Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, quickly gathered together from all directions, all condensed, from an invisible and colorless gaseous state to a brightly colored flowing water form, influenced by a few immortal on the top of the mountain, quickly Floating down.

The people of Demon Sect who are fighting with daoist sect are in full swing. Seeing the long river falling above them, they are all amazed by such a spectacle. Before they can react, they have found that the river has crossed. The people who passed the daoist sect of the mountainside gradually flooded the mountainside.

In the middle of the mountainside, there are close and numerous people who gathered a large number of Demon Sects. In an instant, these people were surrounded by the rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi. What surprised them more, These Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi don’t wait for them to suck, and they have automatically poured into their bodies, moisturizing their dry hearts.

At first, those people of Demon Sect, don’t at all feel anything unusual. After some cultivation base low dísciple, it feels like Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi within the body accumulate more and more, just like When the runaway horse was generally uncontrollable, he finally began to show expressions of astonishment and horror.

When the first expert of Early-Stage came out of the body, because Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi gathered too much and the body could not bear the whole burst, everyone began to panic and wanted He desperately expelled the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi within the body. It’s a pity that by this time, those Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi are still beyond their control. They are all swayed by a few immortal on the top of the mountain, and they are still swiftly falling into the body of the demons with no opportunity.

After the explosion of one after another came, this kind of panic became more and more intense. Ding Hao and Chu Kuang gave birth to several people, complexion is gloomy, and several pairs of eyes staring at the top of the mountain. Several Immortal Realm people on the board showed extremely solemn expressions.

Even Ding Hao didn’t expect that the speed of this “inverse primordial river” would be so fast. It’s just a few breaths. Just after listening to Chu Kuangsheng’s feelings with Situ Chill, After telling the situation again, I understood all of this. There were already people who could not bear it physically, and began to burst into pieces and forgot.

“What to do, this’inverse primordial river’ must be stopped immediately, now only some people from the low-level cultivation base Leaving Orifice Stage burst to death, but the amount of Spiritual Qi absorbed by the expert of the Divided Spirit Stage is limited. Doesn’t it mean that the loss will be even greater if this continues!” Ding Hao’s face was gloomy, and he asked Chu Kuangsheng.

At this moment, Chu Kuangsheng frowned tightly. He didn’t expect a good solution. Hearing Ding Hao said, “If this thing is to be prevented, The caster must be stopped, and then everyone immediately retreats, cannot be shrouded in the rich Spiritual Qi like a river, apart from this, I have no good way!”

At this time, the Sect Master of Demon Sect Three Sects naturally saw the horrific harm of this rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi early, and had already strongly greeted Direct Disciple, evading them one after another, but even so, there were still Hundreds of Big Sect’s dísciples, covered in Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi riots, can’t even fly with swords, and can only watch their own within the body’s ability to withstand the limit.

Several Immortal Realm characters are at the top of the mountain at this time. There are strong fluctuations within that peak. From Ding Hao and the others to the top of the mountain, all close and numerous are daoist The people of sect, relying only on the power of Ding Hao, want to rush to the top of the mountain in front of thousands of experts, and it seems a bit difficult to stop those immortal dharma decisions.

However, the speed of those who dodge seems to be no better than the movement of “against the primordial river”. There are still some characters who are evading, enveloped by the rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and then absorbed involuntarily by their bodies. More and more Spiritual Qi.

The sound of blasting sounded one after another. After a while, there were more than two hundred expert violent deaths. Until this time, these characters realized that Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi had gathered too much. Within the body is also not a good thing. How big a cup is and how much water is in it. If the water in the cup is too full, it will naturally overflow.

By this time, even the gatekeepers of Limitless Devil Sect, many people died in violence, but maybe because of the special method of Limitless Devil Sect, those people felt bad, and they were able to control it. Because of the speed at which Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi flows into the body, the damage of Limitless Devil Sect is the smallest in comparison.

“I can only rush to stop it!” At this moment, Ding Hao’s face suddenly became cold, the corners of his mouth throbbed, and the whole person looked a bit hideous.

