Chapter 175 Come, Lei Ying (third more)

The black clouds became thicker and thicker, and the entire night sky seemed to be overwhelmed.

-1 one after another|The mutant beasts in the depths of the canyon seemed to have noticed something and sent out an uneasy roar.

However, the strong smell of blood and the spirit tree made them lose their vigilance against danger.

The only three extraordinary second-order ~ mutant beasts.

The khaki pythons were still in the depths of the canyon, killing all quarters, fighting with a group of wolves.

And on the Dark Clouds|, the mutant Pengbird, with eyes like a blood moon, staring at the dark clouds, there is indescribable fear in the depths of the eyes.

He feels | feel it,

Sense|I felt an unimaginable power, surging in the depths of the thundercloud.

In the face of this kind of power, he is small and pitiful.

And this is normal.

The current Liu Zimo is an extraordinary second-order Dzogchen.

And because of the cultivation of Saint Pirate, the spiritual power is more than twice that of the ordinary and extraordinary second-order.

Plus other background…

To put it bluntly, Liu Zimo’s strength has surpassed the concept of extraordinary second-order.

And how terrifying is Liu Zimo now?

To be honest, he didn’t know it himself.

It’s just that he knows,

Like now,

With his right hand raised high, his body slowly lifted into the air, and countless electric arcs filled his body. Liu Zimo walked around the world like a Thor.

And at this time, not only the mutant beasts, but even the transcendents in a city far away, not far from this canyon, seemed to have noticed something, and came one after another.

“I saw countless mutant beasts just now, rushing toward the depths of the mountain. I’m sure that a treasure was born. Just now, I smelled a strange fragrance.”

“Go, go, go and see, treasure, I haven’t seen what a treasure is like yet?”

In the series of narrations|, seven or eight transcendent first-order powerhouses, even close to the transcendent first-order Dzogchen, rushed toward the depths of the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

It’s just that, not long after this,

“what is that?”

Among the sudden exclaims|, one or one transcendent also looks at the night sky not far away with disbelief| in disbelief.

There, the thick clouds are constantly gathering together.

Thunder like a thunder snake, constantly wandering in the depths of the clouds.

“Stab, stab…”

From far away, you can hear the thunder of horror.

This thunder is by no means an ordinary thunder.

Just because, far away, they are all able to feel | under the terrible oppression.


As if exhale|exhale are frozen.

At this time, I quickly climbed up a hill and looked in that direction.

They even saw countless mutations fighting in the depths of the canyon.

And in the deepest part of the canyon, there is a fire tree, and the flames radiate straight into the sky

-In the silence of the array, everyone also realized something.

However, slowly looking up at the thick clouds on the night sky, their faces changed again and again.

In the faint|, they all feel |feel the more obscure the operation of spiritual power.

“Wait, you see, there seems to be one person there.

Looking for the gaze of this extraordinary person, everyone also found a figure standing quietly under the thick cloud layer.

He held the sky with one hand.

It seems to lift the entire cloud layer high.

Dense arcs are constantly intertwined in all directions.

What’s more palpitating is that his whole person exudes a thunderous brilliance.

“Yin, yin”

Between the neighs, there was a thunder dragon several meters long hovering and flying around him.

this moment,

They are actually feelings| feel, this is not a person!!

But the legendary Thor walked out.

Like a god like a devil,

It’s terrifying.

“This shouldn’t be”

In some of the breath of sound|Yinzhi|, one or one transcendent seems to have recognized Liu Zimo’s identity.

That purple thunder,

That spleen-looking posture,

Still extremely iconic.

It’s just that, at this time, Liu Zimo didn’t even look at them.

Slowly|I raised my eyes slowly, and there was thunder in the depths of the eyes.

And now, Liu Zimo finally shouted softly:

“Lei Ying!!”

The whisper softly, like the whisper of a god, full of indifference.

And at the moment his words fell, the thick clouds covering the entire gorge were incessantly surging.

The thunder inside seemed to be violent.

“Kacha, Kacha”

-Sound after sound

Even the thick clouds above the sky are slowly|slowly shrinking|shrinking.

a little,

a little..

One by one, one after another, among the unbelievable gazes, it turned into a black thunderball with the size of hundreds of meters.

This is a thundercloud resembling a spherical flash-electricity, and its interior is full of shocking air currents and currents.

At the moment it appeared, the entire night sky was frozen.


A storm of terror has swept across all directions.

Even if they are thousands of meters apart, they can feel the surging storm.

And this black cloud thunderball, slowly|slowly falling, the entire canyon seemed to be unable to bear|live, but it was actually slowly|slowly trembling|.

Yes, trembling.

“Kacha, Kacha,…”

The earth is breaking apart at a speed visible to the naked eye, and terrible storms are rolling over the sky and the earth.

The entire canyon is like ushering in the most terrifying natural disaster, and it is actually shaking continuously.

And the mutant beasts in the canyon, seem to have realized something, and roared and fled in all directions.

But compared to them.

That extraordinary second-order mutant giant python, and that very cold and arrogant extraordinary second-order giant wolf seemed to react, and it was the first time to gather spiritual power.


Among the sudden neighs|, an earth-yellow light beam of spiritual power spouted from the mutant giant python’s mouth and rushed straight into a black thunderball that was a hundred meters in the sky.

On the other side, the mutant giant wolf also gathered a group of wind blades as large as tens of meters, and slashed towards the sky.

However, what I didn’t expect was that the mutant giant tree in the deepest part of the canyon seemed to have noticed something, and it actually took the initiative to attack.

