On the synchronous orbit of the planets, two spaceships, one big and one small, are also suspended in space next to each other.

Through the spaceship's emergency self-rescue device, although the two spaceships were previously destroyed by Chu Nan's entire "body", they still stubbornly retained the remaining basic facilities, and even A minimum power supply can be retained.

So this time, although this group of men brought by Luo Wei was trapped in this star system this time, the normal life in normally is not a problem, and they can still live in the remaining half of the spaceship. In the past two Earth months, he has been accustomed to this kind of life, and even got used to the constant harassment of Chu Nan.

But now, all the subordinates brought by Luo Wei in the spaceship are all wide-eyed, looking at the four people who flew in from the emergency exit of the spaceship, all of them are shocked, and there are even many people He rubbed his eyes hard, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Walking at the forefront is a girl who looks very young and beautiful. With her appearance and figure, I am afraid that any human country in the galaxy will be praised as a beauty.

It is surprising enough to see such a beautiful girl flying in suddenly in this place, but what is even more surprising is that this young beauty is now naked. He didn't even wear it, and he was still in a generous posture in front of everyone's eyes, as if he simply didn't care about other people's eyes.

But this is still not what really surprised these subordinates the most.

What really made them almost couldn't believe their eyes was that behind this young beauty, Luo Wei and Anklu were obediently walking behind like two followers, don't say they can't see it. Showing any dissatisfaction, even looking cautiously, looking at the naked young beauty in front of her, there was a hint of fear in her eyes that could not be hidden!

This really surprised and puzzled the subordinates.

For their subordinates, both Rowe and Anklu are powerful Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists, far from being able to mention on equal terms as ordinary Martial Artists.

In the eyes of these ordinary persons, Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist is almost a powerhouse in this world cream of the crop. After all, Star Level Martial Artist is just like a character in mythology. There should be no intersection with these ordinary persons.

However, now, Rowe and Angkre, two powerhouses who are cream of the crop in their eyes, are so respectful to this young beauty, do you mean... this young beauty is actually a A legendary Star Level Martial Artist?

The surprise in everyone's heart is not over yet.

When people looked back, they found a silhouette that was even more unexpected.

Chu Nan!

Seeing Chu Nan's appearance, many of the subordinates in the spaceship even stood up involuntarily, looking towards Chu Nan, although the eyes were full of hostility, no one dared to make any changes.

Why is this kid here?

Everyone looked at Chu Nan, then looked at the expressionless Luo Wei and Anklu, and finally their eyes fell on the young beauty walking in the front.

What's going on here?

Is it all about this young beauty who suddenly appeared?

When everyone was in doubt, the young beauty suddenly looked around, turned to Chu Nan who was at the back and asked, "Hey, boy, these two spaceships are both owned by you. Killed?"

Chu Nan hurriedly took a step forward, and nodded replied: "Well, yes, it's me. But I can't say it's done, you see they're all half left."

This young beauty is of course Overy Venerable too.

After easily restraining Rowe and Anklu, Chu Nan stopped Overi Venerable's plan to kill these two guys directly, but proposed to visit these two half-spaceships. Look.

Overy Venerable naturally had no objections, so she flew over with Rowe and Anklu.

On the way, Chu Nan looked towards Overi Venerable and described his plan, and now hearing Chu Nan's answer, Overi Venerable frowned, looked towards the huge gap in the spaceship, and again Asked: "You brat made these two spaceships into this kind of virtue, what's the use?"

"How do you know if you don't try." Chu Nan looked around, but was After thinking about it, he turned his head to Rowe and asked, "Hey, who is in charge of controlling the main console in this spaceship? Let him come out and I will ask him a few questions."

Luo Wei glanced coldly at Chu Nan, coldly snorted, and didn't answer.

However, just as he was about to turn his face away, he suddenly sensed that the space energy in the space around him was extremely condensed, and then rushed towards him frantically, and he instantly felt as if he had been subjected to countless manipulations. The big mountain was pressed down, not to mention that the hands and feet were unable to move even a little bit, and even the breathing could not be completed completely.

Luo Wei's complexion changed, his eyes reluctantly turned, and his eyes fell on Overie Venerable in front of him.

Of course he knew very well that this must be the hands and feet of this "little girl" who looks young and beautiful, harmless to humans and animals, but is actually extremely dangerous.

"What are you looking at?" Overy Venerable didn't have a good look at him, scolded: "This kid asks you a question, you answer him honestly."

Rowe almost Depressed, the child spat out a mouthful of blood.

As a powerful third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, and a respectable figure in his organization, when has he been treated so rudely.

However, the situation is stronger than people now. This little beauty who looks harmless to humans and animals in front of her is probably a powerful Star Level Martial that he and Angklu together can't compete with. Artist, he could only swallow the blood obediently.

Feeling that the pressure all over his body suddenly loosened, Luo Wei couldn't help sighed in relief, and then he reached out to the subordinates of the spaceship ahead, and among them, the bearded middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties shouted out.

"His name is Yodoan, and he is the captain of this ship. If you have any questions about this spaceship, you can ask him directly."

After the introduction, Luo Weilen The face stood aside.

In fact, he was also very curious why Chu Nan came here.

Chu Nan glanced at Jodoran and extended the hand with a smile: "Hello, Captain Jodoan."

Captain Jodoan looked at Chu Nan suspiciously At one glance, he turned his head and looked towards Luo Wei, but Luo Wei still had a blank expression on his face. After thinking about it, he had to extend the hand with Chu Nan and me.

"You...Hello, Chu Nan..."

"You know me?" Chu Nan was a little surprised.

Captain Yodogan bitterly laughed: "We've seen you so many times during this time, it would be strange if we didn't know you."

"Really?" Chu Nan laughed. "Since you know me, then save those meaningless self-introductions. Come, let's get to the point. Captain Jodoan, since you are the captain of this spaceship, you should know a lot about the spaceship, right? "

"Of course, it's my job." Captain Jodogan nodded.

"Very good. Before this, I observed that either your spaceship or another smaller spaceship can still hold the Energy Shield, is that so?"

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