Listening to what Ding Hao said, Chu Kuangsheng and the others hesitated for a while, and then after careful consideration, it seemed that there was no other good way, and nodded immediately agreed.

Seeing Chu Kuangsheng and the others nodded agree, Ding Hao did not hesitate anymore, External Body Incarnation took the lead, and the body suddenly appeared electric dragons. Several huge electric dragons hovered around Ding Hao’s body, dazzling. Some gazers who shined by the rays of light couldn’t open their eyes directly.

When Ding Hao External Body Incarnation moved, the explosion of thunder blasted from his surroundings. There were close and numerous daoist sect people in front of him. Many of them were bloody and bloody, several huge The electric dragon hovered up and drove the terrifying destructive power. Everyone in the daoist sect was scorched by electricity, and the expert of the Divided Spirit Stage came out of the body. As long as Ding Hao’s attack was attached, it was an instant kill.

Only the Expert of Body Fusion Stage, can you barely resist one or two strokes? If you can escape in a short time, there is a glimmer of survival, otherwise it is also a dead end. Chu Kuangsheng and several others also made the same shot.

Although a few people burst out terrifying lethality in an instant, after the daoist sect everyone reacted, the attacks of the hundreds of people in front suddenly appeared, the magic weapon Flying Sword all kinds of attacks were like a shower The flying by, close and numerous attacks are like continuous drizzle, making the progress of Ding Hao and the others come to a halt.

If you are fighting alone, the cultivator will only have a dead end when facing people in the devil world, and there will be no second way out at all. However, thousands of Peak experts from Cultivation World attacked together, and the formidable power is no small thing. Even the characters of Ding Hao have to avoid the edge for a while. They dare not fight with thousands of daoist sect experts. anti.

It was such a pause, and hundreds of Demon Sect’s expert violent deaths. This kind of death made the people of Demon Sect extremely panic. Don’t wait for Feng Aotian and the others to yell. , One by one retreated violently, seeming to be extremely embarrassed.

Ding Hao and the four of them watched the casualties continue to increase, and the group of themselves was blocked again, and they also seemed helpless. They all said nothing for a while, and they didn’t know what to do.

At this time, a clear chirping sound appeared. This sound was extremely pleasing to the ears. The heart of the listener was calm for a while, and then there were two more men and women riding Qilin beasts in the surrounding void. The man and the woman were riding on Qilin, unable to see what they were, and the surrounding area was thick with fog.

As soon as the two arrived, one took out a blue glass Clean Jade Bottle in his hand. The blue glass Clean Jade Bottle shook and shot out blue water, which drifted away. Then, it automatically spread to the “Inverse Linglong River”, and gradually merged into the powerful Spiritual Qi people.

The two who came floating did not answer, just screaming again and again, one like a dragon roar and the other like a phoenix, but seeing the blue water flowing continuously from the glass Clean Jade Bottle , Has been flooded in several “inverse primordial rivers”.

The sudden ground, the thick long river Spiritual Qi slowly collapsed, and some of the Demon Sect people who were wrapped in it felt the involuntarily influx within the body Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and stopped instantly , Each of them showed extremely surprised expressions, grateful and gazed at the man and woman riding the Qilin beast in the mist.

At this time, this man and woman were in the dimness, and the glass Clean Jade Bottle in their hands seemed to have been closed, gradually moving farther and farther in the mist, clear and clear whistling sound , And gradually disappeared into emptiness.

At this time, Ding Hao and several people are still resisting the infinite daoist sect’s joint attack, they can’t distract and spy all around, but even so, Ding Hao still understands in his heart that these two have just appeared here. The characters who broke through the weird attacks of the “Inverse Lingchang River” must come from Miomi Pavilion.

Until the pressing Spiritual Qi river in the void, unable to exert its due effect again, the purgatory demon Lord Feng Aotian and the three of them ordered the demons to regain their position and once again forced the past to the mountainside. .

