Different from martial artists through the cultivation Inner Breath cultivation technique tempering fleshy body, which gradually increases fleshy body strength during the process of continuous cultivation, the cultivation technique of Arhat Tyrant Body is different. It is to directly increase fleshy body strength in a short period of time, which is specially used for combat.

Even though the cultivation technique of the first 3rd-layer of Arhat Tyrant Body is mainly used to lay the foundation for cultivation, it does not mean that it cannot be used in combat at all.

After Chu Nan made his decision, the information of the Arhat Tyrant Body First Layer cultivation technique flashed in his mind, and every inch of muscle in his body immediately produced subtle changes.

He could clearly sense that the muscles in his whole body became tighter, and even the pores contracted accordingly, which also made him feel that his strength had increased significantly.

As long as the "gravel" generated by the highly condensed space energy controlled by Zelar touches his body, it will at least draw a long, deep blood opening on the skin.

Now, after Chu Nan runs the Arhat Tyrant Body First Layer cultivation technique, the muscle strength of the whole body has been significantly increased immediately. After the "gravel" hits again, although it still cannot be completely offset by the muscles , but the trauma was significantly smaller.

Chu Nan quickly moved up the Second Layer Arhat Tyrant Body, and the Inner Breath flowed out of the dantian and quickly flowed into each meridian of the body according to the cultivation technique.

Accompanying Inner Breath to complete a complete cycle in the body according to the cultivation technique, Inner Breath immediately has a significant strengthening effect on the entire fleshy body.

And now Chu Nan has opened up all the meridians on the whole body including the peripheral meridian, so when using the Second Layer cultivation technique, the effect is more obvious.

Any grain of "gravel" may directly penetrate Chu Nan's fleshy body, and when it penetrates, the strong vibration of the space energy in the "gravel" will affect Chu Nan's fleshy body. Serious damage was caused to the inside, but now the Second Layer of the Arhat Tyrant Body is used. Although it cannot completely resist the invasion of "gravel", just letting the "gravel" invade it can completely calm it down. The damage caused is naturally much worse.

With this level of damage, Chu Nan only needs to use the flame of life to easily recover.

Feeling that the damage caused by the "gravel" to his fleshy body was suppressed to a completely acceptable level, Chu Nan was very emotional.

Arhat Tyrant Body deserves to be the top S-Rank cultivation technique, his strength is obviously far inferior to this Zelar, but with the help of this cultivation technique, he has been able to fully withstand the opponent's cultivation technique. A powerful attack is enough to show the goodness of this cultivation technique.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the powerful fleshy body he already has.

The power of Arhat Tyrant Body is also based on the fleshy body strength of the Martial Artist who uses it and the use of space energy.

The stronger the fleshy body strength, the stronger the effect of using the Arhat Tyrant Body First Layer.

The stronger the Inner Breath, the stronger the effect of using the Second Layer.

As for the Third Layer...Chu Nan can't feel it because he hasn't been able to cultivate to that level for the time being.

But obviously, the stronger the ability to manipulate space energy, the stronger the effect of using Third Layer.

And the reason why Chu Nan did not choose to escape, but stayed to resist Zelar's special cultivation technique attack, was originally to take the opportunity to cultivate the Arhat Tyrant Body Golden Body Third Layer. use.

Chu Nan tried his best to look battered and exhausted while trying to mobilize the space energy contained in his body.

Arhat Tyrant Body Golden Body Third Layer is aimed at using the space energy contained in the body.

Chu Nan didn't have a cultivation Third Layer cultivation technique before, but he had already simulated it countless times in his mind. Now that he encounters such a situation, he immediately started to fully mobilize the potential in his body according to the cultivation technique. space energy.

Before this, Chu Nan didn't quite understand how to do this because he didn't have any chance to fight.

But now, Chu Nan is taking inspiration from the Energy Shield he just put in to protect the personal terminal on his left wrist.

Actually, isn't the Arhat Tyrant Body Third Layer cultivation technique just to let the Martial Artist directly generate an Energy Shield in the body by mobilizing the space energy in the body, so as to avoid direct damage to the fleshy body?

After figuring this out, Chu Nan compared the data when he adjusted the Energy Shield on his left wrist and the cultivation technique of the Third Layer of Arhat Tyrant Body, and soon came up with one. inspiration.

"Actually it's not that difficult..."

The space energy contained in Chu Nan's body was fully mobilized by him, and at the same time motivated by Nebula, all of which fell into his control .

Chu Nan then adjusted these spatial energies according to the cultivation technique of the Third Layer of the Arhat Tyrant Body, and soon he had experimented with an energy structure that completely matched the requirements of the cultivation technique.

As soon as this complete energy structure was generated, Chu Nan immediately found that the muscles, skeleton and even the Inner Breath flowing in all the meridians in his body instantly resonated, making him the first time to produce the whole fleshy The feeling that the body, Inner Breath and even the inner space energy are completely fused together.

"Damn it, this is probably the realm that the 4th Layer of Arhat Tyrant Body really wants to achieve, right?"

This is still the three Chu Nan cultivation Arhat Tyrant Body It was the first time in months that I felt this situation, and I was overjoyed.

At this time, he found that although Zelar's "gravel" could still break open his skin and invade the fleshy body, under the protective layer of energy generated in the inner space, the "gravel" had a negative effect on him. The damage caused cannot go deep at all, and naturally the threat to him is greatly reduced.

Thinking of the Energy Shield on the left wrist, Chu Nan moved in his heart. The energy structure of the energy in the body space has not changed, but the vibration frequency and intensity have undergone subtle changes. The body acts as a personal terminal that needs protection, forming a thin layer of Energy Shield just under the skin.

As soon as this Energy Shield was generated, the crazy "gravel" in the surrounding space could only penetrate Chu Nan's skin, but even his muscles could not penetrate, so it was completely blocked by the Energy Shield. down.

Chu Nan looked down at the pale-gold light on his naked body and couldn't help laughing.

No wonder Mu Yutong Venerable would say that Arhat Tyrant Body is the most suitable cultivation technique for him, this cultivation technique...

No, he can be sure, even if it is Mu Yutong Venerable, I would never have expected that Chu Nan would fit so well with this cultivation technique of Arhat Tyrant Body.

This cultivation technique has extremely high requirements for Martial Artist's fleshy body strength, Inner Breath, meridian, inner space energy and fine control of space energy. affects the effect of this cultivation technique.

But Chu Nan has a very strong performance in these aspects, so superimposed, it is far from being as simple as one plus one equals two, making the effect of the Arhat Tyrant Body golden body on him It is extremely obvious, and it can even be said to be extremely surprising.

Feeling the surrounding "gravel" hitting him, it only caused a little pain due to the damaged skin. Chu Nan felt relieved and looked towards the opposite side, which was still pushing the "sandstorm" with all his strength. ', Zelar with a grim face.

Now, he finally has the ability to fight this guy head-on.

Then let's start the battle!

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