The Silver Sage

“No way.”

The silver girl exclaimed.
In contrast to the impression you get from her adorable appearance, she knows Nanaki is the Lightning Empress Nanaki and her response was quite calm.

“In fact, I came to be your ally.”
“Yes. There’s no loss selling a debt to the current Alfreds.”
“……I see.”

Honest. Nanaki likes that. But believing it would be too thoughtless. Listening to what she has to say first then asking for master’s decision if it is worth consideration would be a good compromise.

“So, specifically, how do you intend to be our ally?”
“Before that, don’t you think it would be better for both of us to introduce ourselves?”

The tone of the girl saying that with a fearless smile was so refined is unbelievable a child said it. She must have received a good education as a noble.

“Then once again, nice to meet you Lightning Empress Nanaki. I am one of the Six Great Nobles, the elder daughter of the Eldrad Family. Clare Lily Eldrad. Please call me Clare.”

With a lovely smile like a blooming flower, the silver girl displayed a beautiful curtsy. The action of pinching the hem of her skirt and lowering her waist flowed smoothly. Noble-like, good movements. And it appears she has a good smile too.

Hey hey Friend, Nanaki can’t lose here. If her smile is a flower that anyone would find cute and adorable, Nanaki’s smile would be a large bouquet that would make anyone unintentionally mutter “beautiful”.
In which case, Nanaki shall show a blooming flower smile too as proof.

“Forgive my rudeness for the fake name before, Clare ojou-sama. Once again, I am Nanaki. Nice to make your acquaintance.”

Nanakismile of introduction. Everyone around the world, it’s Nanaki.

How is it Friend? This proudly blooming Nanaki’s smile. Even though winter is coming, this brilliance that makes it feel like spring has arrived. It wouldn’t be strange if the flowers started blooming, drawn by Nanaki’s smile. Blooming Nanaki.

“Then onto business, do you know of the Rowenberk family?”
“Well, of course. From Nanaki’s perspective, the Six Great Nobles are worthless.”

As if she already knew Nanaki’s answer, Clare ojou-sama wrung her hands as she responded lightly. She really is impressive. She is addressing this Nanaki without honorifics. In addition, that haughty attitude that does not suit her age. It might not seem like much, but one cannot act like this without courage.

This silver girl is probably smart.
To address me without honorifics knowing I am Lightning Empress Nanaki is because Nanaki is the Aldred Family’s maid. I am a servant. And she is a noble. Clare Lily Eldrad correctly understands that. As proof of that, that attitude of hers is consistent and she does not falter. There is no restraint nor is there fear.

“Then tell Zean Aldred. Be careful of Elis……no, Elizabeth Rowenberk.”
“Can I take that as a warning on top of the fact that I am Nanaki?”
“No, not at all. Honestly, you would probably trample it even without warning.”
“……? Then why?”
“No matter how small a debt, I will sell it if I can. Trust has to be built up.”
“I see.”

A tough one for one so young.
From her tone just now, the Elizabeth Rowenberk in question should be a part of the Six Great Nobles. Now then, Nanaki has judged that the incident of Aina Aina was still fresh in the memories of the Six Great Nobles. Did Nanaki misjudge or is she just a fool?
Well, it is probably the latter. Clare’s tone also indicates that.

“My thanks for the information, Clare ojou-sama. I will be conveying that to master immediately so please excuse me.”

First of all, let’s bring this to master’s ears.
Even if it was fake, it just means there is one more enemy. Master will make the decision.

“Yes, see you later Nanaki. If there is a chance, I will introduce my servant to you too.”


“She’s a large fan of yours.”

It would be a lie if Nanaki isn’t curious about Lady Clare’s suggestive words. But, right now Nanaki will prioritise returning to master. She should also be at her limit soon too.


And after another bow, Nanaki turned away from Lady Clare.
If Nanaki looked back right now, Nanaki would probably see Lady Clare sit down like the strength had drained out of her legs. Even if she is smart, she is still young. And because she is smart, she will fear this Nanaki. But she has showed that she is a noble to the end. Without showing the fear appropriate for her age, she smiled to the end.

