The surrounding group shuddered involuntarily, a look of fear in their eyes, and even the expression on Giggs' face became unnatural.

Only Anklu still maintained a normal expression, and even forced a smile.

"Mal Venerable, don't worry, although Zelar's situation is not very good now, he has no mortal danger."

"No mortal danger?" The middle-aged woman who was Marr Venerable raised her voice again and shouted angrily, "How could this happen without mortal danger? Would you like me to label you like this, so that you don't have mortal danger?"

Uncle shuddered immediately and waved his hands again and again.

"That... Mal Venerable, that's not necessary. I think... let's not waste time here, just bring Zelar in and do a full inspection first."

" p>

He looked at the middle-aged woman with sincerity on his face, as if he was thinking about Zelar, but he had already cursed Zelar in his heart.

Damn, this guy is obviously arrogant and wants to solve Chu Nan alone, but Chu Nan beats him like this, it's completely reap what you have sown.

As a result, now they are being scolded together and even threatened in person, which is really disturbing.

However, Angkrew dared not reveal his true thoughts, even if he himself was a powerful third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

The reason is very simple, the middle-aged man and woman on the opposite side are both Star Level Martial Artists!

Yes, these two are Zelar's biological parents, Ottopher Venerable and Marr Venerable.

Mar Venerable continued to scold, but was stopped by Ottopher Venerable raising his hand.

"Let's take a look at the situation first."

After saying that, Ottopher Venerable motioned to Unkru to open the life-saving capsule and probed into it, like Zelar who still closed his eyes. Inject a touch of Inner Breath into your body.

A moment later, he withdrew his hand, his face full of confusion.

“How is it?” Mal Venerable asked. "Will Zelar die?"

Ottopher Venerable shook the head, not answering the question, but after a moment of thought, he asked Uncle: "The one who hurt Zelar That kid's name is Chu Nan?"

Anglu was a little surprised.

Although Ottofo Venerable has a close relationship with the trading company, he has never paid attention to the trading company's affairs. He didn't expect him to know the name Chu Nan.

"Yes. Venerable you..."

"Show me that kid's profile."

Uncle looked suspiciously Glancing at Otopher Venerable, he could only nodded to answer.



Chu Nan got off the bus and looked up at the fourth layer that was unremarkable from the outside. The small building, and then opened the personal terminal to check it, and made sure that I had not found the wrong place, so I was satisfied and walked directly to the side door behind the small building.

"Sir, it is forbidden for unrelated people to enter here, please stop."

A man who looked like a security guard at the door looked at Chu Nan vigilantly and reached out to stop him he.

However, just as he raised his hand, he found that a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, but the kid in front of him disappeared.

The security guard blinked hard, not knowing why.

" this the hell?"

Inside the side door behind him, Chu Nan glanced at the security guard standing blankly at the door, laughed, and turned to the inside of the building touch.

The internal structure of the building is not complicated, Chu Nan easily found a huge room at the core.

Although the room is large, in addition to the two guard robots, there is only one person in charge of guarding it.

Chu Nan easily dispelled the resistance of the two guard robots, knocked out the other man lightly, and sneaked into the room with ease.

If you suddenly enter this huge room for the first time, you will definitely be dazzled by the situation in the room, because such a huge room is densely packed with virtual screens everywhere. Countless different images were produced. Judging from the time and progress displayed on the virtual screen, it was clearly a real-time image.

The reason why this happens is that this building is one of the monitoring centers of the city, and this room is the real-time monitoring center.

Chu Nan ignored the harsh alarm sound in the room, put the master lightbrain in the room on the face of the personal terminal, and obtained the authorization of the master lightbrain without too much effort, and then obtained the authorization of the master lightbrain from the personal terminal. Call out an image of Angelina and transmit it, and start searching in the main control lightbrain.

The city where he is now is the largest city that is closest to the surface space station and not far from the Tagg Life Science Trading Company.

If Angelina ever came to this planet, it must be for Tag Life Science Trading Company.

And since she wants to investigate the Tag Life Science Trading Company, there is a high chance that she will stop in this city, or at least pass by.

As long as he left a trace in the city, the surveillance center here should keep a record.

Sure enough, after Chu Nan waited patiently for a while, three pictures suddenly popped up on the largest virtual screen controlled by the master lightbrain.

The backgrounds of the events shown in these three pictures are obviously different. The only thing that is the same is that there is an exact same character in the three pictures - Angelique.

Chu Nan couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Looking at the familiar face in the three pictures, Chu Nan realized for the first time that he missed her so much.

Although I have thought about it many times because of worry, every time I think of Chu Nan, I just think calmly in my heart how to find her, and don't think about more things, and now when Chu Nan really After discovering Angelababy through these surveillance images, he found that his mood was completely uncontrollably excited.

very good! This guy is still alive!

Although it's just some surveillance footage, since it can be photographed by surveillance, it proves that at least when she was photographed, she was still alive and well!

Chu Nan quickly recalled the specific confidence of these three pictures, and found that the time of these three monitoring pictures is not far behind, and they are simply within the day and night of the same planet.

And the current time between these three monitoring images...

After simple conversion, Chu Nan quickly determined that it was just 37 Earth days before trifling!

In other words, when Chu Nan decided to set off from the Earth Federation this time to come to the Perseus Spiral Arm to look for Angelique and Olivier Venerable, Angelique happened to be here. City!

Chu Nan took a close look at the three surveillance images and found that Angelina in 1st had just stepped off the bus, her face full of curiosity.

Angie Belle in 2nd walked out of a bar-like place, and three hooligan-looking guys were about to come around.

Angie Belle in the 3rd has just walked out of a dark alley. There is still a trace of blood on her beautiful face like Goddess, but there is still Chu Nan's familiar and slightly interesting face on her face. Smile, it seems a little people have one's hair stand on end.

From the picture, Angelina seems to have noticed the monitoring device and glanced in the direction of the camera, looking thoughtful.

After this, there is no monitoring screen that fully matches.

After reading these three pictures, Chu Nan calmed down the mood swings caused by just confirming the news of Angelina, and started to think.

Judging from the surveillance footage, Angel Belle undoubtedly came to Zidham Star and came to this city.

The reason why there is no surveillance footage of her in the back is most likely because she noticed the need to hide her identity, so she disguised it.

But after that, where did Angelina go and what she did in the past month, Chu Nan had no way of knowing.

"Anyway, it's a big improvement to get the exact news from Angelina!"

Chu Nan clapped his hands hard, feeling his spirits up all of a sudden stand up.

After he operated a personal terminal and implanted a program into the main control lightbrain of the monitoring center, he quietly exited again.

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