Chapter 289 : Sakura Tengu (third more)

When the Dragon Kingdom battleship approached the waters of the Dragon Kingdom, two strange-looking mutant beasts appeared at the coast of Sakura Island.

One of them looks like a dog, but is much larger than a dog. Even an adult Tibetan mastiff is three points inferior to it.

Its whole body is pitch black, without a single hair, the black is deep, and the black is terrifying. From a distance, it looks like a black hole, as if it has the horrible feeling of being inhaled at any time.

What’s weirder is that this huge dog has two wings on its back. The wings are different in color from its body. They are silver.

The shape is also a bit peculiar. If it lifts its wings and merges them together, it will appear like a full moon. With the silver light, it is really like a silver moon.


At this time, it uttered a roar, and its powerful sound shook the sea area and stirred up waves of Melaleuca.

It turned into sound waves, rushing straight into the sky, as if the silver moon was rippling layers after layers.

What a terrifying cry.

In fact, the more terrifying thing is its mouth.

When it roared, its big mouth opened into a round shape, which was very wide and large, and seemed to be able to swallow the moon in.

In fact, there are indeed legends related to the moon on this mutant beast.

Mention of its name is well known.


That’s right, it’s the tengu that eats the moon in the myth.

But if it is, then 617 is unknown.

In short, this mutant beast calls itself a Tengu, and is the king of mutant beasts in the Sakura Island Country.

From this one can imagine how powerful this tengu is.

Next to the tengu, there is also a huge mutant spider with a human-faced spider body.

If Liu Zimo was here, he would definitely recognize that this was the extraordinary third-order mutant spider that escaped from Hangzhou.

Unexpectedly, this human spider really went to the cherry blossom island country, and even mixed with the king of mutant beasts, the tengu.

This is really incredible.

Two powerful mutant beasts stood side by side on the beach, and the tengu was shaking its wings and shaking its huge head, looking at the Long Kingdom mainland on the opposite side of the coast.

The fierce red eyes in the black flashed a strange light from time to time, it seemed to be looking forward to something

“Human Spider, would you like to walk with me?”

Suddenly speaking, the tengu caught the attention of another continent.


The human spider was startled, it looked at the tengu without knowing it, and wondered: “Where to go?”

Tengu slowly retracted its fierce eyes, and made a cold and deep voice, “Go to the opposite continent, Dragon Kingdom!”

It knew that the human spider had been to the mainland of the Dragon Kingdom, so it thought (ahfe) let the spider lead the way for it.

But Tengu didn’t expect it. As soon as its words were uttered, Human Spider seemed to think of something, his face was full of panic, his whole body was trembling, and it was full of fear.

Seeing such an abnormal appearance of the human spider, Tengu was very puzzled.

“what happened to you?”

The spider shook his head in horror, “You can go anywhere you want, and I can accompany you.”

“You can’t only go to Long Country!”

When the tengu heard the words, the fierce eyes flashed with icy chill, “Do you dare to disobey my orders?”

“Human Spider, don’t think that you are a third-order transcendent, you can understand it without any restraint, you should know that I want to kill you, just a bit!”

But what made Tengu didn’t expect was that its threat had no effect at all.

Human Spider was still horrified, its face was pale, and its voice trembled.

“Even if you swallow me, I won’t go!”

Then, the human spider thought in his heart, death is in your hands, at least one is happy.

The spider was not afraid of death, and the Tengu was stunned.

You know, the character of the human spider is known to all beasts. How did it change its sex today?

What is there in that continent that makes spiders so scared?

In doubt, Tengu also raised an interest.

It looked at the human spider and kept asking.

The spider saw that he couldn’t hide it, and only then did he mention the horrible experience that made it unforgettable for a lifetime.

“Master Tengu, I advise you to dispel the idea of ​​going to the Dragon Kingdom as soon as possible.”

“Just dominate the Sakura Island Country, don’t provoke the Dragon Country.”

“Otherwise, you will regret it.”

When the tengu heard this, it was even more curious. It glared at the human spider, “Say it!”

Human Spider finally sighed, slowly speaking about the experience.

After the tengu listened to it, he understood.

Why is an extraordinary Tier 3 spider greedy for life and fear of death.

Why does the human spider’s strength always fail to recover to its peak.

I understand why the human spider is so afraid of the Dragon Kingdom.

In the final analysis, it was all because of a name, “Thunder God!”

“Is Thor really that powerful? How is it better than me?” Tengu asked in a deep voice.

The spider shook his head pale.

“I don’t know, I just want to persuade you not to provoke him if possible.”

“The most terrifying thing about him is not his strength, but his”

Tengu suddenly opened his eyes, and his horror appeared.

This state lasted for five minutes before gradually calming down.

“Unexpectedly, the Dragon Kingdom would have such terrifying powerhouses.”

“only ”

Tengu raised his head and looked at that mysterious country again, and the look of expectation in his fierce eyes became stronger.

“It’s just that I have a reason to go!”

at the same time.

The Dragon Kingdom battleship finally arrived at the port of Kyoto.

Liu Zimo led Zhu Qiang to prepare to disembark the battleship, but as soon as he reached the shipboard, he saw a large number of people welcoming in the distance.

It’s really a sea of ​​people, you can’t see your head at a glance, there are as many as 100,000.

The head is headed by the head of the headquarters, and there are several senior leaders of Longguo at Sanmutou of the Scientific Research Institute.

Seeing this welcoming battlefield, Liu Zimo was also surprised.

Shan Hun and others were even more excited.

“Let me go, this card is too big, right? The head of the headquarters went to the port to greet us.”

“There are still a few high-level Long Country!

“My God, is this something big happening?”

Liu Zimo was also a bit excited. He urged everyone to pay attention to their image and don’t lose their attitude.

Then, he also sorted out his clothes, and then he stepped off the battleship.

“Hahaha, Thor boy, you gave me another big surprise this time!”

“Do you know that during this trip to Australia and land, you shocked the whole world.”

“Do you know how many communications from countries I receive every day? Good boy, you are going to exhaust my old man to death!”

Although the head of the headquarters is complaining, every word reveals excitement!

Liu Zimo also smiled helplessly. He walked two steps and greeted the head of the headquarters and the senior officials of Long Country.

After being polite, Liu Zimo asked: “Head of the headquarters, how did you make such a big battle this time? He also alarmed several senior leaders. I was a little flattered.”

“Hahaha.” The head of the headquarters laughed.

“Do you know that now the eyes of the whole world are staring at the Dragon Kingdom.”

“No, to be precise, I am staring at you!”

“Go, go, and talk back to headquarters.”

The head of the headquarters pulled Liu Zimo, and amid the deafening cheers of 100,000 soldiers, he returned to the headquarters of the Spiritual Force Bureau.

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