only Chu Nan is suitable is very simple, that is, among so many people, he is the only one who successfully condensed the nebula, broke through the Heavenly Reign Grade, and has the two Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses in space with the enemy. the ability to engage in combat.

Otherwise, even if the opponent cannot find them on the surface, they only need to stay outside the atmosphere, and when the spaceship flies out of the atmosphere, they can immediately find out that when the time comes the opponent's two Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses are in the sky. They intercepted with powerful personal strength in space, and these Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists had no chance of resisting at all.

Everyone was silent for a while, Thiago sighed, and suddenly extended the hand to Chu Nan.

"Chu Nan, I have to apologize to you."

"Apologize?" Chu Nan was a little strange. "Why are you apologizing?"

"Remember when we first met?" Thiago asked.

Chu Nan rolled his eyes, thinking of the first time he saw Thiago in the tunnel of the Tomreil Star Space Station, and couldn't help laughing.

At that time, there was no friendly atmosphere between him and Thiago, and there was even a secret contest.

"To be honest, I didn't take you seriously at that time, thinking that you were just a guy from the small country of the Earth Federation, even if you were praised by the media of your Earth Federation, It's not too strong, I can easily beat you." Thiago looked at Chu Nan with a serious expression: "But now, you have proved your strength with facts."

Heard Thiago praised himself, Chu Nan was just laughed, he didn't have much special feeling, but felt strange in his heart.

At this time, what did Thiago suddenly say?

Thiago took a light breath, his face became more serious: "So I have to apologize to you, for the contempt of you at that time, and for the fact that I can't help you now, Instead, I need you to apologize for my hard work. I'm not a mother-in-law's woman, and I won't be hypocritical enough to refuse your help. But...Chu Nan...I will remember what you did for us this time."

Chu Nan laughed, patted Thiago's shoulder.

"You still say that you are not the woman of your mother-in-law? Let's save these words until you really escape. Besides, when you say such things at this time, how can you give me a feeling that I'm already dead? What does it feel like?"

Seeing that Thiago was still frowning, Urchia and the others were also solemn, Chu Nan shrugged, and didn't bother to say anything more.

Anyway, these guys don't have a choice now. After all, they still have to obey his arrangement and say that it's useless to say anything else.

As for Thiago's fears about the danger he'll run into...

"Hey, don't worry, I'm sure I won't die."

Chu Nan Shake with Thiago's outstretched hand, glanced at the personal terminal that Thiago was holding in his hand, and patted his hands hard.

"Okay, there's no time to be hypocritical, everyone is ready. When the spaceship reaches the synchronous orbit, it's time for us to start action."

The expressions on everyone's faces instantly became serious. stand up.

Thanks to Chu Nan, they have now such a chance to get out of the predicament, if it is wasted, they can't guarantee their destiny.

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