A medium-sized spaceship slowly stopped at the Zidham Space Station.

As soon as the cabin door opened, a group of fully armed guards suddenly rushed in, instantly forcing all the other passengers to retreat to the rear, leaving only a small group of people surrounded by them.

If you take a closer look, you will also find that there is a closed survival capsule surrounded by that small group of people, and it looks like a tight defense.

Through the transparent body of the survival capsule, you can see a middle-aged man lying inside at this time. I'm afraid we're in a very dangerous situation now.

Although the group of passengers and the escorts who rushed up behaved very arrogant and despotic, none of the passengers in the cabin expressed any objection.

Not only because of the dignified weapons on the guards, but also because they recognized the prominent symbol on these bodyguards - Tag Life Science Trading Company.

Everyone watched the group of escorts and the survival capsule in the middle leave the spaceship quickly, and then began to disembark in an orderly manner.

Among the crowd, a young man who looked unremarkable and would never be given a second glance when thrown into the crowd glanced in the direction of the cabin door, a sneer raised at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, there's no need to worry about it at all. That trash can't die."

This young man is naturally Chu Nan.

And the group of people who left in a hurry before were the people from the Tag Life Science Trading Company, including Uncle and Giggs.

As for the middle-aged man in the survival pod that they took care of carefully in the middle, of course, it was Zelar who was abolished by Chu Nan who was meridian and dantian.

As for why Chu Nan said Zelar couldn't die...

In fact, Chu Nan had already gone through extremely precise control when he abolished Zelar's meridian and dantian. , so that although the meridian is abolished, he still maintains the most basic bloodline smooth and dantian operation.

This state is of course not enough for him to keep his powerful martial power, but because he is a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist with a powerful fleshy body, he doesn't have to worry about dying like this.

even more how Chu Nan used Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to keep the life force in his body enough before throwing him to Uncle, then unless Uncle these Tag life science trading companies The guy completely disregarded his life, or if he started the treatment immediately, he would definitely die.

Doing this has another advantage, that is, it makes Anklu, Ziggs and the others have to worry about saving Zelar, and they can't focus on Chu Nan, So that Chu Nan can easily sneak into the base and get the valuable information he wants.

And now that Chu Nan and they are in the same spaceship to reach Zidham, it is purely accidental.

After learning about the Genius Gene Project of Tag Life Science Trading Company through information, Chu Nan decided to rush to Spa in order to confirm the news of Angel Belle and to investigate further situations. The Rion Federation came to the headquarters of the Tag Life Science Trading Company to investigate.

But when he came to the Eaton Interstellar Space Station, he happened to meet the Angkre entire group.

If Chu Nan didn't see the opportunity quickly and used the Ziyun Bahuang forging movement method to temporarily change his appearance and body shape, he might have been directly recognized by Angklu and Ziggs.

At first, Chu Nan wondered why Anglo and the others would also leave Eaton, but after seeing Zelar lying in the survival capsule, he roughly understood.

It seems that the Tag Life Science Trading Company is not at ease with Eaton Star's treatment of Zelar, and plans to bring him back to the Sparian Federation for further planning.

As for the arrogant and despotic that Targer Life Science Trading Company has shown since arriving on Zidham Star now, I have to say that their choice is not wrong.

As people flowed off the spaceship and entered the Zidham Star Space Station, Chu Nan found that the entrance to the space orbiting station leading to the Zidam Star surface had been blocked by a group of towers without much effort. The guards of the Life Science Trading Company blocked it, and it seemed that they simply did not give other passengers any chance to approach.

Combining the situation just now, Chu Nan is more willing to believe Zelar's claim that his parents are both Star Level Martial Artists.

If this is not the case, even if Zelar has a good strength and holds a high position in the Tag Life Science Trading Company, he is unlikely to get such attention.

And from this point of view, the status of Tag Life Science Trading Company in the Sparian Federation is as special as some folk evaluations Chu Nan found on the pan-galactic network, even in the Many things can sway Sparian's federal government's decision.

Chu Nan chose another space orbit station leading to the surface, obediently and honestly took the rail car with other passengers and went down to the surface, obediently and honestly accepted the entry inspection, and then went with a passenger. Like ordinary travelers, they officially boarded the surface of Zidham Star along with the flow of people.

Looking at the endless prairie outside the surface space station, Chu Nan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Okay, I finally came to the site of Tag Life Science Trading Company. I hope to find news about Angel Belle here."


While Chu Nan was like an ordinary passenger ready to take the shuttle bus outside the space station on the surface, Anklu and the others had already escorted Zelar into the Southwest 600 kilometers away from Li Yuhang Station. in a huge building complex.

Just as he got off the Chamber of Commerce's exclusive high-speed shuttle with the survival capsule loaded with Zelar, Anklu felt two extremely terrifying, almost real breaths coming towards him.

Involuntarily there was a trace of panic in his heart, but he forced himself to stand still, even forcibly squeezed a smile on his face, looked towards the two silhouettes on the opposite side that were rushing towards this side at high speed. .


As soon as he opened his mouth, the two huge breaths had completely suppressed him, forcing him back directly, and then two The silhouette has already appeared at the side of the survival cabin, but there are two middle-aged people, a man and a woman.

middle-aged man glanced at the pod, then turned his head, and asked Unkuru with his gloomy face: "Unkruck, what's going on?"


Anglu was about to answer, but only uttered one word, and suddenly he felt the energy of the space around him surging frantically, and an incomparably terrifying aura rushed towards him.

He was startled, but forcibly held back the idea of resisting himself, letting that aura pounce on him.


Anglu's body flew out like a ball, and it flew out several hundred meters in the blink of an eye, and the nearest building was flying away. The building collapsed completely, and then smashed through the solid metal wall of another building behind, and then barely stopped.

Everyone around, including Giggs, eyelids twitched, but no one dared to show any expression, just bowed their heads tacitly and kept silent.

After a while, Angkrew dragged himself out of the room he smashed into, and slowly moved back while vomiting blood.

The middle-aged man and woman looked at him coldly, without the slightest pity in their eyes, and even the woman still had a look of hatred.

Seeing Uncle approaching, she first pointed to Uncle, then circled her arms, pointed at everyone around, and raised her voice sharply: "If something happens to Zelar. You will all be buried with him!"

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