The people of Immortal Realm who were originally surrounded by the round platform on the top of the mountain, now all the complexion ashen, looked far away at the man and woman who disappeared riding Qilin, and the hatred on their faces was obvious. pole. Now that the “Inverse Lingchang River” has been broken, these people are naturally unable to continue to control, those Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth, at this moment, slowly collapsed and slowly disappeared.

Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, which was originally centered around the peak of Cyan Cloud Sect, has become extremely rich throughout the year. It was used by the “inverse primordial river” by killing chickens and eggs. Now Spiritual Qi still has more than some small Sects. Rather, it seems that after this battle, even if Cyan Cloud Sect can win, I am afraid that we will have to change the place of cultivation. After all, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is the most important for the cultivator.

At the same time, the pressure on Ding Hao entire group was greatly relieved due to the influx of demons again. In the end, everyone in daoist sect knew that Ding Hao and the others had no alternative. Simply stop attacking them directly.

“The man and the woman just now do not seem to be weak in mana, as if they are not like the cultivation base of Cultivation World, but we concentrate on resisting attacks, but not at all carefully prying, and I don’t know why they helped us!” Chu Kuangsheng of Purgatory Devil Sect, looking at Ding Hao with blinking eyes, said.

With a secret smile in his heart, Ding Hao knew Chu Kuangsheng, and he must have guessed that these two people came from Yumiaoge. Now that he speaks to himself like this, he obviously wants to be sure. However, Ding Hao was only a faint nodded, and echoed: “These two people can easily break the’Inverse Lingchang River’ under the eyes of everyone. Naturally, they are not ordinary characters. As for why they will help us, maybe it is because of the daoist Sect also has a deep hatred!”

Seeing that Ding Hao didn’t say it directly, Chu Kuangsheng didn’t ask, the unpredictable nodded, did not continue to say anything. At this time, Demon Sect lost nearly a thousand people, but compared with daoist sect, the number of people still gained the upper hand. After such a while, the persecution of daoist sect was once again defeated.

At this moment, some small arrays, in the face of a strong impact, can no longer play a big role. Everyone in daoist sect is hidden in some large array restriction, with the help of the terrain to contend with the Demon Sect army, but the damage is still continuous, and it can’t be supported by the sight.

Perhaps because the “Inverse Linglong River” just now aroused the crazy surnames in the hearts of the demons. This time, Demon Sect everyone seemed more fierce and violent. Wanting to vent the demon surname in his heart, the shots are becoming more and more brutal and vicious.

Only one hour, the demons have all approached the mountainside of Cyan Cloud Sect from the foot of the mountain, and slowly began to march towards the top of the mountain. The mountains and plains are all experts from both sides of the Dao and the demons. , In this brief moment, cultivation The surname of the cultivator for hundreds of years is still very fragile, and it is often taken away by someone inadvertently.

In this one hour of effort, the Dao Demon all suffered damage to each other, but the damage of Daoist Sect was even greater, and nearly three hundred people were killed, while only a hundred people died in Demon Sect. , Compared to the characters who were just exploded by the wave of “Inverse Primitive River”, but there are too many.

Just when Ding Hao and the others, just sighed in relief, suddenly, from the foot of the mountain, one after another strong wave came, suspended Ding Hao in the void, with eyesight After staring, I noticed that under the foot of the mountain, suddenly there were many strange costumes and more and more cultivated people.

Ding Hao stared at him, faintly feeling that these people’s clothes are a bit familiar. After thinking about it carefully, there was a sudden shock in his heart, and he exclaimed in horror: “The daoist of the Yinze clan system of the North Continent. sect people, how can they appear here!”

“haha, I have known that your Demon Sect will aggressively attack, but fortunately, we have contacted everyone from the daoist sect in the northern continent and have been waiting for you all the time. Come to attack, and now you are finally here. Since you are all up to the mountain, don’t think about going out there. Even with the help of Misty Pavilion, I don’t think you guys will leave wholeheartedly this time!” On the top of the mountain, Luo Fuzong’s Sect Master, Yu hated the water, burst into laughter, indescribably triumphant.

(To be continued)

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