After the lingering words of hate water fell, the faces of the daoist sect people on the top of the mountain were all showing cold glow. The group of daoist sect people who were resisting the attack of Demon Sect also showed surprises. Looking at the expressions of these people, it seems that I don’t know that daoist sect has a future move.

Don’t think too much, Ding Hao and the others knew at once that these daoist sect people in the North Continent must have been transmitted from another place through the Shunyu Transmission Formation Law. Look at these just now The expression of the daoist sect in the North Continent that appeared here should have been prepared for a long time, and all the faces were faintly revealing baleful aura.

Didn’t expect this time the daoist sect was so forbearing. It was not until this time that he finally took out his trump card. The group of daoist sects in the North Continent, I looked at it roughly and I was afraid that it would not be five- Six thousand, close and numerous are flooded at the foot of the mountain, combined with the power of the daoist sect of the Western Continent, and the Demon Sect is faintly wrapped in the middle. Not only does the number of people no longer fall, but it takes advantage of it.

At the same time, the entire Qingyun Mountain fluctuated sharply in an instant, as if being sheltered by some kind of barrier. Some Demon Sect people who were originally suspended and in the void, only felt the gravity on the ground soared instantly. After the figure stopped, they fell from the void one after another.

Ding Hao and the others cultivation base have already entered the Demon Realm, so naturally they will not be affected by this. The figure is only slightly paused, and then stands firmly in the void. However, the experts from the Body Fusion Stage to the Body Fusion Stage are all affected by gravity and cannot fly with swords.

In my heart, Ding Hao stared around and realized that not only was he a group of Demon Sect people, but also the daoist sect people at the top and the foot of the mountain. The cultivation base did not surpass the Body Fusion Stage. They were all It is also impossible to empty the flight. In this way, even Demon Sect’s chance to escape from the sky has been lost. It seems that daoist sect rigorous schemes and deep foresight, plot against Demon Sect is not just one thing.

“From now on, those with insufficient cultivation base will not be able to fly with swords. You only have two roads to climb to the top and go down the mountain, but neither of these two roads are easy to follow. !” On the top of the mountain, Cyan Cloud Sect’s new Sect Master Bai Qingxin, with a cold face, lightly saying.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in Demon Sect, and the situation was so reversed that no one in Demon Sect would have imagined it. Even the purgatory demon Feng Aotian and the others did not calculate that the daoist sect could be connected to the northern continent, and even more so with the help of the power of the daoist sect in the northern continent, to make this fatal change.

The entire group only took care of destroying the “stealing and breaking the sky”. When the Formation was broken, it thought that the daoist sect had nothing to do, so it attacked the mountain forcibly, no one knew it fell into the daoist sect. In the trap, he was now surrounded by front and back, and even the chance of evacuating and fleeing had been lost.

I don’t know when it started, the poisonous Demon King Yihan has already appeared beside Ding Hao, looking at the complexion ashen’s Ding Hao, the poisonous Demon King Yihan said in a yin voice: “In this case, we So don’t do it and do it endlessly, let’s dispatch Tianjuedusan!”

Ding Hao’s figure was shaken, thinking for a moment, nodded, said: “There are two bottles of Tianjuedusan, and I will wait for a while. Let me go deep into the northern continent at the foot of the mountain. If we can use it, we won’t be completely defeated this time! The other bottle will not be used for the time being, otherwise if one after the other casts spells at the same time, we are in the center and we may also be affected!”

In this way, the poisonous Demon King Yihan nodded said yes, and groaned for a while, and said: “The great experts in the door still have some mysterious Yin Fiend Thunder self-protection, this time too. It also broke out that as long as this victory is defeated, the people of the daoist sect of the two northwestern continents will inevitably strengthen the great injury, which is still beneficial to us!”

In the words of Ding Hao and the poisonous Demon King. In the meantime, the purgatory demon Feng Aotian and three people came over quickly. The expressions of the three were a little flustered. After arriving here, Feng Aotian bowed to Chu Kuangsheng and Chu Cangming to give a salute and said: “This daoist sect seems to have planned for a long time, and the preparation time will inevitably continue. Didn’t expect them to be involved in the Northern Continent. We are really in trouble now!”

Chu Kuangsheng’s expression is also somewhat It’s not pretty, but after hearing Ding Hao and the poisonous Demon King Yihan’s words, I couldn’t help but have some thoughts. I immediately stared at Ding Hao and asked: “Tian Jue Po San, but the 7 meridians Ten Thousand Poison Sect’s Tian Jue Poison Powder?”

Stunned for a moment, it seems he didn’t expect that he knew it too, nodded, Ding Hao said: “Not bad!”

After coming out, Chu Kuangsheng looked happy, looked at the purgatory demon Lord Feng Aotian, slightly hesitated, and said: “In this case, there is a day of Juetoxin scattered, plus our Purgatory Devil Sect’s “burning heaven and lonely land”, and Sword Devil Palace Heaven Killings Demon Palace array strikes together, not necessarily without the strength of a battle!”

