Compared with Chu Nan's high fighting spirit and confidence, Zelar's doubts are getting heavier and heavier.

In the beginning, he thought that his cultivation technique was fully open. The kid in front of him, who was only a beginner Heavenly Reign Grade, could not resist it at all, and he would kill him directly after three or two hits.

However, although Chu Nan did seem to have a hard time coping at first, in the blink of an eye, countless small wounds had been pierced by the "star sand", and it looked extremely miserable, as if he would hang up at any time. , but when Chu Nan's body lit up with a milk-white light, he did not fall down as Zelar imagined, but has been stubbornly living under the attack of the star sand.

Before facing Chu Nan, Zelar learned some information about Chu Nan from both Rowe and Unkru.

The two claimed that Chu Nan, a kid with outstanding innate talent, peculiar cultivation technique, was by no means easy to deal with, and Zelar didn't take it seriously.

In his opinion, this is clearly because this guy Luo Wei is not doing well, and in the end he was even put together by this kid from Orion's spiral arm, so in order to avoid being ridiculed and punished by everyone, he and Ang The two of them colluded together and deliberately exaggerated the strength of this kid Chu Nan.

And in the whole incident, in fact, the role played by this kid is not important at all. The most crucial reason, so that the business company has to give in temporarily, is the spiral arm of Orion. The pressure over there and the two Star Level Martial Artists who actually appeared.

Although the appearance of the two Star Level Martial Artists is related to Chu Nan, it does not mean that this kid is so difficult to deal with.

So even after seeing Chu Nan easily break the Energy Shield outside the base, Zelar still didn't take Chu Nan seriously.

However, now, Chu Nan not only forcibly withstood the powerful attack of his "star sand", but also seemed to adapt very quickly, and later it was more like the star sand could no longer cause damage to him. Not even hiding!

Zelaer narrowed his eyes and looked at Chu Nan who was standing in the space energy storm set off by the star sand, coldly snorted: "Boy, are you giving up resistance? If you want to die comfortably Son, then I can give you extra kindness..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly sensed that the space energy in the space where Chu Nan was located gave birth to an extremely strange but extremely intense energy. Fluctuating, then saw a flash, Chu Nan's silhouette suddenly disappeared in place.

Zelar couldn't help but startled, and instantly remembered a point that Rowe and Anklu had emphasized twice when describing Chu Nan - this kid has an extremely special skill. The cultivation technique can avoid all perception and disappear directly!

Just as the cautious expressions on Rowe and Unkru's faces flashed through their minds when they said these words, Zelar immediately felt a strong and strange fluctuation of space energy in the space behind him.

He knew something was wrong, but at this time, he would not be given any space and time to escape. He also felt that there was no need to escape. He was heavily snorted, the nebulae in the dantian circulated, and the energy in the space around him was in the air. Under Nebula's control, it changed drastically. The sand of stars that had swept across a large space was instantly retracted, and all of them were concentrated around the body. Most of them were raging at high frequency in the space behind them.

However, in his perception, these star sands, which have highly condensed the space energy through the quicksand cultivation technique, touch the special space behind them, but they are instantly absorbed like sand entering the sea. Space assimilation, all the star sand returned to its original source in an instant, and turned into the most basic space energy, which made him lose control at once.

Zelaar was shocked.

Quicksand cultivation technique is one of the cultivation techniques that he is most proud of. Once Star Sand is used, there is no enemy who can resist it. He is even confident unless he is confronted with Star Level Martial Artist himself would fail at all impossible, but now, it was completely beyond his expectation that the sand of stars could be dissolved so easily by this space.

The surprise didn't stop there.

At the same time that the sand of the stars was dissolved by the special space behind him, an abnormal space energy fluctuation also appeared in the space on the right side of his body, a silhouette suddenly appeared, and a punch hit him.

It is Chu Nan.

Seeing Chu Nan jumping out suddenly, Zelar didn't panic, but sighed in relief.

If this kid is really disappeared like this, he will have a headache, because there are not many chances to catch this kid. If he runs away, the devil knows if he will be next time. walking right into a trap.

Now this kid is acting recklessly and didn't even take the chance to escape, that Zelar is extremely welcome.


Zelaer coldly snorted in his heart, slapped Chu Nan with his backhand, the space energy in his palm was highly condensed, and the sand of stars spread out from his palm, and it was already in an instant. The space on the right side of the body is completely enveloped in the storm of star sand.

"Hey, nothing new."

Chu Nan sneered with contempt in the storm, and Zelar was surprised to see that Chu Nan was completely Ignoring the storm of star sand raging around him, let the star sand swept up and down his body, slashing all his exposed skin with bloody slits that looked extremely miserable, and then still punched straight at Zelar. .

"Is this kid crazy?"

This is the first time Zelar has seen someone so desperate. I want to distance myself from Chu Nan.

Since he started to practice martial arts at the age of five, he had a quicksand cultivation technique Small Accomplishment at the age of ten, and broke through Zhou Yutianguan at the age of sixteen, and he has never fought close to anyone since then.

In his opinion, fighting each other with fists and feet at close range is something only low-end martial artists can do. A powerful Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist like him, of course, must maintain an elegant posture in battle. , how can you punch and kick each other like two street hooligans?

So suddenly seeing Chu Nan so fierce and unafraid of death that he had to rush over to fight him in close quarters, Zelar was reluctant, and secondly, he was really not very good at close fists. cultivation technique, of course I don't want to give Chu Nan this chance.

However, Chu Nan's speed was much faster than he imagined. Before he could take two steps back, Chu Nan forcibly rushed over from the storm formed by the sand of stars, and in the blink of an eye he had already rushed to Zera. In front of Er, a punch came.

Chu Nan This is the skin of the upper and lower body. There are countless blood spots drawn by the sand of stars. It seems that the whole body is covered in blood, and the whole person has become a bloody person. It was terrifying, plus his entire fist was dyed red with blood, this fist still looked majestic in an imposing manner, like the cracked version of Heaven and Earth was irresistible. , the speed of retreating suddenly slowed down.

With this advance and retreat, Chu Nan's fist was already in front of Zelar. He didn't have time to think, he could only raise his right palm to resist.

"pa ——"

Chu Nan this fist hit Zelar's palm, but it was like hitting a pile of sand, with the highly condensed space energy and Zelar's on the fist The palm and the star sand circling around the palm collided, and there was a muffled sound.

Zelaer and Chu Nan both flew out at the same time as if they were hit by a boulder.

However, Chu Nan regained his stable figure with just a turn over, while Zelar smashed through more than a dozen walls in a row, and finally stopped.

Zelar fell to the ground with a buttocks, only felt a sweetness in his throat, and quickly covered his mouth with his palm, then opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted.

He looked down at the bright red blood on his palm, and was shocked. He raised his head and looked towards Chu Nan, who had rushed over again. Both shocked and angry shouted loudly.

"You bloody bastard! Even my father never hit me like this,'re dead!!"

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