Chapter 192 All tied to an arrow (first shift)

“How do you want to die?”

Licking his mouth-corner, the playful color on the human spider’s face became more and more intense.

Immediately after,

Her gaze also fell on the girl not far away.

Thin skin and tender meat, with blurred tears.

Because of fear, because of timidity, this little human body can’t stop shaking.

Extraordinary third-order.

And it’s not an ordinary third-order transcendent.

In front of such a top mutant beast, I believe no one can take it lightly.

Even the determined man was trembling with fear.

What’s more, such a pitiful girl.


“Sister Yaoyao, no, don’t”

“Damn it, I fought her.”

In the successive roars, a group of extraordinary people are all agitated-moved-raised.

Even individual, spiritual power is surging.

Don’t wait for them to do something.


Suddenly, the power exploded from not far away, and the entire sky seemed to go dark.

Countless transcendents have seen it

Saw it,

The one far away, a top mutant beast with a bull’s head, is staring at them coldly.

And it was the scarlet eyes that made them unmovable.

“Whoever dares to interrupt the eldest sister’s meal, I will”

Speaking softly, this monster with a bull’s head also looked at a corner not far away.


In the focus of his eyes, the earth seemed to be unable to withstand his power, and it was all shattering.

With such a force, let alone other people, even if they are among the transcendents, a top transcendent who has stepped into the first-order Dzogchen can’t help but feel terrified.

And now…07.

Without paying attention to the actions of other transcendents, the human spider has slowly moved closer to this human girl, and there is a touch of indescribable expectation on her face.

She is longing,

Longing for a rare meal.

It is worth mentioning that she does not like rough human beings.

She is only interested in human girls.

And this girl is still extraordinary.

Long drift-bright don’t say,

It is more spiritual.

Even in her recipes, it is considered’superior.’

Therefore, she intends to taste it slowly.

However, when she lifted the spider leg and leaned toward the girl not far away, she was shocked.

Not only her,

Even the face and color of the bull demon not far away changed drastically in an instant.

“Be careful, sister.”

In the sudden violent drink, there is a very bright thunder light, which bursts far away.

Accompanied by it is a world-shaking power.


Accompanied by a terrible roar, countless purple lightnings are intertwined in heaven and earth in an instant.

Make the atmosphere freeze.

And that, it’s really domineering and overbearing.

The burst-hair in an instant is Liu Zimo’s posture Yang Yang,

It is also a great shock to him for the top mutant beast.

Like now,

At the moment when his overlord’s color exploded, with him as the center, the terrifying aura seemed like a substantive ocean wave, impacting everything.

And Liu Zimo even condensed the terrifying aura into a line, and rushed straight into the mind of the mutant spider girl.


In the sudden roar, it was like a thunder that exploded in the human spider’s heart.

Even with her mind is rippling.

And at the moment when her mind was shocked, a bright thunder light carrying thousands of thunders was already shooting at her indefinitely.

This arrow,


The moment an arrow came, the storm was rolled up,

Even the glass of countless buildings was shattered.

What is even more frightening is that this arrow is as fast as a stream of light.

In just a few moments, he actually traversed a distance of one thousand meters and came to the front of the human spider.

“no no ”

The heart-hair screamed sternly, and the human spider was the first to notice the crisis.

She wants to run,

But in front of this arrow, her speed seemed weak.

When she moved, she felt the extreme light and heat coming from far away.

The dazzling thunder light made her eyes unable to open.

The extreme heat made her body seem to melt.

What is even more frightening is that her body is actually unable to move under a surge of extremely powerful electric current.

I could only watch this dazzling light of the thunder arrow, which was as bright as a shooting star, attacking her.

“Will I die?”

This thought appeared in the heart-head for the first time, and the human spider’s face-color was also pale.

However, she is not to blame.

Just because of this arrow, it’s too scary, too scary.

The horror is so terrible that she is slumbering.

And this is Liu Zimo’s half-created “Indra Arrow, which brings together 30% of his spiritual power.”

And his 30%, but a full 150,000.

Such a vast spiritual power, if it were transformed into other moves, it would be enough to crush a small half of the city.

But now, such a vast spiritual power is actually tied to one stone.

It’s no wonder that human spiders have pale faces and despair in their eyes.

However, at this moment,

Don’t talk about Liu Zimo, even a scene that Human Spider hadn’t expected happened.

Just because, at the next moment,

“what ”

Suddenly breaking through the air, a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of the human spider.


A terrible neigh, shaking-the sky and even the earth.

Spiritual power like the tide is constantly gushing out.