“Ah, ah”

-1 sound followed by a sound break through the air, countless tree roots uprooted from the ground, like a spear, piercing the thunderball in the sky at an extremely fast speed.

It’s just a pity


Suddenly, Liu Zimo, who stood quietly on the night sky, also watched all this silently.

The black thunderball he created by himself, he naturally knows how terrifying it is.

That can’t be stopped by the extraordinary second-order mutant beasts.


“Everything will be ashes.”

In the softly whispering|, this black thunderball with the size of a hundred meters finally landed on the canyon|.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar, the endless thunder light actually gushes out.

Visible to the naked eye,

Everything is constantly melting in the Thunder Light.

Powerful as an extraordinary mutated bear..

There is also the mutant spirit that is so hard to find with the naked eye…

-One after another, all of them sent out a stern whine.

“Roar, roar, roar…”

“Yin, Yin, Yin”

The sorrows are not broken, but they are all submerged in the noise of the thunder.

The only thing is that the entire canyon slowly disappears.

The mountains and rivers shattered in an instant, the trees turned to ashes in an instant

As if razed to the ground.

However, what is even more frightening is that there is still the aftermath of continuous diffusion.


Accompanied by a terrible roar, the waves of air spread in all directions.

Wherever he went, countless trees were uprooted.

Even in the distance, the transcendent who had been stunned for a long time flew out in the midst of repeated exclaims.

That terrible shock wave was actually thousands of meters apart and shot them flying.


In the continuous sound of spurting blood, several transcendents are like kites with broken wires, not|broken upside down,

Individually, even the bones made a |sound of cracking.

But even so, it is difficult to hide the shocking color on their faces.

what is that?

What exactly is that?

Looking at the distance in a daze, it was already a thunderstorm that had raised a hundred meters high and submerged everything. These extraordinary people were dumbfounded.

“Is this really the power that humans have?”

Among the unimaginable horror, this transcendent person also lost his voice completely.

0……Look for flowers…

But, it’s not just them.

Even a city located far away near this big mountain, countless people saw the thunderstorm rising into the sky.

In the faintly|, you can see terrible air waves, which shattered the clouds at the end of the night sky, and continued to spread.


Everyone is stupid.

In this city, the red alert was raised for the first time.

Just because of this moment,

“The Spirit Power Fluctuation Index is as high as more than 300,000. This is the third-order transcendental, the third-order transcendental life|life body”

“My God, how can such an existence appear in us?

Among the repeated exclaims|, the staff of the Spiritual Power Bureau in this small city didn’t dare to imagine that this is a power that a person can explode| send out|.

Now they all have faces | pale,

Staring fiercely at the thunderstorm on the screen.

This is a terrible offensive that can change the terrain.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the canyons deep in the mountains are all erased.

Raised to the ground in the true sense.


In the sudden crackling sound, it was the instrument that couldn’t bear the terrible thunder, and it didn’t break apart.

In thundercloud weather, TV will have an impact.

Not to mention, in front of such a terrible thunderstorm.

Therefore, the instrument is declared over.

At this moment, Jing Jing stood in the night sky, but Liu Zimo’s eyes were extremely calm.

“It took two hours and thirty-seven thunderstorms to cast the thunder cloud.”

“Finally fell, Lei Ying who destroyed everything.”

With a sigh|, Liu Zimo is also looking forward to, when will he be able to instantly cast these skills.

Although the power of these skills is terrifying.

But the conditions for launching are too harsh.

Like the Shenming Temple, it takes him two months to condense the spiritual power crystal.

And this Lei Ying needs him to release the thunder pressure without interruption, simulate the weather, and cast thunderclouds.

That is, these mutant beasts have lost their minds.

At other times, Liu Zimo can’t simulate the weather in such a stable manner and create thunderclouds.

However, I have to say that all the efforts are worthwhile.

“Ding, you have already killed one|A transcendent first-order mutant hare, Dao point+”

“Ding, you have already killed one extraordinary second-order mutant giant python, Dao point.”

“Ding, you have already killed an extraordinary first-order mutant tiger. Dao point

Among the prompts, one after another, Liu Zimo’s |mouth|corner is also slightly| slightly tilted.

It’s another big harvest.

A full seven million points.

And this, let his Dao points, storage reached 25 million people shocked.

And, more than that.

There are also a lot of mutant beasts, under the thunderstorm, lingering and panting, holding on

I believe that their death is only a matter of time.

With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also noticed the entire canyon, which has disappeared from the land

Leave a scorched black hole with a depth of tens of meters.

This pothole is so huge that it might be comparable to several football fields.

And this is the horror of Lei Ying.

No, this is not exactly Lei Ying.

When the real Lei Ying, the black thunder ball falls, not to mention destroying the entire city, but it can also completely destroy a small half of the city.

And the storm that set off was able to smooth everything out.

But this | Lei Ying, at most only a full body Lei Ying one two-tenth of the power.

However, this is enough.

After all, the current Liu Zimo is just an extraordinary second-order.

And Lei Ying, Shenming Hall and other moves, only a few extraordinary third-tier can barely control.

If it were not for Liu Zimo’s profound background, I am afraid it would be difficult to motivate him.

“Now he, the more | he has spread the rumor that Transcendent Tier 4 is a human-shaped natural disaster.”

“If I set foot on Transcendent Tier 4, I am afraid it will be much more terrifying than the humanoid natural disaster.”

With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also felt that he was about to touch the ceiling of combat power.

It should be the ceiling of destructive power.

Do not,

The destructive power of him in charge of Thunder is too terrifying.

Every gesture is destruction!!! Guang,

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