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Ryusei started thinking 'Alright, so he wants my help for some task that is what he told his own daughter. So, what can be the task? Is it something that requires a great observation on my part or some help against an enemy but even though I showed him my intelligence. He should only be thinking that I am just a small kid with great observation and deduction ability.'

'And, what's even more suspicious is about how Rongrong was able to come here without anyone noticing her absence when they even have Titled Douluo in their clan. Besides, how can it be that with their influence, they can't find trace of her? If they have found her trace then why haven't they come and contacted her yet.'

'So, the most probable thing is that her father knows that she is here. Did he send her intentionally or did she come here by a complete coincidence? Did he use his contacts and manipulated her into coming to the Shrek Academy? But why?'

'I chose this academy because it's not too famous, then why would such a man who wants the best for his daughter and his Clan do something like this? Does he think that it will be best if Rongrong come to the Shrek? But why?'

'There is no one in particular worthy of status to be with his daughter except for Dai Mubai and Tang San. He shouldn't know about their information, so why?' He looked at Rongrong and looked into her eyes and saw his own image in them. He thought 'Is it really because of me? Did my casual deduction from that time scared him or made him that excited?'

'From what Rongrong said, her father needed some help for a task. Is it even true that he needs my help? If I take it that he set up Rongrong to enter the Shrek Academy because I am here then, did he intentionally say something like this to her? Is it because he wanted her to say something like this to me when we talk with each other for old time's sake.'

'Man, that fucking guy is not even here and he is actually causing me a headache. What a pain.' Sweet Rongrong didn't know that he was having a headache while thinking up of her father's motives.

She regained her breath and looked at him and said in a voice full of determination, "Brother Tian, let start again. I want to complete these 20 laps soon and go and eat some food from the market."

Ryusei nodded as he heard her words and put aside his thoughts about her father's motives, he knew that he wouldn't get anything just by racking his brain uselessly and it didn't look like her father had evil intentions or he would have already been killed.

Ryusei once again started running together with Rongrong and after 2 more hours of running while taking breaks after every lap, Rongrong finally completed the task given to her by the Principal. She looked at him tiredly and asked him, "Brother Tian, thank you for being with me till I completed this task. Let's go to the nearby market and get something to eat. It's my treat."

Ryusei nodded and followed her to the market to get eat something. After reaching the market, they both started to eat some dumplings as they were quite tasty.

He noticed a man coming near them but he ignored him because the man was only of Rank 21. The man put his foot on the table on which Ryusei and Rongrong had kept their food and said in a powerful voice, "You both, give me the tax."

Rongrong was a bit confused, "Tax, what tax?" The man looked at them with an irritated expression and said, "I am Tao Gang and this is my area, so I want tax from you for sitting in this shop."

Rongrong was even more confused by his words as her father never mentioned anything about this kind of taxes but Ryusei understood that he was just a thug, he wondered whether he should destroy him or just scare him.

Tao Gang looked at Rongrong and licked his lips as he thought about what he could do with such a beautiful young lady. He said with a lascivious expression on his face, "Miss, you should come with me, I can make you rich and fulfil all your desires."

Rongrong frowned as she looked at him and knew that he had evil intentions, she looked at Ryusei and wanted to get away from here as she didn't want to fight with this thug right now.

Ryusei didn't say anything and stood up as he looked at the Thug. He said coldly, "Get out of here before I erase your existence from this world." He released some Purple Lightning from his body and blasted the thug away.

Thug looked at Ryusei with terrified expression as he didn't expect that a young boy could have this kind of strength and ran away to where he came from. Rongrong felt warm as she saw him protecting her, she remembered his words from her childhood when he was trying to put up a brave front.

She smiled sweetly towards him and when Ryusei turned around to ask something, he was shocked speechless by her beautiful smile. He wanted to say something but he swallowed his words.

After a moment, he said, "Let's go back. The Principal must be waiting for us." Rongrong nodded and started to walk back towards the Academy.

They saw Principal in the fields waiting for them, he looked at Ryusei and said, "So, did she complete all the rounds assigned to her?" Ryusei nodded and said, "She did. We then went towards the market to get some food."

Principal seemed a bit hesitant as he raised his eyebrows and Ryusei looked at his hands, why you might ask. It was because he had a White Card in his hands. He could see some words written there.

It was "Flender, take care of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's little princess. She can only learn when she goes out to the world!"

Ryusei knew that this was from her father and now understood as he thought 'So, Rongrong didn't come here because of a coincidence. It was arranged by her father and she doesn't even know anything about it. I can then assume that he said those words to her so that she could say them to me and I would know that he would require my help in the future.'

'A pure manipulating and a strategizing fellow. Good Ning Fengzhi, you are really good. If I didn't see this letter in the Principal's hand, I would have still been in a bind about your true reason. What a cunning fellow.'

He looked at the Principal and said to him, "So, Principal. Please excuse us. We should go and rest for today." The principal nodded as he didn't have anything to say and let them go.

They both split up and went in their own dormitory respectively. Ryusei sighed before he laid down on his bed as he slowly drifted away in his sleep. While the same could not be said for Rongrong, she was tightly hugging her pillow as she thought about the way Ryusei protected her.

She smiled and thought 'Brother Tian is so good to me. He trained me without any ulterior motive. He is so strong with such a strong spirit. Father said that the women of the Clan must have strong husbands that marry into the Clan?'

She thought about these things for the whole night while Ryusei was sleeping comfortably as he didn't want to wake up late once again. He already missed his schedule, he didn't want to do it again.

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