Tempering fleshy body There is no shortcut, and neither is using the very special S-Rank cultivation technique of Arhat Tyrant Body.

This is a fact that Chu Nan understood immediately after redeeming the Arhat Tyrant Body gold from the martial skill database.

Arhat Tyrant Body gold status is the 4th layer, the First Layer is the most basic toughening the flesh, just like those Martial Artists who have just entered the martial skill, are at entry level and Tyrant Body Grade do the same, Slowly increase muscle strength through some kind of cultivation technique, tempering fleshy body.

However, unlike ordinary entry level and Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist, Arhat Tyrant Body is an S-Rank cultivation technique, and the effect of this First Layer alone has already crushed at least 99 % above the cultivation technique.

Compared to Chu Nan's initial cultivation, he could only rely on one of the most popular F-rank cultivation techniques—basic martial skills and Nine Revolutions Core Technique to temper the fleshy body. Arhat Tyrant Body Golden Body First Layer's tempering effect on fleshy body is undoubtedly much stronger.

This cultivation technique is not just for a Martial Artist to simply improve fleshy body strength through muscle exercise, but in the process of cultivation First Layer, it will put forward every inch of your muscle control. Very strict requirements and very detailed instructions are given.

Chu Nan originally thought that his fleshy body strength was already astounding, and his control over the fleshy body was also very strong, but behind the cultivated Arhat Tyrant Body, he realized that the S-Rank cultivation technique is S-Rank after all Cultivation technique, this cultivation technique has actually improved his control over his fleshy body.

Take the simplest use of Hong Clan Everlasting Fist as an example.

Chu Nan used Hong Clan Everlasting Fist before. Although he can calculate the best punching posture through powerful data ability, he can even mobilize the Inner Breath naturally based on this alone, making the boxing formidable power is greatly increased.

This makes Chu Nan feel that his understanding of Hong Clan Everlasting Fist has reached the extreme. This boxing technique is limited to the essence of its D-Rank martial skill and the ultimate formidable power is just like that.

However, after the cultivated Arhat Tyrant Body Golden Body First Layer, Chu Nan seems to have opened a new Heaven and Earth, and found that he can even mobilize every inch of his body muscles individually, and can be more Precise.

In this way, combined with his powerful data ability, he found that using Hong Clan Everlasting Fist, aside from Inner Breath and space energy, just using the fleshy body can make the fist play out. Strength increased by a full 13-18%.

For example, Hong Clan Everlasting Fist First Move First Style - punching on a horse, he throws a punch before the golden body of the cultivation Arhat Tyrant Body. After the first layer of the golden body, the boxing power has obviously been continuously improved, and the last attempt even reached an astonishing 2.087611 tons! Breakthrough two tons in one fell swoop!

Apart from this, Chu Nan can clearly feel that in the past three months, he has been insisting on the cultivation of Arhat Tyrant Body, and his fleshy body strength is gradually improving.

Although this is of course impossible compared to his previous use of high-frequency oscillations Inner Breath, Flame of Life, and the astonishing improvement when he recast the fleshy body countless times in the different space, the fleshy body has reached His current strength still has room for improvement. This alone is enough to surprise him. He deeply feels that it is a wise choice to exchange this cultivation technique for Arhat Tyrant Body. No wonder Mu Yutong said this to him before. The cultivation technique is the most suitable for him.

If Chu Nan is really like Mu Yutong said at that time, because the root bone is already formed and it is almost impossible to break through the universe, then the culture Arhat Tyrant Body golden body has the hope of making his fleshy body The degree of tempering is further, and maybe it will eventually reach the fleshy body strength required to break through the universe, so as to successfully break through.

From this point of view, although Mu Yutong publicly pronounced on Chu Nan's future and brought him a great blow and a lot of trouble, telling him the existence of the Arhat Tyrant Body was still very important to Chu. Nan has some goodwill.

Of course, now Chu Nan certainly does not need to pay special attention to the effect of the First Layer of Arhat Tyrant Body.

Compared with the simplest muscle strength improvement, Chu Nan is more concerned about the improvement brought by Arhat Tyrant Body from Second Layer to 4th Layer.

