And finally, The Coward

For a few seconds after Nanaki kicked the twelve knights in their solar plexus, Elizabeth Rowenberk remained staring at the knights groaning on the floor in disbelief.

“Eh? Eh? What happened? Why did everyone collapse!”

When her brain finally showed enough activity to understand the situation, the girl with the golden hair raised her shrill voice. With plenty of volume in addition to the piercing sound, even Nanaki would frown. After all, Nanaki’s eyes, ears and nose are good. The piercing soundwaves she creates is quite painful on the ears. Nanaki might just snap.

“Elis!! You idiot……what have you done!?”
“Father? It’s can’t be, I lost the duel? To a mere Alfred!? No no! Absolutely no way!!”
“Ah, you……you really!”

The current head of the Rowenberk family, Fos Rowenberk is the pitiful one.
Even if it was just a duel, they can no longer talk their way out of the fact that a member of the Rowenberk family displayed clear hostility towards the Alfred family. Even if that is something done by an immature child, the knights she hired definitely drew their swords.

“Ku……! Ze, Zean Alfred! I apologise for my daughter’s extreme discourtesy! As you can see, this was all my responsibility for spoiling her! So please, I beg you! At least spare my daughter’s life……!”

It is clear where the responsibility lies.
Because he knows that, the actions of Fos Rowenberk is indeed a simple one. He tried to protect his family, not his status nor his honour. His daughter. Seeing him staking his life to protect his daughter, Nanaki also felt something. Just that, if Nanaki can give a piece of advice, then live and protect your daughter. Being willing to die to protect your daughter is nothing more than a parent’s selfishness.
“Fos Rowenberk”

In the end, master is the one that decides.

“I’ll have you be in charge of more parts of science than the other families.”
“…………wh, what does that mean?”
“You don’t get it? It means you’ll be taking the brunt of things.”

And the decision was made.
It is not for Nanaki to know if that a kind decision, but at the very least he will not lose his life here. But in the end, he is a human sacrifice. There will be plenty of people that want science. Threats, kidnapping, it is not difficult to imagine the calamities that will befall the Rowenberk family.

“O, of course I will accept if it means we will be forgiven!”
“Then I will overlook this incident. Fortunately, there is no significant damage to both sides.”
“Th, thank you!”

With this, master benefits.
Within the arms of the man who sighed with relief, Elizabeth Rowenberk struggled, her mouth covered up with a hand. The shrill sound that occasionally leaks out really is unpleasant. If possible, please keep her suppressed like that.

“Okay, let’s get back on topic. In return for science……I don’t particularly need anything. At most, I would like your cooperation.”
“Fo, for what?’

The first to voice his question was Marco Ordrain. Then Johnathan Ray.
To them, getting the knowledge of science which they would do anything for in exchange for just cooperation must feel ominous.

Now then, what will master ask for their cooperation for? Friend, do you know? Nanaki has no idea. Well, since it’s master it must be something interesting——

“I want to make this town, a country.”


“There is as much land as one could want. There are facilities that can supply food and clothes in this town. But the reason this town could not become a country is because there are not enough people. Then we just need to make this town a country of science that can live without magic.”

While everyone was stunned, master alone kept talking in his usual manner.

“There are plenty of people that are unable to live in the current world due to fear of magic necrosis. The highway of lamentation, the fort of depravity, the swamp town. The people smoldering there can return to the path of humans once released from the fear of magic necrosis.”

As master said, there are people in this world unable to live properly because they are unable to overcome the fear of magic necrosis. Those people that are weak of heart and lacking the strength to live would cling onto science. Then that would solve the lack of humans. I see, then this town could become a country. Or possibly, it might be achieved. The revival of humanity, the prosperity of the past.

But to make this town a country means——

“If this town became a country, it will be the return of prosperity to humanity from the brink of extinction.”

It will challenge the reason the Empire exists.


something to look forward to?

The reason the Empire exists is just as Envy once said.

In order for humanity to continue existing, basically an ark to conquer magic necrosis. Restricting entry only to talented people, a country created only with selected humans. If people with high affinity to magic have children, then the children will have even stronger resistance.

“But if Freyline became a country here, there is the chance of people living in the Empire coming over. Then we will be enemies with the Empire again……”
“Rest assured Nanaki. We won’t fight the Empire.”

After he dropped the sudden bomb in the meeting, I quickly called out to master. Of course Nanaki understands master has a plan. But making the Empire an enemy would lose us the core of the ideal master spoke of, science. Although Nanaki knows it is a foolish question, there is a need to speak out and confirm it.

“I know the Empire is still necessary right now. Even if we could live using science, science cannot kill the gods. If we are attacked we will meet the same end as the people a thousand years ago.”
“Yes. The Three Great Gods are already better since you can talk to them. Most of the gods wandering the world will not listen. They just kill.”

Thinking about it, there are few gods with enough power to have a consciousness.
Aside from the Three Great Gods, the gods that Nanaki have killed all moved somewhat mechanically, movements that did not feel like there was thought behind them.

“That’s why this is preparations before that.”

While opening the door of the carriage, Nanaki turned back to master.
Due to master’s fervent speed and the Six Great Nobles getting drawn along and heating up, the sky is already dyed ruby. Backlight. The sunset can be seen on the other side of master.

“I believe, Nanaki.”
“Yeah. That someday, there will be an age without the gods.”

That is almost like a fairy tale.
Nobody really knows how many gods exists in the world. Just that they have enough power to easily exterminate humanity and have already burnt this world to the ground once before. Yet master says he believes. Nanaki cannot help asking. What is it, what is it that he believes in.

“That day, since that day I called your name on the rooftop, I’ve been betting on you. And I kept winning. So I believe.”

I see.
But then Nanaki wanted to hear some romantic words that match this sunset. Not such cursed words.
(T/N: Don’t really get this part, did I interpret wrong? そんな、呪い染みた言葉なんかじゃなくて。)

“You are not fair.”

So naturally these were the words that came out.
I clearly said it that time. I can kill the Three Great Gods. But that there are too many gods running rampant in the world to kill them all. But he says he believes. Such greed. But I was the one that told him to become like that. And I also live like that.


“——fine, I’ll grant your wish. Zean Alfred.”
(T/N: Nanaki’s tone here is more overbearing in contrast with her usual polite tone, not vulgar like Nanakid though)

I will answer.
Not with such roundabout words, just use simple ones. For example, yes, if you had said ‘Nanaki, do something about it’, then I could have responded as I usually do. But since you make me shoulder something so heavy with that serious look, saying you believe, that’s not fair.

“……that was surprising. Is that the real Nanaki?”
“Who knows?”

So at least forgive this amount of teasing.

“By the way master.”

And, one more thing. I must have confirmation on this no matter what. After all, it is thanks to him that I must force myself a little in the future, it should be fine to receive some reward.

“Does master believe in your own instinct? Or in me?”
choose one dammit
I see, coward.

“You really are not fair.”

I muttered that with a sigh.


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