Twenty-three Earth Days.

A standard Stellar Rank civil aviation spaceship with a length of 4397 meters, a width of 891 meters and a highest point of 203 meters jumped out of the star gate 3.1 light minutes and 28 light seconds away from Eaton, and started at twenty minutes One of the positive space cosmic speeds of the speed of light is heading towards the Eaton Interstellar Space Station.

According to the scheduled itinerary, this spaceship, which flew from the Orion spiral arm sapphire Star Domain, which is 26,000 light-years away, will complete this journey after arriving at Eaton, and will be in After four Earth days at Eaton, the journey back takes place again, and it takes fifteen Earth days to return to the Sapphire Star Domain.

When the prompt sound of "coming to the terminal Eaton Interstellar Space Station" sounded in the spaceship, the originally quiet and even deadly atmosphere in the spaceship instantly became lively and lively.

This spaceship didn't stop at any place on the way, and the fifteen Earth-day journey had already made everyone lose the original freshness, and the spirit was full of exhaustion.

Especially, it took eleven Earth days to cross the two large spiral arms. During the long period of these eleven Earth days, the spaceship has always been in a different space, not to mention finding a place to stop. Come down and let the passengers go out to rest, even outside the spaceship is always just a different space that has not changed, which is extremely boring.

Now the journey is finally coming to an end. Even if it takes an hour to arrive at Eaton Star, the passengers are still in high spirits again. Many people have begun to discuss happily after arriving at Eaton Star. The arrangement, obviously intends to relax after leaving the spaceship.

Chu Nan lifted the blindfold that had been covering his eyes, opened his eyes, looked towards the starry sky outside the spaceship porthole, and felt a little subtle in his heart.

"Okay, I'm back."

Nearly half a year ago, when he and Oville Venerable left Eaton Star together, he thought that he might be the one for the rest of his life. No chance to come back to this place again, but didn't expect him to come back in less than half a year now.

"I don't know where Overi Venerable is now. I hope she and Angelique don't just miss me."

Chu Nan prayed secretly in his heart, He lowered his head and opened the personal terminal on his wrist, and found that he couldn't connect to the Pan-Galactic Network.

But this time, he didn't have any surprise or panic. Instead, he looked left and right, got up and walked into the toilet not far away, and then called up a simple-looking program from his personal terminal to open it.

A short while later, the densely packed on the personal terminal made Chu Nan feel a little dizzy and didn't understand what it meant. The data stream flashed quickly, driving the personal terminal to keep flashing faint blue light.

Chu Nan carefully pulled over the clothes to cover the personal terminal inside, preventing this strange blue light from leaking out.

After waiting patiently for a while, a faint beep sounded from the personal terminal.

Chu Nan probed into the clothes and found that the personal terminal no longer emits blue light.

On the surface, the personal terminal has not changed in any way, but Chu Nan is very clear that under the action of the program just now, the personal terminal has undergone tremendous changes.

Chu Nan restarted the personal terminal once and found that the personal terminal was already like a brand new personal terminal, and he needed to complete various authentication procedures again.

After he completed these steps step by step, he found that the reopened personal terminal had reconnected to the pan-galactic network.

Not only that, this personal terminal can connect not only the "local area network" of the Perseus spiral arm, but also the network of the other two spiral arms.

Chu Nan immediately opened the address book and sent a text message to Dong Fang.

"I'm here."

Dong Fang responded quickly with a text message.

"Okay, stay safe and contact me immediately if you have any questions."


After finishing the brief communication with Dong Fang, Chu Nan also sent a text message to his parents, Chu Xiaoxi and Ai Erwei respectively. After reporting to them that they were safe, it was confirmed that the personal terminal could normally connect to the complete pan-galactic network. In the future, the communication with the outside world can be unimpeded, and it is no longer like the dark eyes when I was caught last time.

But after sending a communication request to Ovérie and Angelique, Chu Nan was still unable to get in touch with them both.

It doesn't mean that something must have happened to them. It is also possible that they are not as well prepared as Chu Nan. After arriving at the Perseus spiral arm, their personal terminals cannot access the Perseus spiral. The pan-galactic network of the arm, naturally can no longer get in touch with them.

It is also possible that they have changed their personal terminals that can log in to the Perseus Pan-Galactic Network, but cannot get in touch with the outside world for various reasons, which is normal.

After all, the pan-galactic network of the Perseus spiral arm is not complete at all. If they are in a relatively remote place now, it is normal that they cannot be connected.

Chu Nan has long been mentally prepared to face difficulties, so it's not too surprising now, and there is no panic. He re-adjusted the settings of his personal terminal, so that others can't see anything. Problem, Shi Shiran walked out of the toilet and sat back in his seat again.

There is still nearly an hour before arriving at the Eaton Interstellar Space Station. Chu Nan does not intend to make noise like other passengers, but sits in his own seat and thinks about it. Refocus your attention on the Inner Breath workings in your body.

The reason why the Inner Breath works, rather than the manipulation and deployment of space energy, is that Chu Nan is now taking the time to cultivate the Arhat Tyrant Body that he finally acquired.

Although he has been practicing this cultivation technique for three months, Arhat Tyrant Body is worthy of the S-Rank cultivation technique of cream of the crop. It is indeed wide-ranging and profound, far from what he imagined before. That can be easily mastered, not to mention the cultivation to the highest realm in a short period of time.

Of course, if it was another S-Rank cultivation technique, Chu Nan didn't think it would take him so long, after all, he even learned the flame of life, the hymn of Goddess easily before. Although not rated as S-Rank, it is by no means inferior to the powerful cultivation technique of any S-Rank martial skill.

He even partially comprehended the essence of the S-Rank martial skill he used, Daguangzhenshen, through a fight with Ahmed for a while.

Combined with his powerful data ability like lightbrain, Chu Nan doesn't think there is any cultivation technique that would be difficult to get him.

But the Arhat Tyrant Body is indeed very special, and it is impossible to achieve quickly, because this cultivation technique ... is actually a practice specially for fleshy body, specially used for tempering fleshy body, specially designed for normal and combat conditions The cultivation technique to improve fleshy body strength in China!

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