Chapter 174 When the thunderclouds are surging, Lei Ying suddenly arrives (second more)

“This is?”

Suddenly in surprise, Liu Zimo, who had already come to the depths of the mountain, also noticed this terrible movement.

Animal tide,

The real animal tide.

A mutant bird that flies in the sky.

Countless animals walking on the ground.

And the mutant python swimming in the water

If it weren’t for the mutant fish creatures in the big river that it is difficult to get out of the water, they are afraid they will come.

And now,

The source of such a vision, after all…

As he raised his eyes slowly, Liu Zimo had already noticed that there was a huge gorge far away.

In the depths of the canyon, crimson brilliance permeated continuously, rendering half of the night sky red.

What’s even more terrifying is that there is actually a ray of dark fragrance hitting it.


Taking a deep breath, Liu Zimo actually felt a little boiling over his body, and even a touch of longing came.

-Wipe the indescribable desire.

“Linghua Lingguo is mature, and it’s not an ordinary Linghua Lingguo.”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo’s eyes flashed with blazing heat.

He didn’t expect that he would have such a chance, he could encounter the vision of the maturity of the spirit flower and fruit.

And it is worth mentioning that this is the era of aura recovery.

It’s not just people and animals that are evolving.

Even many plants are constantly evolving,

Towards a higher life-fate form.

It’s just that the evolution of plants is not as good as that of humans, let alone compared with general mutant animals.

Therefore, it is rare to see mutant plants in the wild.

And like this, stepping into the extraordinary second-order mutant plants, it is very straightforward that the entire Dragon Kingdom has not been discovered.

Generally speaking, if you set foot on the extraordinary, this mutant plant will be found by countless mutant animals, swallowed, and become its own nutrient.

Most of the mutant plants have no resistance and can only be slaughtered.

Therefore, the low survival rate is surprising-people.

And this is also the reason why high-order mutant plants are rarely seen.

However, one thing is certain,

That is to really discover the extraordinary first-order and extraordinary second-order mutant plants, then it is undoubtedly a great fortune.

Like now,

Just smelling the dark fragrance, the blood and veins of countless mutant beasts are boiling.

And this 543, if it is swallowed, I am afraid it can be directly advanced.


Smashed his mouth, Liu Zimo was also a little excited.

He has a feeling that the mutant plants in the depths of this canyon may be of great use to him.

It is even the key to his impact on the extraordinary third-order.

With this in mind, Liu Zimo also turned into lightning, turning into a flash-electric, blasting into the depths of the canyon.


Hearing only one thunder, the light of thunder broke through the air, causing countless mutant beasts to be shocked.

For Thunder, the mutant beast has fear.

Therefore, trembling is also normal.

However, compared to trembling, they are more of a treasure in the depths of this gorge.

“Boom, boom, boom”

In the more terrifying roar, countless mutant beasts also rushed toward the depths of the canyon.

However, just shortly after this,


Among the sudden roars, it was the extremely large khaki giant python that attacked the other mutant beasts first.

With a fierce body, it rolled up a few meters of earth waves, and slapped the other mutant beasts fiercely.

“Roar, roar, roar…”

Among the successive roars, countless mutant beasts roared.

But at the next moment, Da Luo Zhang, this extremely large khaki python had already bitten a mutant wolf that was more than two meters high.

While shaking continuously, it violently threw the mutant giant wolf in its mouth tens of meters away, and slammed into the woods not far away.

“Crack, click…”

-After a sound, there was a crisp sound, and several giant trees were cut off.

However, at this moment,

“Oh oh, oh…”

“Oh oh, oh…”

In the abrupt long howl, one after another mutant-eyed giant wolves seemed to be irritated. They turned out to be fierce and looked at the mutant giant python not far away.

“So fast, you’re fighting-is it coming?”

In some stunned voices, Liu Zimo also noticed the crowd of mutant beasts that had gathered, and they were fighting each other everywhere.

“Boom, boom, boom”

In the continuous roar, the earth is trembling.

Blood and flesh are intertwined in the night sky.

The strong smell of blood is beginning to spread.

But, at this time,


-In the silence of the formation, Liu Zimo also noticed something strange.

That is, these mutant beasts seem to be more violent than usual.

It’s also more-more grumpy.

“This is?”

The eyes condensed slightly, and Liu Zimo was also aware of it.

That is the fragrance, which has a weirdness.

It seems to have inexplicable power, which makes people more irritable and angry.

It’s easy to fight-hands.

This may not be obvious to humans like Liu Zimo.

After all, most human beings have strong self-control ability.

But for the mutant beast, which is not strong enough to control emotions, it is a big killer.

Like now,

Before getting close to the canyon, the surrounding area was already turned into a battlefield, with flesh and blood flying from place to place.

“Somewhat interesting.

–Sigh, Liu Zimo also accelerated, rushing towards the canyon.

And shortly after this, on the top of the canyon, on a tree rooted in the cliff, Liu Zimo was already standing quietly, looking down at the entire canyon.

Looking at his gaze,

It was amazing to see that in the deepest part of the gorge, there was a giant tree tens of meters high, which turned to red like a flame.

On the top of his canopy, there are countless small silver flowers in full bloom.

“Fire Tree Silver Flower?”

The heart-head thought of this word for some reason, and Liu Zimo also noticed that the earth was constantly bulging.

Looking closely, it is like countless pythons shuttled through the earth.

And at this moment,


In the sudden roar, the ground up in a corner suddenly burst, and there was a tree root with a thick arm. It rolled up a badly injured mutant rabbit, and then rubbed it fiercely. Into the earth.


