Chapter 193 Absolutely powerful (second more)

“This should be a senior student-fate, right?”

He sighed inwardly, but Liu Zimo raised his eyes.

I carefully looked at these two figures.

Some are like beasts.

However, they are more fierce and tyrannical than those who are capable of animal transformation.

– One is the head of a bull, the whole body is black and shiny, and the black hair is like silk, flowing with black light, and a pair of thick horns are raised, facing the sky.

And its physique is extremely large-large, and its limbs are also extremely thick-strong.

From a distance, it is extraordinary.

However, this figure knelt on one knee, coughing up blood,

The breath is even more sluggish.

Obviously, Liu Zimo’s arrow was also a heavy blow to him.

But compared to him, another figure made Liu Zimo more curious.

That figure is still behind this bull monster.

The cold cheeks are full of frost.

Just looking at the upper body, the country is overwhelming, even Liu Zimo can’t help but secretly praise.

It’s a beauty.

–A very beautiful-looking beauty.

Long black hair, falling like a waterfall,

–The eyes are scarlet as blood, but they are very good-looking.

However, looking down,

Looking at the bloated, swollen and ugly lower body, Liu Zimo’s eyes were also slightly narrowed.

“Half-human spiders, I don’t know if they have become humans at the end of their evolution.”

Mind-head curiously, Liu Zimo saw this-personal spider, and started slowly.


The spider’s legs touched the ground, and the earth was shaking.

But her eyes were cold and terrifying.

“For the first time-I smelled death.”

In speaking softly, this individual spider looked at Liu Zimo’s gaze, but it was unspeakable and even terrifying.

That’s killing intent,

The real killing intent.

Vaguely, Liu Zimo saw countless crystal-clear spider silks, intersecting in the sky.

These spider silks, like silver snakes, crisscross,

But it is ready to go.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that these spider silks are surging with extremely terrifying spiritual power.

[Spiritual power spider silk-spider silk containing extremely terrifying spiritual power, not only cutting iron like mud, but also flexible and unparalleled. 】

Looking at it quietly, Liu Zimo’s heart and head are also paying attention.

Contains spiritual power

This means that this spider silk is difficult to evade by simply relying on elementalization.

After all, elementalization can only avoid physical damage.

Can not avoid spiritual damage.

And, not only that.

The eight tough and slender spider-legs under the human spider are constantly changing.

As if turned into a blade.

There was an indescribable cold light.

“I will tear you up bit by bit.”

“Then, being a cow demon is the most abundant food.”

The more-the cold voice-Yinzhi -, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

For some reason, all transcendents have a sense-jue-heart-head chill.

That was the killing intent from the transcendent third-order mutant beast.

Moreover, it wasn’t the killing intent of a general transcendent Tier 3 mutant beast.

It seemed that Liu Zimo’s arrow really angered her.

There was a flame rising in the depths of his eyes.

“Huh… w ~”

–Sneer, but Liu Zimo doesn’t care much.

“Come on, I am looking forward to your strength.

The moment the words fell, the air shook violently.

Just because, at this moment,


That one human spider disappeared in the eyes of countless transcendents.

“How can it be?”

“This speed-degree?”

In the repeated exclaims, countless transcendents noticed the distant air, and a black shadow flashed away.

No, that is not disappearing.

But the speed is too fast

It’s almost hard to find with the naked eye.

“It’s an eight-legged spider.”

With a smile from the heart-head, Liu Zimo’s figure also shrank suddenly.


He only heard a thunder that broke through the air, but Liu Zimo turned into a thunder and rushed towards the spider.


In the sudden roar, the entire square and even the ground for several thousand meters was shocked.

Looking for prestige, in the horrified eyes of countless transcendents,

There are two figures, fists and fists bumping into each other.

The air seemed to solidify when the fists bumped into one another.

Immediately after,


There was another roar, and the terrible shock wave shook.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the ground at the feet of these two figures is constantly cracking, revealing a huge crater tens of meters deep.

This is the power that the earth cannot bear-both.

However, this is just the beginning.

Because, at this moment,

“Bang, bang, bang…”

In the continuous roar, extremely intense collisions have already been set off.

Can’t see the figure.

Some are just a black figure and a purple figure, intertwined in the square.

And every time they are intertwined, terrible winds and waves will roll back into the sky and the earth.

In just a few breaths and breaths, dozens of giant pits emerged in the entire square.

“This is the real battle-fight.”

Between heart and head sigh, Liu Zimo’s face also showed a touch of indescribable joy.

This is war-fight.

Belongs to the extraordinary third-order war-fight.

Their speed is enough to set off a sonic boom.

Their fists are enough to shake the mountain.

And now, between their punches and punches, everything is falling apart.

