The Golden Fool

“My sincere thanks to everyone for showing up.”

In the deepest part of the building known as Berk’s clock tower, there is a large room furnished with high-class decorations that look just like what nobles would like. In the center is a long table and six chairs. Seeing that four of those seats were already filled, master spoke calmly in his usual manner.

“……we have already backed off from the Alfreds. What business do you have with us now?”
“Just a business proposition. No need to be so scared, Marco Ordrain.”
“Th, then isn’t there no need to have her present?”
“Are you seriously saying that? You should know my current situation too. I can’t walk around without Nanaki. How about calming down a little.”

The instant Nanaki’s name came out of master’s mouth, the four people that were already seated jumped. Well, of course. They know all too well how the queen of wealth who had once reigned over them, Aira Aira met her end

“Now then, first, I am grateful to all of you for coming. Marco Ordrain. Johnathan Ray. Fos Rowenberk. Alecno Eldrad. Vilmott Arkahn. I don’t think there’s a need to name myself, but I’m Zean Alfred, the host of this gathering.”

Master sat down in what was once the queen’s seat and after looking around, spoke.

The remaining four seats excluding Alfred and Arkahn.
The oldest aristocrat family that was involved in the establishment of this aristocrat’s town, Ordrain.
Excluding the Royal Street, the family that controls the trade in Freyline, Ray.
The jeweler that provides all the jewels that aristocrats excessively desire, Rowenberk of the gems.
And the crown of the golden town that used to reign over this town until Aina Aina appeared, Eldrad.

These are the upper-class that practically rule Freyline right now, otherwise known as the Six Great Nobles.
Among them, Alfred and Arkahn are being ridiculed as ursupers and there is resistance from some, but as for that, Aina Aina’s former guard dog, Aibus’ group are doing good work. So far, there has been no real damage.

“Everyone here are busy people. With that, it probably doesn’t feel good to be called out by a child like me. I’ll be going straight into the main topic to finish quickly, is everyone okay with that?”
“……aah. A business proposition?”
“That’s right, Johnathan Ray.”

Thus, the meeting involving the Six Great Nobles began.
From here on, Nanaki is also in the dark. After all, Nanaki cannot even understand half of it even if Nanaki was told. Nanaki will just watch what master is about to do. If necessary, Nanaki will lend him Nanaki’s strength. That is our contract.

“As you know, the Alfreds have succeeded in the revival of science. We have not yet revived the ridiculous technology a thousand years ago, but we have plans for their revival too. That’s why I’ve gathered the Six Great Nobles.”
“……of course, we are aware that the Alfred family has accomplished the great feat of reviving science. But, what does that have to do with gathering us here? At the very least, the Eldrad family does not remember taking any hostile action towards the Alfred family.”
“Th, that’s true for us too! The Ray family has not done anything!”

The first to raise their voices were the Eldreds and Rays.
Looking at the current heads, Alecno Eldred and Johnathan Ray, not a speck of fighting spirit can be felt from them. Even if not conquered, it seems they do not have the emotional strength to still bear ambition.

On the other hand, the Ordrains and Rowenberks fell silent with sweat on their brow.
Now then, do they have something to feel guilty about? Or could they be waiting to understand master’s intent? Either way, this meeting’s initiative is master’s. That will not waver. Then where will master bring things from here? Nanaki is curious.

“What? You all are unexpectedly bad at inferring.”

Seeming indomitable, master smiled as if he was having fun.

“Basically, I’m talking about sharing the knowledge of science that the Alfreds hold with the Six Great Nobles.”
“Wh, what are you saying!?”
“Ar, are you seriously saying that!?”

And he dropped a bomb.


Vilmott Arkahn clicked his tongue as he glanced at the hysterical Six Great Nobles.
I see, that means he knew. That’s why he clashed with master this morning. He certainly would choose to monopolise instead of share. This man is that kind of man. But master chose to share. The reason is likely that thing master was talking about, something about distributing the risk. By sharing the knowledge of science and if the other Six Great Nobles started using that, then the chances of the Alfreds being targeted will decrease drastically.
target the one’s without Nanaki
“Of course I’m serious. The knowledge about science that I have obtained and will obtain will be the shared property of the Six Great Nobles. Use it as you like.”

But still, this is not sane.
Nanaki is also impressed at how he can reduce his own share by so much. Anyone would want to be able to eat more meat. All the more if it is fresh. (T/N: not sure, それが生きる上であれば尚更だ, could also mean ‘all the more if it is alive/lives’) In which case, master’s aim might not just be distributing the risk.

