Chapter 290 Dangerous signal (second more)

Surrounded by the cheers of countless soldiers, Liu Zimo and the head of the headquarters returned to the General Administration of Spiritual Power.

Along the way, the head of the headquarters also told him the reasons for the arrival of high-level leaders.

In the final analysis, it was the war between Australia and the mainland.

The Dragon Kingdom Thunder God beheaded the Seven Aolu Kings with his own power, and even killed the half-step fourth-order mutant big snake, which caused a sensation in the entire world.

Now the whole world believes that Thor is the pinnacle of the world.

If there were people who questioned it before, it is definitely not there now.

More importantly, this pinnacle powerhouse appeared in the Dragon Kingdom.

In addition, there is another reason.

Thor was almost rescued by his own power, which made the weight of the Dragon Kingdom even heavier internationally.

The national prestige has been greatly improved, and the high-level officials must naturally express their gratitude.

Hearing the words of the head of the headquarters, Liu Zimo-naturally was very happy.

It’s just that he doesn’t care much about these false names, and he is more concerned about the situation in the Dragon Kingdom.

However, the head of the headquarters didn’t mention it, and waited until the conference room to discuss it in detail.

Soon, everyone returned to the General Administration and entered the conference room.

In addition to the head of the headquarters and the three giants of the scientific research institute, the senior officials of Longguo also came to the conference room.

At this time, there is already a person waiting in the conference room.

Liu Zimo looked up, she knew this person.

It is the candidate of the Dragon Kingdom, Xue Ji.

Xue Ji was still as cold as ever, holding a white umbrella in her hand, and holding it up anytime and anywhere, the whole body exuded the breath of ice and snow, which was daunting.

The appearance has not changed, it is still the same as before.

But Liu Zimo found out that Xue Ji’s breath had changed.. became stronger!

Oh? Has she already set foot on the third-order transcendent?

not bad.

Xue Ji and the monks are all candidates for generals, which is enough to reflect their talent and strength.

Not long ago, the monk had already set foot on the third rank.

Unexpectedly, Xue Ji was not to be outdone, and finally reached this step.

Surprised, Liu Zimo also showed admiration, and he was more happy.

Now Long Country, including Xue Ji, there are already three extraordinary third-tiers on the bright side.

The strength of the head of the headquarters is confidential, so it is not counted.

There are three third-tiers in one country, and one and a half-step fourth-tiers. Now the strength of the Dragon Kingdom is far ahead in the world.

“Why? Something unexpected.”

“My Dragon Kingdom is really getting stronger and stronger.”

The head of the headquarters knew that Liu Zimo had detected it, and deliberately passed a few words to Liu Zimo.

Liu Zimo couldn’t help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words.

How can this be a bit of ostentation?

In fact, the head of the headquarters really meant something like this.

Liu Zimo didn’t know that during the time he was away, the Thunder Palace had developed better and better, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger, almost surpassing the headquarters.

If there were no monks in the headquarters, and Xue Ji would stand up for the scene, he would really be suppressed by the thundering hall. When that happens, where will the old face of the head of the headquarters go?

Of course, the so-called show off is nothing more than the expression of the head of the headquarters.

What he really wanted to tell Liu Zimo was that Dragon Kingdom was getting stronger and stronger.

“Come, sit down.

The head of the headquarters greeted everyone to sit down, and then looked at the senior officials of Longguo.

“Leader, Raytheon has returned safely. If you have any instructions, please convey it directly.”

A senior smiled slightly, first commended Thor for his contribution, and then issued a document.

This document is mentioned before, and Raytheon has officially become a member of the decision-makers of the Dragon Kingdom.

In the future, Raytheon can participate in the discussion of Longguo’s national policy, and can even propose national policy.

This is the highest recognition of Thor.

Even Liu Zimo couldn’t help showing excitement.

After the document was delivered, the senior leaders looked at the head of the headquarters.

“Okay, the appointment documents have been communicated, and the rest is up to you to decide.

“The senior officials of the Long Kingdom have already stated that this matter is decided by Raytheon himself.”

After speaking, several senior executives turned and left.

After sending away several senior executives, Liu Zimo asked: “What needs me to decide by myself?”

The head of the headquarters took out several documents, “This is a diplomatic parliament sent by Romania, the Free Federation, and the Empire that the Sun Never Sets.”

“The powerhouses of the various countries want to visit the Dragon Kingdom, of course, the main target is still you.

“Boy Thor, what do you think of this matter?”

It turned out to be this thing.

When in Australia, King Magneto and King Knight have already mentioned this matter.

Liu Zimo pondered for a moment, and then said, “It’s not a bad thing.

“They come if they want.”

0……Look for flowers……

“I don’t have any plans in the near future. I will always be in Long Country.”

“You can discuss the time with other countries, and just let me know when the time comes.”

The head of the headquarters also agreed with Liu Zimo’s decision.

The overall strength of human beings is still not as good as the mutant beasts, and should be united as one.

Because of Thor, the Dragon Kingdom has a faint tendency to become the top of the world.

At this time, you can’t even put on a high posture.

“Okay, then I will arrange a time.”

After arranging the matter, Liu Zimo asked about the recent situation in the Dragon Kingdom, as well as the monks.

After returning, he didn’t see the monk, so Liu Zimo guessed that he was going to perform the task.

“The situation in the Dragon Kingdom is fairly stable recently, but some strange mutant beasts have appeared.”

“Especially in the northwest region, the monks have already dealt with it, so there shouldn’t be much problem.”

In the explanation from the head of the headquarters, Liu Zimo learned about the current situation in the Dragon Kingdom.

Many strange creatures appeared in the northwest region.

For example, there is a tiger with wings on its back.

The body is like an elephant, but the speed is extremely fast, can go to the sky and the earth, the strength is very strong, and the realm has reached the extraordinary second-order Dzogchen!

It looks like there is not much threat, but its growth rate is amazing.

According to intelligence, when the two-winged tiger was first discovered, it was only the early stage of the extraordinary second-order, but in just three months, it reached the second-order Dzogchen.

Such a terrifying growth rate made the local supernatural bureau feel dangerous and immediately reported it to the headquarters.

The head of the headquarters sent the monk directly.

One is to quickly solve the two-winged tiger, and the other is to investigate what is going on.

In addition to this two-winged tiger, there are some sheep who can speak out.

These sheep are domestically raised and have no variation, but they confide in others, which is really strange.

Some poultry have also changed.

For example, a few roosters actually grew phoenix tails, and some weak wild snakes actually hatched dragon scales.

Although they are not strong, they are also a potential crisis.

After hearing these messages, Liu Zimo furrowed his brows, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

“It seems that the evolution of animals has accelerated again

This is definitely a dangerous signal!

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