The Bull Demon, this top mutant beast, actually stood in front of the Human Spider.


Along with the earth-shattering roar, the bright thunder light is already gushing out, turning into a thunder pillar that shakes the sky, dispersing the clouds in the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, the endless wind and waves are constantly rolling up.

“Boom, boom, boom”

With the continuous loud noise, everything around it seemed to be moved.

Trees, buildings,

Everything is in the wind and waves, rewinding

But, I don’t know when, in front of many transcendents, a slender figure appeared.

While he stood quietly, the shining thunder light actually lined up to the sides like a tide, avoiding all the extraordinary.

Even with the endless wind and waves, it is a retreat.

“This is?”

“My God, is Thor coming?”

“How come? Didn’t he award the title in Yanjing?”

In the repeated exclaims, countless transcendents looked at this back, all revealing an unbelievable look.

Even some of them cried with joy.

For example, that one girl named “Yao”.

Dou Da’s tears continued to fall, and the joy of the rest of his life appeared on his face.

“It’s really Big Brother Thor, it really is.”

After repeated exclaims, Yao also heard it, and a very gentle voice echoed in the air.

“It’s okay, I’m here.

A simple sentence, but for some reason, quieted everyone’s hearts.

At this time, not only these extraordinary people, but even the powerful Yanjing also saw it, and suddenly exploded with a bright thunder light.

That thunder light rose to the sky.

Shattering the clouds, the shock wave set off even shook the city.

Such a horrible scene made everyone breathe.

“This is the strength of Thor!!!”

“Just one arrow, one arrow.”

“It deserves to be Thor, but now he is facing two top mutant beasts, and I hope nothing will happen.

“Will not.

Among the many discussions, Zhongqiang also focused on the screen.

This is a psychic satellite.

Can capture the screen very accurately.

It’s just a pity that there are only three such spiritual power satellites in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

One keeps watch over the sea,

One monitors the inland.

There is one more, monitoring Yanjing.

If there are more spiritual power satellites, the entire Dragon Kingdom can be monitored for the first time.

It’s just a pity.

Spiritual satellites are different from ordinary satellites.

This is a satellite that relies on spiritual power and has extremely stringent requirements for materials.

With all the strength of the Dragon Kingdom, only three can be created.

However, this is not bad.

The rest of the countries are still relying on old-fashioned satellite monitoring.

Those satellites can also capture images.

But under the influence of spiritual power, accidents often occur, and blurring of the picture is second.

It’s just that I don’t mention this.

Now, what is really important is that it is still the battle-field

And now, on this very huge square, the bright thunder light has gradually dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, in countless people’s unbelievable gazes, a crack extending to the end of the city was exposed.

Yes, cracks.

And this is an arrow from Liu Zimo, tearing apart a small half of the city

But 553, what is breathtaking is that a figure is far away, actually slowly-slowly raising-raising its head.

A figure standing in front of many transcendents with his eyes fixed.

“Supernatural Tier 3”

In the unbelievable roar, the face of the bull demon was distorted because of the severe pain.

The streaks of thunder continued to spread across his body.

At this time, if you look at his lower abdomen, you can see that there is a hole the size of a basketball.

One arrow…

With just one arrow, the bull demon who is best at defense penetrates.

Moreover, this is still under the condition that he is prepared and all his spiritual energy is transferred to his body.

If his eldest sister is not ready to take this arrow, I am afraid

With this thought, Niu Demon Face-shang is also a little afraid.

However, at this moment,


During the coughing again and again, the bull demon seemed to be unable to hold it anymore, and actually knelt on one knee on the ground fiercely.

“Oh, my goal is not you…”

In the very playful voice-in-the-sound, Liu Zimo also slowly lifted up his footsteps.


With one foot in the air, stepping on the air, and walking towards the two figures in the distance, Liu Zimo also showed a touch of playfulness on his face.

“Humph ”

In the sudden cold snort, Niu Demon also disdainfully said:

“I didn’t expect that an extraordinary Tier 3 like you would even sneak attack?”

“Sneak attack?”

Smiled, Liu Zi’s legs also didn’t care.

“As long as we protect people better, what’s the point of a sneak attack.”

“Also, do I need to talk to you guys about the rules?”

-Sound after sound, Liu Zimo’s eyes flashed a rare solemnity.

Really is wisdom life-life.

It is completely different from the general mutant beast.

It’s more than just a high degree of wisdom.

It is more emotional.

Yes, affection.

If you change to other mutant beasts, will you not be afraid of death for other mutant beasts, will you block this deadly skill?

of course not.

But this guy does more than just do this.

It truly guarded the human spider girl. .

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