Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 9 - Spar And Getting Familliars.

When they found Baraqiel he was eating Map Toufu while his face was bright red and he was choking it down. He really didn't like to waste food, so he was forcing himself to eat it. Raynare looked at Kurayam with a look that said 'Told You.' "Your just weak." She shrugged and they got Baraqiels attention.

"Dad. I see you can't handle the heat. I can eat it." Baraqiel looked at the look his son had that said you can't do it. He ate the rest and had to hide the fact his throat was on fire. "Your scythe is finished?" Raynare nodded and brought it out. "His name is Sephtis." The weapon floated around her while Rebellion came out and floated around Kurayami..

"We wanted you to supervise our spar. It better if you can stop us so no accidents happen." They both nodded as things can end badly. Baraqiel was happy they were already thinking about the consequences. "Alright, but first." He left and came back with ice cream. Raynare was smiling and they went to their spar.

When they got to the open field they brought out their weapons. Rebellion split open showing its new black and purple core and it was covered in white lightning and purple-black fire. Raynare's Sythe began to be covered in a black miasma and Black Fire. He right eye turned black while her arms were covered in black armor.

Both of them rushed to each other while he swung his sword to clash with her scythe. The scythe had a longer reach and while his sword had much more impact yet she could keep up. Both of them were had 2 pairs of wings and received the best training.

*Clank* Evey time both weapons crashed into each other the metal clanging and crashing. Yet they also had to avoid spears of light that they could create almost on instinct. Their light spears were deadly weapons on their own, but they were made easier with the effect of their bloodlines and sacred gears.

Both of them ran around the open field while trying to find an opening. Rebellion began to burn hotter while Sephtis began to darken. Both weapons were trying to outperform the other, but they were equal. Kurayami created foot-long spears of light in his hands and threw them like darts.

He three his weapons at her while charging behind and making eight of them in his hands. He hadn't done that before and it surprised her. They were not strong and easy to destroy, but they were also easy to replace. He had thrown 20 at her, but just a spin of her weapons destroyed them all. He grabbed his sword back and covered the whole field with flames.

She grinned and her own flames began to try to overpower his, but his flames were still was the result of a Longinus. Dragon king or not it was not enough. He spread his wings and covered them in lightning while his legs were covered in fire. He used the boost to get past her scythe while he stopped an inch away from her neck.

She sighed and held her hands up. "I lose. You win." They both waved their hands and made the fire vanish. "I swear even if you own a Longinus. I will not let you win next time." He nodded. "You are not weak at all. If it was anyone else they would have lost way sooner." Baraqiel approached and was proud of their progress. "In time you will unlock your balance breakers and you will both be far stronger."

They both wanted to unlock their balance breakers, but who knows when that will happen. "Also you two and Akeno will be getting your familiars very soon." Both of them were very excited about that and it was getting time for them to go home. When they got home like always his mom and sister were waiting for them outside.

Both Raynare and Akeno got a hug from Shuri and Akeno. "I heard today Raynare was getting her new weapons. Let's see it." Raynare nodded and walked back to get her weapon. When the black scythe appeared and she began to swing it like an expert Akeno was jealous.

"Dad. Teach me to use a scythe." He looked to be in a pickle. "Akeno. Everyone had a different talent. Your brother is talented in knives and swords and Raynare just has the talent to use scythes. We can see what talent you have later." Akeno nodded.

"I want to be like brother and Ray Ray." Ray Ray was a nickname she came up with. Raynare didn't mind as actually liked it. She just wished Kurayami would call her that. Tomorrow was Sunday and they would be staying at home. They also had to plan when they would get their familiars.

They decided to have a small cookout outside as it was a full moon today. They all enjoyed a well-cooked meal and for the first time in a while, Kurayami was sitting in his mother's lap. His eyes were like always, but she knew then better than anyone. He was actually happy to have a loving family. 'Is this love? If it is I am glad they are my parents.' "Kurayami. You are really happy right?"

He nodded which made her smile. "I am getting better and better at reading your eyes. Pretty impressive right?" He was confused. "My eyes are hard to read?" She chuckled and got a mirror. "Look. Your eyes almost don't change, but I can tell. I am a mother after all." Raynare also nodded. "I can tell as well. As your future wife, I should tell."

He coughed and nearly choked. Shuri heard that and grinned. "Raynare. Care to tell me more." Kurayami was going to stop her, but his father grabbed him and also wanted to know more. Raynare explained. "Azazel joked about him putting a ring on me and Kurayami said he wouldn't mind."