Wherever it went, it was flat..

Like now,


Liu Zimo blasted out with a punch, and smashed it fiercely on the body of this mutant spider. Before the punch fell, the terrible storm had already rolled up, and the surrounding boulders were flying away.

However, at this moment,

“The Spider”

During the sudden violent drink, countless crystal-clear spider silks were intertwined continuously, turning into a huge shield, blocking Liu Zimo’s face.

What’s more terrifying is…

At this moment, Liu Zimo actually discovered that there were countless spider silks intertwined around him, which seemed to trap him.

“Humph, you die for me.

–Sneer, these crystal-clear spider silks are actually shrinking and shrinking, as if to cut Liu Zimo’s whole person.

Vaguely, the human spiders all saw the appearance of this-an extraordinary third-order human corpse separated.

However, I have to say,

This human kind is really terrifying.

Only relying on the physical body, he was able to fight with her till now.

“This guy’s body is extraordinary.”

Between the heart and the head sighed, the human spider increased the injection of spiritual power.

Her spider silk is invincible.

Now that this guy is trapped in a spider silk cage, he will definitely be unable to escape the fate of being torn apart.

However, at this time, she hadn’t noticed the cold arc of Liu Zimo’s mouth-corner that didn’t know when.

“Originally, I just wanted to fight you up close, but you actually used spider silk.”

With a smile from heart to head, Liu Zimo stepped on the ground with one foot.

“Boom, boom, boom”

Accompanied by an extremely terrible roar, in the incredible gaze of human spiders, the earth is actually cracking,

One giant tree after another actually rose up from the ground.

These trees kept growing, but they broke through the spider silk cage she had woven.

With this, Liu Zimo accelerated, and completely broke through the blockade of spider silk.

“Thunder and lightning strike”

Without giving the spider a chance to react, Liu Zimo, who was pulled close to the spider, had already raised his hands.


Accompanied by a loud, earth-shattering noise, several buckets of thick thunder light beams poured down on this human spider.

“what ”

In the stern roar, even the human spider was a bit unable to withstand the close-range impact of Thunder.

The whole body is full of sharp burrs, they are all wiped out,

Some places where there is no time for the spiritual protection of the body, it is even more scorched.

It’s just that this is not the end.

Because, at this moment,

In this shining thunder beam, there was actually a fuzzy figure slowly-slowly intertwined-.

This is Liu Zimo, with the help of elementalization and the thunder beam.

Elementalization is not only used to avoid physical damage.

It can hide the figure.

And now the thunder is shining, and the spider who can’t even open his eyes, talk about how to find the existence of Liu Zimo.

As for the breath, Liu Zimo’s breath has long merged with Thunder…


Slowly raising his hand, Liu Zimo was also in the shining thunder light, and pressed a paw on the cheek of the individual spider.

Her skin is very delicate and tender.

Better than the skin of some goddesses.

But at this time, Liu Zimo didn’t have the slightest bit of pity.

Just because his right hand exerts strength,

“^「Crack 」

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the cheeks of this human spider are distorted,

What is even more shocking is that Liu Zimo’s right hand already has a bright thunder light.


Attached to the ear, while speaking in a soft voice, the bright thunder light had already exploded from Liu Zimo’s right hand.


Along with the terrible roar, the entire human spider was once again blown away by Liu Zimo

Even his head was smashed to pieces.

Yes, half.

“Eldest Sister”

It was a very worried cry, and the mutant bull monster far away seemed to want to stand up and make another move.

Don’t wait for him to act.

“Boom (Li Lihao)”

Accompanied by a terrible roar, a thunder spear tens of meters long was already gathered in the palm of Liu Zimo.

“Be quiet.

-During the long whistle, the Thunder spear tore the air and rushed towards the mutant bull monster.


Without even a chance to react, the bull monster’s arm was pierced by Liu Zimo’s thunder spear once again, because he could not move in place.

However, this is not the end.

It’s just because the supernatural third-order life-life body is by no means simple.

This is especially true for a higher life-life like this mutant spider.

At this time,

Slowly raising his eyes, Liu Zimo also noticed that the distant person’s hair-roared extremely sternly.

But just as she uttered an extremely screaming roar, there were countless mutant spiders, large and small, rushing to attack from all directions in the city.

Nothing prevented.

Liu Zimo just watched quietly.

He is looking forward to what will happen next.

And then, it did not exceed his expectations.

This transcendent third-order mutant spider actually bit on the body of a transcendent second-order mutant spider.

At the same time, she was already recovering from a scarred body.

Even half of his head heals at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Swallowing the same race–Human spiders can rely on the same race to greatly increase the speed of recovery from injuries, while further enhancing their own strength]

Very terrifying and cruel ability

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