“What, what do you want in return……!?”

Everyone’s eyes have become sharp.
Of all unexpected things, master has used his strongest card on his first move, they’re extremely shaken. Honestly, Nanaki was also quite surprised. But it would be boring otherwise. Behold friend, the person Nanaki has grown to like is so interesting. No interest? Lies. Ah well, leaving your lies for later. Nanaki will fulfill Nanaki’s duty.

“Aah, in return——”

Now then, it’s time to work.
time for chaos
“Wait a momeeeeeeeeeeeeent!!”

The shrill voice that interrupted master’s words echoed in the room, causing Nanaki to frown for a bit. With the sound of approaching footsteps, the door was roughly thrown wide open, causing everyone except master to show expressions of shock.

“Nice to meet you Zean Alfred! Nice to meet you Vilmott Arkahn! I am Elizabeth Rowenberk! The eldest daughter of the Rowenberk family and queen of jewels!”

I see, this is the Elizabeth Rowenberk mentioned.
She is a golden girl. The girl has burning red eyes like Nanaki’s sister’s and her long, glossy golden hair is adorned with a ridiculous amount of jewelry. There are rings on all five fingers of both hands and three necklaces dangle from her neck. Just how many pierces are in her ears? And finally there is even a small crown on her head. It seems the self-proclaimed title of queen of jewels is not just in name.

The problem here is, is she not a little too young to be decorated like that? It’s fine to adorn yourself, but isn’t it a few more years later before you can find a partner? After all, she is smaller than Harmy. Probably about ten years old.

“E, Elis!! You idiot!?”
“Don’t worry father! I will save the Six Great Nobles from this danger! We cannot hand a seat of the Six Great Nobles over to a weak ursurping noble! Come, it’s a duel Zean Alfred! And Vilmott Arkahn too!”

The knights deploying on both sides of her drew their swords.

“You seem to be misunderstanding somethi——”
“No excuses! Do it Domitry!”

And master was interrupted again, he let out a resigned sigh.
Meaning, it’s Nanaki’s turn.

“!? Get out of the way, woman!”
“My apologies. My master said to do it so I have no choice.”

Is what Nanaki thought, but Akiha took the initiative.
The knight that charged with Elizabeth Rowenberk’s order barely managed to dodge Akiha’s slash by falling backwards then shouted. There’s probably no need to warn her, but that knight is quite strong. Akiha.

“Teach the brat who treated the Arkahns! Treated me! As some extra a lesson!!”

And you are really the same as usual.

“Well, that’s the case. I will be your opponent.”
“Hmph! A foolish woman!”

The duel that began with Vilmott Arkahn’s shout.
From what Nanaki has seen, the knight called Domitry seems to bear quite some strength. Akiha’s strength rivals the upper ranks of the imperial knights, but if she let’s down her guard he might get a strike in. He is that strong an opponent.


The duel ended in an instant.
Without letting down her guard or giving any chances, Akiha’s slash went straight to the back of the knight’s neck.


Is what Nanaki thought but for some reason, the knight called Domitry still has his head. He does look quite foolish with the whites of his eyes showing and foaming from the mouth though.

“Please be assured, that was the back of sword.”

Akiha really looked wonderful saying that and returning her katana to its sheath.

“You did well Akiha! Show them what happens if they point their blades at the Arkahns, show them hell!”

I see, it’s better to capture them alive in this case? Then Nanaki will also do that. But still, Akiha was quite cool just now. Not just the victory in the duel, but the smart way she captured the enemy alive feels very nice.

Okay, Nanaki will try to copy her.
….oh no
“Whawhawha, wha! What’re you doing Domitry! Fine! You all go to……o……?”

While Elizabeth Rowenberk was throwing a tantrum and screeching, Nanaki kicked the twelve knights deployed on both sides of her. To the normal person, it probably looked like the knights got blown away together, but in fact Nanaki very carefully kicked them one by one. Be grateful.

“Eh? Eeh?”

Leaving the cowering Elizabeth Rowenberk aside.
Ending it smartly like Akiha just now, Nanaki must be quite cool too. Nanaki might be able to get praise from master, nfufu.

“Please be assured, master.”

While fixing Nanaki’s slightly ruffled maid uniform, Nanaki reported with a classy smile.

“That was the solar plexus.”
“That’s a vital.”

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