Just listen to a crisp sound, the blood mist sprays thin, and the blood smell in the air is even more intense.

However, more than this, around the canyon, there are actually one tree root after another from time to time, like a big snake, continuously drilling out, rolling up one after another mutant beasts. .

Individually, it is directly wound-winding, exerting force, and smashing the bones of the mutant beasts.

“Kacha, Kacha”

Just listen to the crisp sound after another, and the stern roar of the beast reverberates in the night sky.

“This is a demon tree.”

In some stunned voices, Liu Zimo’s face and complexion changed again and again.

This guy was actually attacking and killing mutant beasts secretly, and he was constantly devouring them.

Such behavior is no different from the legendary demon tree.

And at this time, if you look at the roots of the trees through the earth, you can definitely see that the roots are “swelling and shrinking”, as if they are absorbing something.

And, more than that, his roots were gradually stained with blood.

Scarlet like blood.

But (ahfe) reveals indescribable cruelty and terrible.


Smashing his mouth, Liu Zimo also sighed.

Being able to set foot on the extraordinary second-order mutant giant tree is really extraordinary.

However, thinking about it is understandable.

If his methods are average, how can he live to the present?

Is it even more of an extraordinary second-order?

“Compared to us humans, mutant plants are even more miserable. Their existence is the ultimate treasure, whether they are mutant animals, humans, or even their kind are enemies.”

“It’s really sad.”

Smiling, Liu Zimo looked at the entire canyon with a touch of heat.

Next, he is ready to make a move.

Not only for this mutant giant tree that has set foot on the extraordinary second-order,

It is even more important to all the mutant beasts in the entire canyon.

“I played Wan Lei, but I haven’t used it yet.. Just here, try it.”

Looking at this canyon, which is neither too small nor too big, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and looked towards the sky.

“Thunder pressure raging waves”

– In the sound of violent shouts, the clouds in the sky shook violently.

Upon closer inspection, there was a gathering of dark clouds one after another.

This is the ability of thunder and raging waves to simulate “weather”. It gathers huge thunder and lightning power above the enemy’s head to form a huge lightning cloud. With the addition of atmospheric power, the power of thunder and lightning is greatly enhanced.

It then turns into’a thunder that strikes the sky and destroys the enemy.

But, now Liu Zimo doesn’t want to call out “Thunder from the sky.”

He chose the most inconspicuous ability of Thunder Pressure and Rage.

That is to simulate the weather.

Artificial weather simulation.

“If there is no thundercloud weather, then I will artificially create thundercloud weather.”

“Although it is a bit time-consuming and competitive, but compared to the harvest, everything is worth it.”

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also looked at it. The sky was several meters large and there were thin black clouds.

not enough,

This is certainly not enough.

Even the canyon is not covered-how can it be possible.


“Thunder crushes the raging waves, thunder crushes the anger.”

During the violent shouts, Liu Zimo was constantly surging with spiritual power.

“Kacha, Kacha”

In the middle of the sound of thunder and the upper part of the night sky, there are more and more huge dark clouds gathering, gradually covering the bright moonlight.

As for these, most mutant beasts have been discovered.

But there is not one attention.

After all, at this moment, they only had the mutant giant tree in their eyes.

However, what made Liu Zimo a little stunned was that in the night sky, there was a mutated bird that looked like a dark cloud, as if he had noticed his existence.


In the continuous neighing, those eyes that looked like a bloody moon were already looking at Liu Zimo who was above the canyon.

“Why, are you going to shoot me?


-With a chuckle, Liu Zimo’s fingertips also have a thunder light, which seems to be provocative.

However, what surprised Liu Zimo was that this mutant bird, after looking at Liu Zimo for a few eyes, took the initiative to fly to a higher night sky.

“Forehead ”

Somewhat surprised, Liu Zimo also noticed that this mutant bird was unusual.

This guy seemed to perceive his horror.

He didn’t even have the courage to make a move.

However, it seemed to be reluctant to bear this spiritual tree.

So, now I choose to be high in the sky and wait and see.

“Very smart guy.

Realizing this, Liu Zimo also secretly praised.

This mutant bird is really extraordinary.

It is estimated that wisdom is no less than human beings.

However, this does not affect.

As long as it does not affect yourself.

And now,

Staring at the night sky, Liu Zimo’s spiritual power also continued to surge.

“Thunder pressures the raging waves.”

-During the violent drinking, the dark clouds in the night sky became thicker and thicker.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the entire canyon was roaring again and again.

Countless mutant beasts are fighting in the depths of the canyon.

There are thousands of them, large and small.

There are countless mutant beasts, rushing towards the spiritual tree in the deepest part of the canyon.

But, before they rushed to the side of the spirit tree, one after another, the roots of the tree were already pouring out and colliding with the mutant beast.

At this time, if you notice the crown of this mutant giant tree, you can definitely see that there is a red fruit in the extremely lush crown of the tree, slowly emerging.

The red fruit seems to condense all the vitality,

It is as vigorous as a flame.

That is this mutant giant tree, the most condensed treasure.

Although I don’t know what it does.

But feeling-receiving the extremely vigorous vitality is also shocking.

Even Liu Zimo was a little excited.


Smashing his mouth, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and looked at the night sky


“Boom, boom, boom”

The thick thundercloud is constantly surging, and there is an indescribable depression.

It gives people a sense of oppression of’black clouds pressing the city and wanting to destroy the city’.

And just in the depths of the black clouds,

“Stab, stab.”

Countless flash-electricity, non-stop intersection, like a thunder snake, non-stop wandering.

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