Shuri looked at her son with a cheeky smile. "Why did you not tell me?" He tried to lie and say he was joking. "I never said that. She must be imagining things." Raynare had a cheeky smile and began to fake cry. Her face filled with tears while he knew she was lying it was quite effective.

"But you promised me. How could you?" His entire family looked at him like he was evil. He sighed and nodded. "I did say that." Shuri had a big smile. "Well you said it, so take responsibility for those words." Well, that turned from a joke into an official engagement. In the clan that Shuri was from while rare, it was not uncommon for kids to be engaged by their parents early.

After that, they would not let him take it back, but not like he wanted to anyway, She might as well be the person he was closest to besides his family, so who better. Well, when they were all going to bed Raynare had a pretty smile on her face. He looked at her a little confused. She noticed and asked. "What's wrong?"

He laid down and sighed. "Am I really someone you would marry? You are quite honestly too good for a hollow husk-like me." She got mad and bonked him on the head. "You are still saying that. Honestly, if you really think you can't feel anything you are quite dumb. You care for your family, me, and even Azazel. How can you call yourself a husk?"

He thought about it and got a smile on his face. "You know we will live for centuries right? You will be stuck with a hollow fish-eyed guy like me." She smiled. "Why do you think I started to read your eyes? I need to read them just like Shuri."

After that, they spent more time with Shuri as they kind of wanted to spend more time with her. Their training went into overdrive and a month later it was time for them to go get their familiars. Akeno was at Nephilim watching as her brother and Raynare were doing their weighted run with nearly 150 kilos of weights. They were doing fine and managed to finish quite easily.

Baraqiel was happy. "Next week we will go up to 170 kilos, but today you get your familiars. You too Akeno." She was quite excited as she rarely got the same things her brother and Raynare got. First, they took a shower and were finally ready.

Azazel came out with Vali who looked a little more in shape and he felt stronger as well. "Here. This is a book naming all the familiars you can get and which you shouldn't. Raynare should focus on undead while Kurayamu you focus on fire or lightning based creatures."

He looked at Baraqiel and ordered him. "This is an order. Keep them safe. The three of them are some of our most important assets." Baraqiel nodded. "Without a doubt, I will." Azazel smiled. "The place you are going to is full of areas teeming with creatures. You should find something."

They stepped on the teleportation circle and were sent to the place he told them about. It was a place full of forests and unique environments. Baraqiel explained a bit. "This was a battlefield during the Great War, hundreds of years ago. As a result, the area was affected by the magic and blood of billions caused this." His face returned to those battles where he slaughtered devils and angels along Grigori.

"Well then. Where do we start first?" Raynare decided to start with Kurayami. "Why not start with him? I can wait." Akeno nodded. "Better for big brother to go first." He looked at the map and what creature he wanted. He saw one that he found interesting. It was called a Razor Tooth Fiend. It lived in lave and lightning-filled environments.

Its shell was a mix of chitin and harden rock and it was affected by its home and it got to about 10 meters long. "This is perfect." When Akeno saw it she thought it was ugly. "Brother. Why not get something cute?" Raynare shook her head. "Being cute is useless. We should get something strong."

Baraqiel knew where they bred and told nodded. "I know where they live. They live in a place where thunderstorms and volcanic pools are common. They live in the lava and feed on the lightning. If we find a young one it is better for it to accept you and its potential will be better. However, the adults can reach the late stages of the high class. The mutated ones can even enter the Ultimate Class."

That made him want it even more. However is it safe for his sister? "Dad. What about Akeno? She could be in danger." He had to think about it and decided to just take her with them. "Akeno. We will be going into a danger zone and if you don't follow instructions bad things can happen. Understand?" She looked a little scared but didn't want to hold them back.

She nodded. "I understand." He smiled and removed his cape revealing his armor underneath. He drew his sword which was made by the flames of Raynare and Kurayami. They all flew to the breeding field of the beats and they had to fly slower so Akeno could keep up.

She only had one pair of wings, unlike Raynare and Kurayami who had two and were very close to getting their third pair of wings. When they got to the zone the sky was rumbling with lightning while the entire place was full of huge pools of magma. "We're here. The young are at the top while the adults protect them. We get one and we leave."

The kids nodded and got ready so they wouldn't hold Baraqiel back. Even he could not fight a prolonged battle against those things even more so if the mutated ones were to decide to fight him. They needed to be ready as it could end badly.

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