Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 8 - Ray Ray's New Scythe.

When they arrived at their house Akeno and Shuri were waiting outside for them. Shuri took her son and Raynare into her hands and gave them a big hug. Kurayami's hollow eyes were like always, but Shuri had learned to read them. She could tell he was happy and that was a good thing.

"Brother, Raynare. Your back." She rushed up to both of them and got them in a big hug. Both of them hugged her back and they noticed she looked a little sad. "What's wrong? You look down." Akeno looked down at the ground. "Can you not leave me alone? It gets lonely when you don't stay here." Both Raynare and Kurayami both were the ones who strove to get stronger.

Losing out on the training facilities of Nephilim would be a big blow.. "We can't. Why don't you just come to Nephilim with us instead?" Akeno didn't want to leave her mom alone. "But then mom will be alone." Shuri smiled as her daughter always wanted to be with her. "Akeno. I won't be hurt if you go with them." Baraqiel also was a little troubled. If all the kids left his wife would be all alone.

It was a situation with no real fix as Shuri didn't want to stay at Grigori as she found it better to live here. His son and Raynare had too much potential to not be trained and their regiment was mostly daily to maximize their benefits. "How about you stay on Sunday with Shuri?" Having one day to relax was fine and it wouldn't affect their training much.

Raynare and Kurayami nodded. Getting to relax on Sunday wouldn't be too bad and he would be able to spend more time with his mom. "That's fine with me. What about you Raynare." She nodded. "I also like spending time with miss Shuri." Shuri just stroked her hair. "Just call me Shuri." Raynare nodded. "Ok."

Well, they all went into the house to eat as they all loved Shuri's cooking. Shuri looked at her son and wanted to know what kinds of foods he liked to eat. "Kurayami. What foods do you want time to make?" Raynare looked nervous. "Extra spicy Mapo Tofu." They all looked at him and thought about it. Raynare shook her head. "Don't listen to him. It's too spicy."

Shuri got curious "Have you eaten it before?" She nodded. "At Grigori he tricked me into eating it. Just one spoonful and my mouth was on fire.:" Shuri looked at her son who looked like he wanted some now. "What did it have?" He thought about it. "I think they said it had Ghost peppers. Shuri looked at that wide-eyed. "You sure love spicy food."

He nodded. "I love how it tastes." They went back to eating the meal which was not spicy much to Kurayami's disappointment. Nothing hot sauce can't fix. When they finished everyone washed their own dish to make it easier on Shuri. Finally, they all went to bed with Raynare and Kurayami pushing their coaches together to have more room.

They were about to go to sleep, but Akeno came into the living room. "Brother. Raynare. You can sleep with me." They looked at her with squinted eyes while hiding their necks. She looked at that and began to pout like crazy. "I don't bite anymore." They did believe her.

"No thanks. The coach is better and safer." She looked at that and began to cry. Both Raynare and Kurayami looked at each other with surprised looks. They were just teasing her but seems she did not like it. They both got up and hugged her. "Sorry, but we thought it was funny." Kurayami nodded. "But you did try to eat me though."

She pouted even more. "I already said sorry." They both felt bad and decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. When they finally went to sleep they both woke up to Raynare getting her arm bitten. "AKENO WAKE UP." Raynare was shaking Akeno who kept her grip on her arm. Kurayami gave her a small shock on the neck that woke her up. She looked at what was in her mouth and got bright red.

Raynare had tears in her eyes hiding behind Kurayami. "You said you stopped." Akeno blushed like crazy before running out in shame. Kurayami smiled and began to laugh at Raynare. She looked at him like he was evil. "This is not funny. Look at this." She brought up her bit arm that had a very clear bite mark. "I know. Now you know." They went back to their couch as Akeno snuck back into her room.

The next morning Shuri looked at the bite mark on Raynare's arm and sighed. "Akeno. You're still having those food dreams." Akeno nodded. "I can't help it." Kurayami shook his head. "Were not mad at you, but it's just safer for us to sleep on the couch. Akeno really missed it when she slept with her brother. He was really warm and barely moved when he was asleep.

Baraqiel was eating his food slowly and spoke up. "Raynare. Today it's time for Azazel to make your scythe. You were quite jealous of Rebellion." Rebellion floated in the air and burned bright red. Everyone looked at Kurayami for him to translate.

"She said that no blade, or weapon will be as good as her." The sword entered his arm once again and Akeno also wanted one. "Dad. Can I get one too?" He shook his head. "Sorry, sweetie. You don't use weapons and they are not toys. The way they are made and bound to someone makes them quite dangerous and unpredictable."

