Lightning Dragon God Douluo: - A Douluo Dalu Fanfic

24 Principal Flender meets with New Students

Ryusei returned back to his room and met up with Principal Flender who was looking at him with a look of utter disbelief. He still couldn't believe that Ryusei knew someone like a Titled Douluo. He didn't dare to get close to listen to their conversation as he knew that if the Titled Douluo was offended then neither he nor the Shrek Academy could take on his anger.

When he saw Ryusei coming back, he decided to confront him on the matter. Ryusei had a small smile on his face as he said to him, "So, you finally decided to reveal yourself. I was actually wondering whether I should tell Uncle about you."

Principal Flender broke in cold sweat as he learned how close he was to his own death. He said with a forced smile on his face, "I knew that you wouldn't say anything after all I have never done anything against you. I have full confidence that you wouldn't say anything about me."

Ryusei snorted inside his mind as he knew that the principal was just saying this to save his own skin. Both of them stared towards each other for some time and returned back to the academy.

Ryusei went inside his room and laid down on his bed as he started to think about the day. He slept a bit late as he was up late thinking about things in the night. When he woke up, he went out of his room and saw Tang San and others had already woken up and were talking about the Academy.

He heard Tang San ask Mubai, "So, what are the rules of this place?" He remembered that this was the first question that he himself had at this academy and smiled a bit at that memory.

He walked towards the group, they saw him approaching and greeted him with their smiles. Dai Mubai then started saying, "The rules are simple enough. No sexual harassment is allowed, the fights between students are allowed as long as they are not life threatening." Mubai paused as he let them digest this information.

Oscar then continued, "Gambling is also allowed as gambling can help increase the mental Abilities, raise the observation and judgemental skills of a person." Ryusei looked around his surrounding and saw Principal to appear in the area.

He turned towards Tang San and pointed towards Principal, he said to Tang San, "That man is the principal of the school. Be careful of that guy, he is a greedy bastard who won't stop at anything until he takes all your money."

Tang San had a sweat drop as he thought 'Even though he might be a bit greedy, you shouldn't talk about your principal like. What the…? He is the principal of this school." Xiao Wu said in a loud voice, "Brother San, isn't he the same greedy businessman we met before?"

Principal Flender heard her voice and coughed up a bit as if he was trying to hide his embarrassed face. He looked at Ryusei and heard him saying, "I really request that Principal Flender does not accept money from this group."

Principal Flender had a tick mark on his head as he thought 'How would I dare to oppose this request with what I saw yesterday. What bullshit request? You are practically ordering me here." He still wanted his face and said like he was doing a favour, "Well, since it is Ryusei who had requested me, I think I won't accept the money from this batch of students."

Ryusei saw his expression and knew that the principal understood his words and turned around and saw Xiao Wu looking at him with a wide-eyed expression, she said, "Wow, you actually managed to make this greedy business accept your request."

Principal Flender became even more embarrassed as he listened to her speak and thought of a way to excuse himself, he said, "You guys are dismissed, your first class will start tomorrow, you can do whatever you want."

He then looked at Rongrong and thought about something and said, "Tian, take Rongrong and let her run 20 laps around the field."

When Rongrong heard his words, she was nearly frightened off as she had never even run as much as 2 laps of a small field. She looked at Ryusei who nodded and after that everyone dispersed themselves from there while Ryusei led her to the field.

After reaching the field, he looked towards her and said to her with a small smile on his face, "Alright, now let's start your training." Rongrong pouted as she looked towards him and said, "Brother Tian, I don't want to run. Please convince the Principal as you did before, he should listen to you."

Ryusei shook his head and said in a calm voice, "I can indeed convince him so that you don't have to run but did you even think about it for even a second why he said that. Just think, you are a support type and their weakness are their weak physique and low stamina."

"Everyone who knows about your Clan will target you and what would you do if you don't have enough stamina to survive that type of fight or you couldn't protect yourself. There will of course be your teammates who will protect you with everything they got but sometime that is not enough. I want to ask, what would happen then?"

He then paused for her answer and when she stayed silent, he said in a calm and a heartless voice, "You will get severely injured or even die." His tone got a lot softer as he said, "Do you truly want me to regret that I couldn't protect you?"

She shook her head in denial as she didn't want him to do something like that, he was her first friend, she was happy when she was with him, so she didn't want to be a burden for him and make him feel sad if something happened to her. She didn't want to leave him.

She looked towards the field and said in a bit embarrassed tone, "I will try but I haven't run such a large field in my entire life." Ryusei chuckled a bit and said, "That is of no problem. That is the reason why I am here. I will help you when necessary, I will tell you when to have your rest and when to start running once again. I am the one who trained Oscar so I know a bit about training a support type."

She didn't say anything as she didn't want him to be disappointed in her so she started to running around the field. After running for about 5 minutes, she was quite tired and wanted to rest but she saw Ryusei still running with her and forced her body to run more so as to not disappoint him.

After a minute, Ryusei looked at her and said, "Let's stop now. We are nearly done with this one lap besides the Principal didn't put a time limit about till when you should complete the 20 laps."

She nodded as she was quite tired and fell down on the ground while huffing crazily. Ryusei started to talk with her and said, "So, what did you do in these years? Is your family fine?"

She gasped for some time to catch her breath and then said, "Well, I didn't really do all that much in these years. I just read the information about the continent and studied books about some other things to increase my knowledge. My family is fine just that father was a bit unhappy that you didn't accept his offer to come to the Clan."

Ryusei's eyes narrowed as he thought about the possible reasons for the invitation but it didn't seem like Rongrong was finished as she continued speaking, "He said that it was because you were the most intelligent boy he has ever seen. He wanted to have your help for some task in the future."

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