Chu Nan was defeated helplessly.

Looking at the complicated expressions of everyone around, Chu Nan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He can probably understand what these people are thinking now, but in fact he is not lying at all, breaking an arm is not that important to him at all.

Through limb regeneration surgery, he can grow an identical arm, and the question about Martial Artist is even more for him who has strong data ability and can make the most subtle adjustments to his body Not a problem.

even more how he also mastered the cultivation technique of the flame of life and the hymn of Goddess, the tempering of the flesh is completely different from that of ordinary Martial Artist, and it doesn't take too long at all.

Generally speaking, although the impact of this broken arm on him has been, but to say about a particularly serious loss... that one really didn't.

But Chu Nan also knows that it is difficult to explain clearly now, even more how many things he can't explain to others at all, so he can only let them misunderstand.

In the final analysis, he also made great efforts to rescue these people, and it is only natural to get their thanks.

As for Urquia's pursuit...then thank you for not being sensitive.

Chu Nan shook his head and turned his head towards Thiago.

"Hey, Thiago, didn't I tell you to park near the star gate and run straight into the star gate as soon as I came? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Thiago was frowned tightly, staring at the virtual screen of the lightbrain on the spaceship console in front of him, looking nervous, as if he didn't hear Chu Nan's question at all.

"Hey, what's going on?"

The others were also a little strange, and they turned their heads along with Chu Nan in confusion, looking towards the virtual screen along with Thiago's eyes, and suddenly complexion changed.

They are indeed not far from the star gate. According to the display on the virtual screen, the distance at this time is not even 50,000 kilometers.

However, in the monitoring screen on the virtual screen, it can be clearly seen that a huge spaceship is slowly flying out of the stargate.

Just after jumping out of the star gate, the front end of this spaceship has already lit up with the light of energy condensation.

These rays of light are extremely bright, but also extremely frightening, because obviously, this should be the light before the high-energy particle beam is emitted!

"Damn it!" Chu Nan only had time to be cursed, and had already dodged to the emergency exit of the spaceship, slapped the emergency escape button with his palm, and flew out from the emergency exit in an instant.

Everyone felt saw a flash, next moment, and saw that Chu Nan's silhouette had appeared on the virtual screen of the spaceship master lightbrain, just in the way of the spaceship and the stargate. between.

next moment, an incomparably dazzling light pierced through the starry sky, inspired by the spaceship at the star gate, and shot it directly.

Although they are 50,000 kilometers away from the star gate, this high-energy particle beam has reached the extreme speed of the positive space universe - the speed of light, which is only one-sixth of a second. , it has already cut through the starry sky and came to the spaceship.

Everyone didn't have time to react at all, only to see Chu Nan's silhouette flying over against the high-energy particle beam in the surveillance screen, raising the only remaining left arm, and punching it out.

In the dark starry sky, a group of extremely dazzling dazzling dazzling seemed to burst all at once. The terrifying high-energy particle beam of formidable power was directly smashed by Chu Nan's fist, and turned into countless small fragments in the starry sky. The light strips and spots illuminated the entire starry sky, turning the starry sky in front of the spaceship into a completely white space.

Whether it is on the virtual screen or the outside starry sky seen through the spaceship porthole, at this moment there is only a white radiance that takes away all vision.

In the light, only a very small silhouette can be seen standing.

However, it was this tiny silhouette that forcibly blocked the high-energy particle beam and blocked the terrifying attack that was enough to shatter the spaceship.

While everyone was still in a daze, Chu Nan's voice rang out.

"Hey, Thiago, don't be in a daze! Quickly drive the spaceship away and drive towards the star gate at the highest speed, I will cover you!"

Tiago was stunned Startled for a while, then he asked loudly, "Then what do you do?"

"Leave me alone, you go first!"

"You just ran away if you wanted us to leave you alone. Is it?" Thiago said angrily.

The reason why he agreed to wait only five minutes for Chu Nan was because that was Chu Nan's plan. If Chu Nan could not arrive within the five minutes as planned, then the plan had changed. , Chu Nan is very likely to have an accident.

In order to ensure that his group of people can leave safely, he can only choose the coldest way.

But now that Chu Nan is right in front of him, he left Chu Nan and just ran away, how could he do it?

Hearing Thiago's words, others also shouted.

"That's right, Chu Nan, you've done so much for me, how could we be so dishonest to leave you alone and run away?"

"Yes, we're leaving Let's go together!"

"Chu Nan, you don't want us to leave you behind, I'm still waiting to sleep with you on the first night of the Orion spiral with you!"


"Bullshit! If you don't leave me, can you guys help me?" Chu Nan's voice sounded again. "Don't talk nonsense, stop mother-in-law! You are just a burden to me here! Hurry up! Damn, I can't hold on anymore! And the two guys who are chasing me are coming soon, and if they don't leave, there will be no chance. It's over!"

I heard the anxiety in Chu Nan's tone, Thiago frowned, operated on the lightbrain, the master control of the spaceship, and performed a deep scan of the starry sky behind, and found two amazing The energy vibration source is rapidly approaching in this direction, and estimating from the distance and speed, it will only take half a minute to catch up.

Obviously, these two should be the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses mentioned by Chu Nan.

The hesitation in Thiago's mind only lasted for a second, and then he immediately made up his mind, raised his personal terminal, and issued an order to the spaceship master lightbrain.

Everyone only felt a sway of their feet, the spaceship had restarted, circled a little arc, and then flew towards the star gate at a higher speed than before.

"Shit, Thiago, are you really going to leave Chu Nan alone?"

"Tiago, you ungrateful guy! How can you do that? !"

"Hey, stop! We can't leave Chu Nan alone!"


The others were stunned when they noticed the abnormality under their feet. After a while, they scolded Thiago angrily.

Thiago clenched his teeth and turned a deaf ear to everyone's scolding, just staring at the situation displayed on the spaceship master lightbrain.

There are still 40,000 kilometers away from the star gate.

The spaceship at the stargate was shot by another high-energy particle beam, but was blocked again by Chu Nan.

The distance between the two energy vibration sources at the rear has narrowed a bit, and it seems that the two Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists are showing signs of speeding up.

There are still 30,000 kilometers.

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