Captain Yodoan looked towards Chu Nan with a very strange look, and after a while nodded replied: "Yes. Although most of the two spaceships were damaged, the main power source There is no problem, so the basic operation can be maintained."

After paused, he added: "When you first came here a few times, we opened the Energy Shield to prevent you from destroying the spaceship. .But later it seems that you didn't mean to attack the spaceship, so in order to save energy consumption, you didn't open it again."

Rowe on the side glared at Captain Jodoran.

This guy, just answer the question, why do you have to say more nonsense?

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing.

He really didn't have the idea of destroying the spaceship, because the only people who could threaten it were Rowe and Uncle, and the spaceship and the people on the spaceship were actually no threat to him.

If the spaceship is destroyed, Rowe and Anklu don't need to guard the spaceship, but they can let go of their hands and feet to chase and kill him. Even if there is no danger to him, it is a little troublesome.

More importantly, if Luo Wei and Anklu just ran away like this, where did Chu Nan find such good two sparring partners?

Of course these words don't need to be said, Chu Nan asked again: "Then Captain Jodoan, with this half spaceship, can he still fly in different space?"

Hearing this question, not only Captain Yodoan, but also Rowe and Anklu, and others in the spaceship looked towards Chu Nan in surprise, only Overi Venerable was not too surprised, but looked at Chu Nan looked very interested.

"This..." Captain Jodoan frowned for a while, then slowly nodded. "If you open the Energy Shield, it can hold up in the other space. But the stargate is destroyed, how do we enter the space? This spaceship is not like the enterprise-class battleship of the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham. The ability to forcibly open the walls of space and enter different spaces."

"It's enough to be able to fly in different spaces. Then ask again, since your spaceship can do it, then the other spaceship should do it? "

"Well...although it's a little worse than ours, the Energy Shield should be able to hold up..." Captain Jodoan nodded and said.

"That's it." Chu Nan patted Captain Yodoan's shoulder, and the smile on his face brightened. "Very well, now we can finally sit down and discuss how to leave here."

"Leave here?" Crewe astonished asked. "Boy, what did you say? Where are you leaving?"

"Nonsense, of course leaving this galaxy. Do you guys like it here and plan to stay here forever, waiting for the Chamber of Commerce to know What to fix that damn stargate?" Chu Nan naturally didn't have a good look on him.

At this time, Anklu ignored Chu Nan's tone and asked even more surprised: "Leave this galaxy? What a joke! If we left, we would have left long ago!"


Luo Wei frowned, and the other members of the spaceship looked at Chu Nan suspiciously.

Ultra Space Jump can only be performed through the star gate. This is common sense that everyone knows. Now that the star gate was destroyed by Chu Nan's punch, how could they leave?

"You don't need to doubt, just listen to this kid's arrangements." But Oville Venerable spoke at this time, and repressed the objections of Rowe and Anklu without any hesitation. in the stomach.

Then she turned her head and looked towards Chu Nan.

"Hey, boy, I trust you to accompany you here, and if you can't do it in a while, don't blame me for taking care of you."

"Of course not. Here." Chu Nan said with a smile. "If I'm not sure, I won't be willing to waste time with them. Of course, if you want to achieve your goals later, you will need your help, so..."

"en? So what? ?"

"So can you put your clothes on first..."



After two and a half Earth standard hours, the two spaceships with only half of them left one after the other and stopped in the starry sky where the star gate was located.

Four silhouettes flew out of the spaceship and flew to the space where the stargate was before it was destroyed.

Although it has been two Earth months since the Stargate was destroyed by Chu Nan's punch, the debris that originally belonged to the Stargate can still be seen floating in this starry sky, and even vaguely able to see it. See the rough outline of the stargate.

Overy Venerable glanced at the stargate with only the residue left, then turned her head and looked towards Chu Nan.

"Boy, do you know the cost of a stargate?"

Chu Nan eyelids twitched, looked the head blankly.

"Tell you well, even if it is the lowest star gate, the basic cost is more than 2 billion federation coins."

"Two billion?" Although Chu Nan already has Mental preparation, after hearing this number, I still couldn't help stared wide-eyed, my face was incredible. "Damn it, it's so expensive?"

"Expensive?" Ovely's Venerable looked towards Chu Nan was full of jokes. "Tell you, this is still the lowest star gate. I think the star gate here It shouldn't be so low-level, so the cost will only be higher. Hmm... It is estimated that at least five billion federal coins are needed."

"Five billion..."

Chu Nan couldn't help stunned.

For him, an ordinary person from an ordinary family, the tuition fee of tens of thousands of federal currency to go to Nebula Academy needs to be raised hard. As for hundreds of millions or even billions of federal currency... that is not at all. Think of the astronomical numbers!

After staying for a while, Chu Nan reacted suddenly and assumed a posture that had nothing to do with him.

"What are you telling me about this number?"

"hehe, kid..." Seemingly seeing what Chu Nan was thinking, Olivier Venerable smiled even more happily . "Don't try to hide the past, as long as the Noyantrum Chamber of Commerce repairs this stargate, it will be able to find out who destroyed it. According to the provisions of the Convention, you can't afford to pay for the maintenance of this stargate."

"I'm being forced, okay!" Chu Nan angrily turned his head and looked towards Luo next to him. Wei and Anklu. "If it wasn't for these two guys pushing too hard, what would I do?"

Overy Venerable shrugged: "Say these words to the Chamber of Commerce, Nourytham, watch them whether or not believe."

Chu Nan was stunned again, and then he couldn't help crying.

Billions of federal dollars in compensation... He can't afford to say anything.

And in the face of a huge monster like the Chamber of Commerce, he has no ability to resist.

Even Ovérie Venerable can't help him with this.

Thinking about it, Chu Nan suddenly felt darkness in front of him.

"Damn...don't care! Chamber of Commerce If they have to pay, I will give myself to them at worst!" After thinking for a while, Chu Nan fiercely cursed , shook his head and ignored it, and said to Overie Venerable: "I'll pay attention to what happens in the future, and now we should try to get out of here first. Senior, it's your turn to take action."

"Don't call me senior, Angelique should have told you."

Overy Venerable glared at Chu Nan, then flew forward and came to the space where the debris of the stargate was, raised her hands .

Luo Wei and Angkreu immediately showed extremely shocked expressions, and even Chu Nan looked towards Oville Venerable's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

In front of Ovérie Venerable, a space energy vortex with a strange light appeared out of thin air in the positive space universe.

This vortex gradually expanded, gradually becoming not much smaller than the previous stargate, including the surrounding large space.

But from the outside, the light inside this space energy vortex is extremely deep, and it is exactly the same as the star gate!

That's right, Ovérie Venerable is now relying on the power of one person to forcibly tear apart the wall of space!

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