Then that is her pride. It is something she can be proud of. Nanaki cannot do something that would stain that bravery. Absolutely not looking back, Nanaki shall keep this praise to her within Nanaki’s heart.

“But still……”

There are unexpectedly many of them.
In this remote area far from the capital, there is someone other than master with a proud soul. If that day, Nanaki had met her instead of master, would things have been different? Just maybe, there is a world where Nanaki might have served her, Nanaki briefly thought of that.

….I might have preferred that

more kawaii


When Nanaki walked back to the carriage at a quick pace, Nanaki’s friend raised a hand in greeting in a completely experienced manner.
The same long, black hair as Nanaki and what she calls oriental armor. That outfit that does not match this town of nobles to a fatal extent stands out as usual.

“Good morning. Akiha.”

Nanaki slapped that raised hand with Nanaki’s right hand and returned the greeting.
Now then, since Akiha is here, it means he has also arrived, but greeting him……who cares. That thing probably dislikes Nanaki too anyway.

“What? Meia didn’t come? Even though I came all the way here. Zean, you really are useless.”
“You’re the same as usual. Vilmott.”
“Shut up!”

Each and everyday, he shouts a lot.
Although master’s connection with Vilmott Arkahn should be quite complicated, master chose him as a collaborator for some reason. No, he is an accomplice.
That small fry that was just acting arrogant in that classroom of the school that nobles attend, has chased master and is now on of the Six Great Nobles. It seems that tenacity has passed master’s judgement, but as a servant, Nanaki’s feelings are complicated.
hey, at least you get Akiha
“Each and every time you just decide things on your own! I didn’t hear a single word about this until yesterday. Zean, what’s the meaning of this?”
“Would you have been on board if I discussed this with you?”
“Stop messing around. That kinda thing, we can just monopolise it. That maid of yours can erase all the risks. Where is there a need to share it?”
“You would say that. That’s why I wanted to keep the complains to today alone.”
“Aah? Don’t get too full of yourself Zean. Or what? Are you saying you have the right to decide?”
“Don’t I? I am the one that negotiated with the Emperor. My maid is also paying for it. Then how can I not take control of it? As her master I cannot waste Nanaki’s efforts.”
Wow, master so manly.
Indeed, Nanaki returned to being the Lightning Empress all for master’s sake. Of course, it was also to obtain what I wanted, but since we have common interests there should be no problems.
In which case, Nanaki must have master wield all authority on the revival of science.

“Enough Zean! We are equals!”
“Aah, that’s right. But this is different.”

Now, it’s about time.

“I have returned, master.”

A capable maid can read the atmosphere.
Stepping in between master and Vilmott Arkahn who has heated up and does not know when to back off is Nanaki’s duty. Particularly since it seems the incident in the past is a trauma for Vilmott Arkahn and he is especially scared of Nanaki.

“Any problems?”
“Nothing so far. It is possible that something might happen later though.”
“Since Nanaki says that, something probably will.”

As expected, he has good inference. No, in this case should I say he is wise? In any case, master has decided there is something in the nuance behind Nanaki’s few words. Nanaki would like to express words of thanks for that deep trust, but a good woman chooses the time and place. Right now is not the time to prioritise these feelings. Nanaki shall fulfill Nanaki’s duties as a servant.

“I have received a message to master from a girl called Clare Lily Eldrad.”
“……the Eldrad family’s eldest daughter?”
“She said to be careful of Elizabeth Rowenberk.”
“No, she did not give details.”

After saying it, it really feels like miserable information. It is not got Nanaki to know what master has gleamed from this message that ended in just one sentence. Master makes the decisions. Then Nanaki just needs to serve.

“I see.”

Without worrying nor regretting. Master nodded calmly. He is extremely fast at moving on.
That’s why master will probably say it in a voice without any tension.

“Let’s go.”

Just one sentence.

“If anything happens, I leave it to you.”

No, two sentences.

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