It was true as Rebellion had impaled his hand when he first got her. She is also quite moody when he first got her, but she mellowed out recently. It was merely the fact that the blade began to change because of his influence. After they finished the meal both Raynare and Kurayami got dressed in their uniforms. He looked at his sister and opened his arms.

She gave him a tight hug and looked down. "I am sorry about yesterday." He shook his head. "Don't apologize to me, but to Raynare. Also you sure you don't want to go to the school." She looked at her mom and then to her dad. "I will think about it." He nodded and his mom got him in a big hug. "Take care." Raynare also got a hug. That's just who Shuri was.

They wanted to fly today so they took flight alongside Baraqiel who moved slower to make sure they could keep up. They were not slow, but still not at the speed of Baraqiel. When they arrived Azazel was waiting for both of them. He looked quite inpatient and wanted to start already.

"Finally your both here. We can make her scythe and reforge Rebellion to make them better. I have been trying to find a way to allow for the best with holy fire and the cursed flames of Viritra and I finally found the best way to do it. Let's go already." Both kids followed him into his lab.

He had already gotten his metal stores out and began to place the ones that were going to be used in her scythe. Like Rebellion he placed more Stygian Iron which he got from certain weapons from Hades that he acquired with his dealings. Demigods do lose their weapons quite easily, so he got them and melted them down.

Some celestial bronze and bone of undead dragon, For the soul, he got the soul of a Grim Reaper as well as the are honestly one of the best materials to use in weapons. Can't let Hade's know about it as that old sack of bones would send out his army of Reapers. A few scythes and nameless Reapers going missing not such a big deal.

"Alright, the materials are ready. I made this new forge that will work best for both your flames, so get ready. Place your hands here." They both placed their hands where he said while he got the metal and other materials ready. The bone was crushed to powder while they began to fill the forge with their flames while both fires began to grow in power.

The metal was placed inside while the extreme flames began to melt the metal in slag. Azazel began to put the crushed bone into the metal and the moment it touched it began to darken and become totally black. "Now we let this temper in the fire." They had to keep the forge at the same temperature and the same intensity or it could explode.

When he thought it was at the best he took it out and poured the metal into a square block. He waited for it to become slightly solid and when it was time he began to hammer it out and this took the longest. He kept reheating it in the forge every time it began to cool. About 10 hours in he felt it was time and he laid it in the hot magical oil.

"While I may not be a dwarf I bet those old bastards would take me in any day." If any dwarf heard that they may just agree. The last step was the soul of the reaper which he added with alchemy and finally at last the pitch-black scyth was finished. He headed it to Raynare who took it with instead hands.

The moment she touched it like what happened to Kurayami spikes went through her hands. She was ready and the connection to her scythe was finalized. The tattoo of a skull appeared on her right shoulder and she came up with the name Sephtis. "Sephtis." It entered her arm and disappeared.

She was totally giddy with her new weapon, but now it was Rebellions reforging. Kurayami looked at his sword and was kind of worried. "Azazel. Nothing will happen right." Azazel shook his head. "Nah. We are just going to heat her up in the forge a few times." It was quite easy and the processes was mostly done quite easy,

The opposing flames and the sword itself treated it a few times until it was done. The final heat treat ended with nothing major changing with the sword. It still looked the same, but ti was definitely stronger. When he took it in his hands he felt it was just right. "Azazel. You sure your not part dwarf." Azazel shrugged. "Maybe god just was jealous of Odin and made me like that."

He thought about something and looked at their weapons. "Hey. You two willing to do this more often? We won't be using my special metals, but we will be making armor and weapons for Fallen who are on active duty as you know we are technically at war." The Great War was never officially ended and it was more like an unsteady ceasefire. "If we get paid or something."

He nodded. "We will find what you want. Also, I heard you wanted familiars. We got a place that is full of interesting things there. Take Akeno with you with Baraqiel and see what you find." They nodded and left soon after. Raynare had an extra jump in her step and had a really big smile. "You really are happy to finally have your weapons."

She nodded. "Of course. Seeing you have such a cool sword made by Azazel made me want one and now that I have it I can be even strong. I wonder when we will get out first mission though. We are already strong enough right?" He nodded. "Azazel said I should have on soon. We can take it together."

They both went to look for Baraqiel so he can supervise a spar. They want to try them out now. Both weapons are ready to see who is the superior weapon.

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