When I first started looking at the plan, Chu Nan was filled with a sense of absurdity.

If Star Level Martial Artists could be so easily cultivated and even mass-produced, then the entire galaxy would have been full of Star Level Martial Artists long ago, and Star Level Martial Artists would not be like now. The most valuable and respected Peak people in their respective countries.

So Chu Nan thinks that Tag Life Science Trading Company is completely whimsical and nonsense.

However, after taking a closer look at the plan, Chu Nan was more and more surprised.

Because this plan is very strict, the whole plan is very Zhou Xiang, and there are many professional terms Chu Nan can't understand, but from the whole plan, it is by no means nonsense. Obviously there is a sound theoretical basis to back it up.

What's more, this project is so secretive in the database that it doesn't look like some delusional nonsense no matter how you look at it.

The fact that I and Thiago and the others were arrested is enough to show that Taggart Life Science Trading Company is not joking, but is actually implementing this plan.

The reason why he and Thiago, the young talented martial artists, were captured, presumably to study the genes of these geniuses as a reference.

Seeing this, Chu Nan couldn't help shivering.

If it wasn't for his strength far exceeding that of a young Martial Artist, his cultivation technique is also very special, and he has a most special brain equivalent to a lightbrain, he would definitely not be able to escape halfway, then Now I am afraid that it has already fallen into the hands of Tag Life Science Trading Company.

As for the end...

Judging from the "brainwashing" mentioned in the plan, when the time comes Chu Nan can still guarantee his own will is a problem.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help but feel worried.

In fact, Angelina can be regarded as a standard genius Martial Artist. The reason why Taggar Life Science Trading Company did not target her before was probably because she was in a state of retreat, and He didn't do well in the Orion Arm Martial Artist Academy Tournament like Chu Nan did, so he didn't get the attention of Tag Life Science Trading Company.

But now Angel Belle ran to the Perseus Arm in order to find the whereabouts of Chu Nan and Overi Venerable. It's really dangerous.

"I hope Angela can see the opportunity soon..."

Chu Nan prayed silently in his heart, and continued to look down, and found that there was an extra piece of information in the end. A list came, and there was Chu Nan's name on the list.

In addition to Chu Nan, there are also the names of Thiago, Urchia, Sang Shan and the others, and each name can be clicked to see a very detailed analysis report.

It's just different from other names. After the names of those who were rescued by Chu Nan, such as Thiago and Urchia, a special symbol was specially marked. They are distinguished from others.

Among the other names, Chu Nan also saw a very familiar name - Weilang.

Chu Nan clicked on the name, and confirmed from the report that this Veran is indeed the Veran he guessed—that is, from the Republic of Fige, and won the Martial Artist Academy league tournament by accident. That Veran from Chu Nan.

"This guy was also arrested?"

Chu Nan frowned, his eyes swept over nearly a hundred other names, and his heart was a little gloomy.

If the names above are all young genius Martial Artists caught by Tag Life Science Trading Company, then Tag Life Science Trading Club's plan this time is really not small, and the layout is huge. I don't know who gave them so much courage to do so.

Even if it is really possible to make the research of this project successful, when the time comes to be able to mass-produce Star Level Martial Artist, but before that, is this Chamber of Commerce not afraid of the failure of the plan and the shattering of bones?

On second thought, Chu Nan passed Zelar's annoying face.

This guy is now one of the top executives of Tag Life Science Trading Club. His parents are both Star Level Martial Artists. From this point of view, there must be an extremely powerful martial behind Tag Life Science Trading Club. power support.

In other words, the strength of this Tag Life Science Trading Company is far stronger than Chu Nan imagined, and it is not afraid of the forces behind these young talented martial artists, including Chu Nan. revenge.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan randomly clicked on the analysis reports attached to several names.

These reports not only analyze the martial skills of these talented martial artists, but also make in-depth reports on their personal characteristics, as well as a detailed introduction to their identities.

It can be seen from these reports that although these young Martial Artists are all talented Martial Artists in various small countries on the Orion cantilever, their apprenticeship cannot be regarded as particularly outstanding, and none of them are outstanding. Inheritance is related to Star Level Martial Artist.

Among them, in terms of identity alone, Thiago is the highest.

Because Thiago is a very famous Academy of the famous Martial Artist Academy Green Academy of the United States of Meletta, the United States of Meletta can also be regarded as a big country on the spiral arm of Orion, compared to Chu Nan this For Martial Artist from the Earth Federation, his status is much higher.

But Thiago's apprenticeship still has nothing to do with Star Level Martial Artist.

"It seems that the Tag Life Science Trading Company understands it very well." Chu Nan nodded, feeling a little relieved.

It is no wonder that after he and Oville Venerable appeared before, they returned from the Perseus spiral arm without any resistance, and Thiago and the others also returned safely under the care of Man Luoyin Venerable. When it came to Orion's spiral arm, the reason was that Tag Life Science Trading Company had some scruples about Star Level Martial Artist and was unwilling to directly conflict with Star Level Martial Artist.

From this point of view, Angel Belle is much less dangerous.

After all, she is the only direct disciple of Oville Venerable, and she really can't report her identity, so Tag Life Science Business Club will have some scruples.

"Although Angelababy is a little carefree, she's not an idiot after all. It shouldn't be a problem." Chu Nan touched the chin and thought. "What the hell happened to Overi Venerable? Targer Life Science Trading Company is obviously not willing to take the initiative to provoke Star Level Martial Artist, and even if Overi Venerable takes the initiative to provoke them, they have nothing to do with Overi Venerable. That's right. So what's the matter with Ovieri Venerable's still no news?"

Chu Nan thought for a while, and finally could only make a decision.

"Looks like... I have to go to the Sparian Federation after all."

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