When Chu Nan flew into the spaceship and everyone saw him, they were much more surprised than Chu Nan just now.

"Oh, my God! Chu Nan, are you... your arm?"

Urchia originally wanted to rush up to give Chu Nan a big hug, but Suddenly seeing Chu Nan's empty right arm, he stopped in surprise.

Others have also noticed this situation at this moment, and looked towards Chu Nan in amazement.

"Thiago, there's no time to delay, head towards the stargate at full speed, those two guys are still chasing behind my ass, we can only get rid of them completely after entering the different space through the stargate."

Chu Nan explained to Thiago, and then turned to face the crowd, still with a relaxed smile on his face.

"It's nothing. If you want to rely on me to hold down the other's two Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses alone, there is always a price to pay."

Everyone stared at Chu Nan There was only a small section of the right arm that was connected to the shoulder, silent, many people looked sad, and even a trace of shame poured out of their hearts.

In fact, many people had some doubts about Chu Nan before, because from the beginning to the end, they did not really have direct contact with those enemies, and everything was told to them by Chu Nan.

But now that Chu Nan has lost his entire arm, he can see that he has just experienced a fierce battle, there are terrifying wounds everywhere, and there are even a lot of penetrating wounds on the skin. The small hole, at the moment blood is pouring out slowly outside, no matter how you look at it, it is the first to be extremely serious.

If Chu Nan is still lying to them, the price to pay for it is too high.

Besides, Chu Nan had no reason to lie to them.

"That...Chu Nan, I'm sorry..." Pinto said suddenly. "In order to help us hurt you so badly, I...I..."

Pinto opened his mouth, but didn't know how to continue.

Among all of them, until now is most suspicious of Chu Nan, and his attitude towards Chu Nan is not very good. Before, he planned to force Thiago to leave Chu Nan regardless.

Seeing Chu Nan turned into this miserable appearance now, the last trace of doubts about Chu Nan in his heart faded away, leaving only shame and apology.

However, with his character, it is difficult to apologize to Chu Nan in front of so many people, hesitating and unable to say a complete sentence.

Seeing his face, Chu Nan smiled and waved his hand: "Hey, I said, do you want all of you to have such a heavy expression? We finally escaped, so it's worth being happy. Things, why are you crying and crying?"

Erkia frowned deeply and pointed to Chu Nan's right arm.

"Your arm..."

Chu Nan glanced at his right arm, moved his shoulders, and caused the remaining small right arm to sway slightly, confirming himself. Still able to connect to the broken right arm nerve, he said with a smile: "This is nothing, just go back and find a better hospital for limb regeneration surgery. It's not a major event."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Although Chu Nan is right, with the support of today's science and technology, breaking an arm and breaking a leg is not a major event, and limb regeneration surgery is not particularly difficult, and there are many cases every year. People with disabilities due to accidents undergo this type of surgery, so it is not difficult for Chu Nan to go back and have an operation to reattach his arm, and to ensure that the arm can move as freely as before.

But...that's from the perspective of an ordinary person.

The Martial Artist is different from the ordinary person. For the ordinary person, the arm on the street of limb regeneration surgery can move freely, and it is no different from the original arm in all aspects, but for the Martial Artist In other words, the arm connected in this way is very different from the previous arm.

First of all, the physical body of a Martial Artist is highly tempered, especially Chu Nan, a powerful Martial Artist with the strength of Heavenly Reign Grade, who has successfully condensed the nebula, and the physical body is more like an ordinary person Two completely different concepts.

Although the limb regeneration surgery can regenerate an arm that matches his physical characteristics by extracting the DNA and cell tissue in Chu Nan's body, it is impossible to go through enough cultivation technique tempering. It will appear to be incompatible with the whole body.

It's like replacing an originally strong person with a weak limb, even if it doesn't affect normal activities, how will it not make you feel comfortable.

Secondly, the greater significance of Martial Artist's tempering to the physical body is reflected in the meridian circulation in the body.

Now that Chu Nan is missing an arm, this originally complete cycle will be greatly affected, and even seriously affect his cultivation technique.

Compared to the problem of the flesh itself, this is the most important influence.

Because physical tempering can take time to slow down, the cultivation technique is affected, but it is difficult to correct it and adapt again.

Many Martial Artists whose limbs have been damaged by accidents have been affected by the cultivation technique, but very few are able to fully return to their previous peak state.

Chu Nan has the strength of Heavenly Reign Grade at such an age, and his innate talent and cultivation technique are obviously outstanding.

It would be a pity if he could not fully recover in the future because of the broken arm.

Thinking of this, Thiago couldn't help sighing: "Chu Nan, in fact... you didn't need to do this for us originally."

Everyone around They sighed in unison, looking towards Chu Nan's eyes full of regret.

Chu Nan was stunned.

"Hey, Thiago, why are you saying this now? My original idea was to save everyone together. Now that the goal has been achieved, you should be happy. What are you doing with this expression? I just broke an arm, not dead."

Urchia suddenly took a deep breath, came over and stretched her arms to protect Chu Nan, and whispered in his ear: "Chu Nan, I said before that if you can rescue us from me, I will be yours in the future, that's a joke. But now, when I come back alive, I will definitely pursue you with all my strength."

Without waiting for Chu Nan to say anything, Urquia suddenly hugged Chu Nan's head with both hands again, brought her head close, and pressed her lips fiercely against Chu Nan's lips.

Feeling the soft and warm breath on her lips, Chu Nan was momentarily stunned.

"Damn, this... this should be my first kiss, right?"

The people around looked at Urchia and Chu Nan blankly, and had some reactions for a while But come.

Although they were amazed by Urquia's boldness, everyone did not expect that Urquia would actually make such a move under such circumstances.

It took a while before Urquia let go of Chu Nan.

Chu Nan touched his lips, which still had a lingering fragrance, and looked at Urquia with a wry smile and shook his head.

"Urkiah...I just did it out of my own will, you don't have to, really..."

"I did it for myself too Willing, can't you?" Urquia raised her head and said without showing weakness.

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