(There are some Carvin... This story is very painful to write, and it is also painful for me to subscribe, but it has a very important connection with the subsequent story. The protagonist is promoted to The strongest, an important part of entering the way of the stars. I will speed up the rhythm and try to finish this paragraph as soon as possible. After all...I know what everyone loves to watch is that Chu Nan can become stronger, right?"


On the synchronous orbit of the planet, only half of the spaceship is left to run synchronously with the planet.

Although it was punched by Chu Nan Two halves, but under the perfect emergency rescue measures, the personnel on the first half of the spaceship did not lose too much, and the second half of the spaceship was restored to normal operation, still able to keep the survival of these people in space.

However, this did not make Rowe and Anklu feel the slightest joy.

The image of the two at the moment was extremely embarrassed, not only were their original clothes torn into pieces, but also It was covered in blood, although it wasn't entirely theirs, it meant that they had suffered serious injuries.

Even with the strength of their third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, it was impossible to face them. The siege of hundreds of A-Rank ominous beasts can still be safe.

If they hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, they would have rushed out of the encirclement immediately and returned to space, or they would have been trapped in it now.


"Strange, why did that kid get in there? Even if his strength is good, how could he survive surrounded by so many powerful ominous beasts?" Uncle frowned and looked at the virtual screen in front of him with a confused expression. Solution.

After re-stabilizing the spaceship, they still ordered the release of the monitoring satellite to include the entire planet under monitoring.

In the monitoring screen of the satellite, you can see The backside of this planet is almost full of ominous beasts at the moment, many of which are powerful A-Rank ominous beasts that Angkrew also finds a little tough to deal with.

So that makes him weird.

Although Chu Nan's strength is good, he is obviously not stronger than him or Luo Wei. How dare he rush into this planet alone?

What ability does he have in so many powerful ominous beasts? Surviving the siege?

Luo Wei also brows tightly knit, and Chu Nan held the condensation chamber in his mind before flashing The scene suddenly disappeared in front of him, and a bold guess passed through his heart.

"No...impossible..." Rowe shook the head.

"What is impossible?" Uncle asked in surprise.

Luo Wei pondered then said: "I was wondering...whether this kid...has the ability to hit the wall between Voidbreak..."

"What are you driving? A joke?" Unkuru immediately kicked his eyes. "This kid is at most a Elementary Heavenly Reign Grade, how could he be able to fight the Voidbreak? This is an ability that only a Star Level Martial Artist can master! If he is a Star Level Martial Artist, he will directly pinch the two of us. I'm dead, and I still need to hide?"

Luo Wei frowned and thought for a while, and felt that his guess was too absurd.

Anyway, that damn kid shouldn't have such amazing abilities.

He was able to suddenly disappear in front of him before, which may have caused him to master a special cultivation technique.

"Don't think about all that mess, what do you do now?" asked Uncle again. "Are we here to watch?"

"Or else?" Rowe asked rhetorically. "Now that the spaceship has been destroyed by that damn kid, we're just here obediently and honestly waiting for reinforcements from above. And... this kid obviously has the ability to leave alone, but always has to come back to this planet, If I'm not mistaken, the other guys who were let go by him should be on this planet by now."

"oh?" Uncle rubbed his chin, feeling that Rowe's guess was very Makes sense. "Then what do we do now? Go down and get those guys up? I don't want to go and fight those damn ominous beasts again."

"No need." Rowe shook his head. "That kid has the ability to leave himself, but it doesn't mean that the guys he rescued also have the ability. We'll just guard here and not let any guy escape."

"I don't I like this passive approach." Uncle frowned, but after thinking about it, there was no better way.

He and Luo Wei are powerful, so don't worry, but these people on the spaceship are their subordinates, but they can't ignore it.

And relying on the two of them alone, it is also impossible to monitor the entire planet in real time, and it is even more impossible to find those people from the surface of the big planet.

So the best way now is to wait.

Luo Wei can only be sighed in the heart.

This operation was carefully planned, so that even though all their actions on Orion's spiral arm went smoothly, they didn't expect to be destroyed by the damn boy Chu Nan at the last moment. , and now they are forced to stay here.

It's fine if it just fails. The biggest problem is that if this matter is exposed, it will cause extremely serious consequences. This is not something he, or even those above him, can afford. .

Thinking of this, Luo Wei looked at the planet displayed on the virtual screen, and there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Before I came this time, the above had already explained that it is good to be able to recapture those guys. If not, then kill them on the spot, and they must not be allowed to return to the Orion spiral arm alive!

This thought just flashed through my mind, and suddenly cry out in surprise rang.

Luo Wei frowned and turned his head to look, and saw a subordinate pointing at the virtual screen in front of him with a frightened face.

"What do you do to make a fuss about nothing?" Before Rowe could speak, Uncle cursed impatiently.

"Great...Great... Sir, there is...someone..."

"Someone?" Rowe and Anklu came to the subordinate in surprise, looking towards The virtual screen in front of him was stunned for a moment.

This virtual screen is connected to one of the monitoring satellites. It should have shown a picture somewhere on the planet at this time, but now there is only a huge face on the entire virtual screen.

This face is already very familiar to Luo Wei and Anklu, it is Chu Nan.

Luo Wei glanced and immediately heart startled.

Judging from Chu Nan's big face that now occupies the entire screen, he is clearly beside the surveillance satellite at the moment!

"Not good!"

Luo Wei just let out a light cry when he saw a mocking smile on Chu Nan's face, and then a fist instantly filled the entire virtual screen.


A dull explosion sounded, and the picture on the virtual screen instantly turned completely dark.

"Sir...sir, the satellite signal has disappeared..." The subordinate made a report in a daze.

"I know!" Rowe waved his hand irritably.

I don't know how this kid Chu Nan discovered these surveillance satellites. If he is allowed to destroy all the surveillance satellites, they will lose all monitoring of this planet and become blind. .

On second thought, Luo Wei was happy again.

He turned his head to Uncle and said: "Very good, this kid wants to destroy these surveillance satellites so much, then it is certain that the companions he rescued are now on this planet!"

Anglu nodded: "Well, I think so too, otherwise he wouldn't have attacked these satellites twice in a row."

"That's easy." Luo Weishuang The fists collided hard, and the corners of the mouth raised a sneer. "Let's go, since this kid won't run away by himself, let's kill him. As long as we kill him, his companions don't want to escape." In an instant, he became excited, and the smile on his face was full of cruelty.

"Very good! I didn't kill this kid last time, which made me very unwilling. This time, I don't believe that he can still survive if he is beaten into meat sauce!"

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