There is a cheerful atmosphere in the small cosmic spaceship, whether it is Thiago, who is always serious, Pinto, who is always cold, or Urquia, who is warm and generous, because of her round body And Little Fatty Angola, who always seemed a little happy, put a sincere smile on his face involuntarily at this time.

Even Sang Shan, who always had a timid expression on her face and did not look like a vigorous young genius Martial Artist, also smiled at this time, looking extremely relaxed.

Since being caught by the unfathomable mystery, then rescued by the unfathomable mystery by Chu Nan, and then living on that unfathomable planet, everyone has been under a lot of pressure.

Later, when so many terrifying ominous beasts appeared on that planet and surrounded them, it was the first time that these young geniuses on Orion's arms experienced the threat of death.

Whether it is the pursuit of powerful enemies from outside, or the direct threat of these ominous beasts in front of them, they have experienced something they have never had before.

If not all of them are geniuses with strong mind and tenacious will, I am afraid that they would have been crushed by huge pressure at this moment.

However, even so, they felt that they couldn't last long.

Fortunately, now they finally escaped with the help of Chu Nan.

When they were on that planet before, everyone could only lament their weakness, unable to cross the Star Sea with a fleshy body like Chu Nan, and could only be confined to that small planet.

Now that they have boarded this spaceship, they finally have the ability to cross the Star Sea, and finally see the possibility of escaping back to the Orion Arm.

And at the thought of having the opportunity to return to a familiar place, the smiles on everyone's faces could not be suppressed at all, making this small group the first time there was a harmonious, warm, friendly and cheerful atmosphere.

But at this moment, a discordant voice sounded.

"Chu Nan...why haven't you come yet??"

The cheerful voice of spaceship mainland stopped abruptly, and everyone turned their heads and looked towards Sang Shan who asked this question.

Suddenly being watched by so many people, Sang Shan, who has always been a little timid, lowered her head slightly involuntarily, but still whispered: "He... he shouldn't... he shouldn't come. Right?"

Everyone looked at each other and finally focused on Thiago.

Tiago thought for a while, then coughed lightly: "According to the plan proposed by Chu Nan, after we arrive at the star gate first, we only need to wait for him for five minutes before he can come over."

Speaking of this, Thiago looked down at the personal terminal on his wrist.

"Four minutes have passed now, wait another minute."

Pinto suddenly frowned: "I said, we don't have to wait for him, right? Chu Nan this If the kid can run out alone to find this spaceship, he must be able to escape by himself, and it will be fine if he doesn't wait. On the contrary, we continue to wait here, or there will be danger."

"What did you say?" Urquia gave Pinto a fiercely look. "Chu Nan took such a big risk to get us this chance to escape, but you don't even want to wait for him for a few minutes?"

"No, I just..." Pinto opened his mouth and saw the complicated glances from others around him, shrugged, and did not continue to speak.

Tiago's eyes swept across everyone's faces, and he sneered in his heart.

Although most of the people glared at Pinto and obviously did not agree with what he said, there were still several people who remained silent and did not show much. I am afraid that the thoughts in their hearts are similar to Pinto.

Thinking of Chu Nan's explanation to himself before he left, Thiago said loudly: "Wait one minute, if Chu Nan does not arrive, we will go first."

" What?" Not only Urchia and Sang Shan, but others also looked towards Thiago in surprise.

In the eyes of everyone, the relationship between Chu Nan and Thiago should be the best among their group, because they seem to have known each other at first, Chu Nan even led them to the spaceship The important task of escaping was handed over to Thiago, which shows his trust in Thiago.

However, now that Thiago said such words, it really surprised everyone.

Urchia immediately lowered her face: "Hey, Thiago, what do you mean? Are you really going to leave Chu Nan alone if he doesn't show up for a while?"


Thiago glanced at Urquia and said with an expressionless face: "This is what Chu Nan said personally, he said that if we stay in this Star Domain for one minute, the more danger it will be, so if If he can't arrive in time, we will leave him alone and go first."

"No way!" Urquia shook her head in veto. "If you can't go with Chu Nan, then I won't go either!"

Tiago smiled slightly, raising the personal terminal on his wrist.

"Whether you want to go or not, it's up to you."

"You!" Urquia was instantly furious, pointing at Thiago speechless.

The personal terminal on Thiago's wrist was given to him by Chu Nan, and it is the only item that is connected to the master of this small spaceship and can control this spaceship.

Chu Nan handed over the personal terminal to Thiago before leaving, that is, handing over the control of the spaceship to him. If Thiago wants to control the spaceship to fly away, others will do the opposite. No way.

Seeing that Urquia seems to be beginning to stir, Thiago said with a cold face: "This is Chu Nan's decision, and it has nothing to do with me. If you don't want to listen, you will put all of us in danger. Then leave the spaceship by yourself, and you won't leave with us for a while."

Erkia was suddenly furious, but she could only forcibly suppress the anger in her heart.

Leaving spaceship?

What a joke!

She is just a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and doesn't have the ability to survive in space at all. Leaving the spaceship is courting death!

And attacking Thiago...

Let's not say that Thiago's strength in these days seems to be slightly better than her, even if not, her approach may not be Get the support of the crowd.

In the final analysis, there is a possibility of escaping from life, who wants to have an accident at such a time?

"You don't need to be angry about this. When Chu Nan explained the plan, we were all present and heard clearly." Seeing that Urquia was not impulsive, Thiago slowed down his tone. road. "Since he planned like this, then we have to believe him. If we change the plan without authorization, but let the whole plan go wrong, and the final plan fails, then I'm really sorry for him. To put it mildly, now We are actually a burden to him. Without us, he would not be in any danger at all."

Hearing the last sentence, everyone's faces became extremely ugly.

However, they couldn't refute Thiago's words at all.

This is true, because Chu Nan's strength is stronger than them, and more importantly, he has successfully condensed the nebula and has the ability to travel in the starry sky, so he can do so many things.

And they lack this ability.

If it wasn't for them, with Chu Nan's abilities, he would have escaped long ago.

Tiago looked down at the personal terminal again, sighed.

"Okay, five minutes are up now. According to the plan, we have to go."

Watching Thiago open his personal terminal, he is about to go to the spaceship master lightbrain Ordering, Urquia bit her lip, trying to stop her, but she couldn't say anything.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces darkened, but in the end no one spoke.

Thiago waited for a while, and when no one made a sound, he hooked the head, and issued an order to leave the spaceship master lightbrain through his personal terminal.

The stargate is actually not far away. As long as the spaceship is activated, you can quickly enter the stargate, and then navigate through the starry sky according to the star map to the Eaton star mentioned by Chu Nan.

Once there, they can go back to the Orion Arm and get out of this damn place under the arrangements of Eto'o Chamber of Commerce.

But now that it is already infinitely close to escape alive, everyone no longer has the slightest joy and excitement in their hearts. Instead, they all bow their heads slightly, their faces are low, and their expressions are gloomy.

The spaceship at the foot moved slightly, but it was already activated and started heading towards the star gate.

At this moment, a prompt sounded, and then a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey guys, I'm back... eh? What are you all crying for? I thought you should all be cheering excitedly now to finally escape."

Everyone looked up suddenly and looked towards the huge virtual screen displayed by the spaceship master lightbrain.

On the virtual screen, Chu Nan's familiar face took up almost the entire screen, and his face was full of surprise.

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