Arhat Tyrant Body Golden Body Second Layer and Third Layer are actually fleshy body tempering, but the difference from First Layer is that starting from Second Layer, the Martial Artist of cultivation is required to join the control of Inner Breath , in conjunction with the previous muscle training, tempering the deeper parts of the fleshy body, such as meridian, skeleton, internal organs, etc...

Third Layer's requirements go further, adding the manipulation of space energy Require.

Chu Nan hasn't cultivated to Third Layer yet, but from the introduction of cultivation technique, Third Layer's Arhat Tyrant Body is actually aimed at Martial Artists above Voidbreak Grade and Voidbreak Grade. Martial Artist can strengthen the space energy contained in the body during cultivation, and tempering the fleshy body together with the Inner Breath.

Actually Chu Nan is no stranger to this.

After being slapped into the star gate by Greg, Chu Nan was forced to recast the fleshy body in order to survive in a different space. Space energy tempering fleshy body.

It's just that Chu Nan certainly didn't have the energy to pay attention to the improvement of those details in the critical situation at that time.

Now the appearance of Arhat Tyrant Body allows him to readjust and further improve fleshy body strength.

But if it is just tempering fleshy body, this cultivation technique of Arhat Tyrant Body is definitely impossible to be rated as the highest level S-Rank cultivation technique.

The essence of this cultivation technique lies in the 4th Layer. The first 3rd-layers are actually just laying the foundation for the 4th Layer.

According to the introduction of the cultivation technique, after the Arhat Tyrant Body Cultivation Technique reaches the 4th Layer, the Martial Artist of this cultivation technique can freely manipulate the space energy contained within itself, and cooperate with the external space energy to control A layer of powerful Energy Shield is placed inside and outside the fleshy body, which not only increases the fleshy body strength several times or even dozens of times compared to the normal state, but also can easily block any attack from the outside with the Energy Shield, ensuring that the fleshy body is like a Unbreakable like a fortress.

Chu Nan, after reading the introduction of each layer of Arhat Tyrant Body cultivation technique, he immediately concluded that in fact, the Arhat Tyrant Body can be divided into two parts, the first 3rd-layer It is equivalent to the Inner Breath cultivation technique such as Nine Revolutions Core Technique, and the 4th Layer is equivalent to the Inner Breath cultivation technique such as the Flame of Life.

These two parts are closely related but completely separable.

If the first 3rd-layer Arhat Tyrant Body can be cultivated sufficiently, then of course the formidable power will be stronger and the effect will be better when using the 4th Layer cultivation technique.

But if the mastery of space energy is good enough, and the fleshy body strength is sufficient, then it is not impossible to directly learn to master the 4th Layer of Arhat Tyrant Body.

Chu Nan is exactly the Martial Artist with these conditions.

It can even be said that among all the Martial Artists who have the opportunity to learn the Arhat Tyrant Body cultivation technique, Chu Nan is the Martial Artist who is most qualified to directly learn the 4th Layer cultivation technique.

The first 3rd-layer cultivation technique can't be achieved quickly, but the 4th Layer is not necessarily for Chu Nan.

So after redeeming the Arhat Tyrant Body from the martial skill database, Chu Nan not only insisted on the 3rd-layer cultivation technique before cultivation Arhat Tyrant Body every day, but now he can barely start the cultivation Second Layer. At the same time, he kept on mastering the 4th Layer cultivation technique.

Although not having the foundation of the previous 3rd-layer cultivation technique did make Chu Nan feel a little troublesome, but with his now strong enough fleshy body, strong enough Inner Breath and strong enough manipulation of space energy, More importantly, with his ability to refine data to the extreme, he has even basically mastered the 4th Layer cultivation technique.

After closing his eyes, Chu Nan manipulated the Inner Breath to circulate in the meridian of his body according to the Arhat Tyrant Body cultivation technique Second Layer, and at the same time divided a part of his mind into the dantian breath and space energy. interactively.

Feeling the Inner Breath as the meridian gradually becomes stronger according to the special guidance of this cultivation technique, in the inner small universe of Chu Nan's dantian, the Inner Breath is converted into space energy through the nebula , gradually condensed, and finally formed a faint silhouette.

This silhouette poses in a cross-legged meditation position in the void of the small universe in the dantian. The top of the head is as smooth as a mirror, and the whole body emits a faint light of space energy condensation. It is the image of a golden Arhat.

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