Looking at Feng Aotian’s appearance, it seems that I have also heard about Tian Jue Du Po San. After the body shook, he immediately held breath cold air and said: “Tian Jue Po Po San, good fellow, but Ding Hao, you must be careful to do it, otherwise, if it spreads to your own people, you can Seriously! “

Ding Hao’s face was indifferent, immediately nodded, said solemnly: “Continue to fight with them, I don’t believe in evil, but I have to see how many methods daoist sect has! Mr. Wang, you are responsible for informing the Great Elder, this time Xuan Yin Fiend Thunder don’t keep it, let me blow it all up, I must blow the Cyan Cloud Sect to a riddled blood flowing into a river, I’ll go Release Heavenly Tribulation Poison Powder. “

As soon as Ding Hao’s words fell, the fighting was still in full swing, and when Ding Hao’s appearance turned to the foot of the mountain, it had changed continuously. All the way, Ding Hao changed from what it was. The face has changed into dozens of faces. When they reach the mountainside, they are completely unrecognizable.

At this time, the battle between Demon Sect and Daoist sect is still It didn’t stop, and the people of Daoist Sect in the North Continent at the foot of the mountain had already surrounded them, and the people of Demon Sect at the back had already fought first.

Ding Hao used a hundred The technique of change, such a series of changes in appearance, at such a time of chaos, it seems to have suddenly disappeared. On the top of the mountain, I noticed several super experts of Ding Hao, and I found that Ding Hao disappeared in an instant. It was all surprised. I scanned the Demon Sect very hard, but unfortunately I still couldn’t find the location of Ding Hao, and I couldn’t help but have a vague premonition in my heart.

Unconsciously, with the help of the Demon Sect on the back and the daoist sect of the North Mainland. Ding Hao has transformed into a daoist sect dísciple of the Fahua sect, slowly blending into it. These people from the Northern Continent, not at all Immortal Realm’s expert existence, can rely on Ding Hao as much as possible. The super cultivation base act wilfully, even the clothes of the Fa Huazong have been put on, and it seems that there is no weak spot.

But in this chaotic place, everyone’s attention is already In the middle of the war, even if there is a weak spot, it doesn’t matter. Unconsciously, Ding Hao has passed through the daoist sects of the northern continent and appeared on the edge of the mountain.

At the same time, Looking at the direction of the mountain top from the back, I noticed that a few acres of fire cloud suddenly appeared in the void. The fire cloud was purely condensed from the fire, and there seemed to be some magical support in it. From the direction of Purgatory Devil Sect, the fire cloud slowed down Slowly move towards the daoist sect people, until the temperature gets higher and higher, and when the fire cloud reaches the top of the daoist sect people, the fire cloud bursts out a large group of flames, flying around among the daoist sect people .

I saw everything that was touched by the flames, instantly burning up instantly, nothing Regardless of whether it is a person or a tree, including weapons scattered on the ground, as long as a fire star is attached, a raging flame is immediately ignited, which is extremely strange.

His face was overjoyed. Ding Hao understood that this must be Purgatory Devil Sect’s so-called “burning the heavens and the earth.” After only a short while, there are many daoist sect experts, wail like ghosts and Howl like wolves were burned to ashes, this “burning heaven and lonely earth” is really extraordinary.

While gazing over there, Ding Hao’s Heavenly Jue Poison Powder has also been successfully deployed in the center of the daoist sect at the foot of the mountain. In order not to attract the attention of others, Ding Hao arranged Heavenly indifferently. After the Tribulation was dissipated, he continued to return to Demon Sect in the same way as before.

When he used the technique of Variety to change his appearance repeatedly and returned to Demon Sect, Ding Hao immediately sat cross-legged, his face solemnly urging Heavenly Tribulation to disperse.

Ding Hao’s magic Origin Energy was only damaged a little after the “bashing” method was used. It did not directly consume 20% of the true essence like the first use. This may be After realm enters the country, what benefits have been gained? As for whether it will suffer Heavenly Retribution in the future, now Ding Hao directly no longer considers it.

The screams of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, mixed with fear and endless despair, as if skinned and boned, came out from under the foot of the mountain, imitating the foot of Buddha Mountain The daoist sect people below are suffering from Human World’s most brutal torture. They can only imagine the pain that these people endure by hearing the incomparably screaming cry, which is definitely not something that living people can bear.

Shivered shivered, Feng Aotian showed a frightened expression on his face, and immediately stared at Ding Hao, who had recovered to his original form, said solemnly: “This, this is what Tian Jue Du scattered Formidable power, I just listened to those people’s horrible roars, and I felt cold!”

Indifferent nodded, Ding Hao said: “Yes, this is the Tian Jue Du San, which is absolutely poisoned by the heavens. The scattered formidable power is shrouded, they will die extremely miserably, this sound is the best wailing!”

Even the poisonous Demon King is also cold, although he refined Tianjuedusan, But this is also the first time I have seen Ding Hao use it. That kind of terrifying and desperate roar. I also feel the scalp tingling when I listen to the poisonous Demon King. Although it is far away, I can’t see the real thing over there. The scene, but this infinite scream, has made him unable to imagine how much pain the character who has been hit by the sky is suffering?

Suddenly, Shi Yushuang and Feng Xingran flew from behind to cover their mouths. As soon as they arrived here, the two women vomited in spite of their manners, with a frightened look on their faces. Shi Yushuang opened her mouth and stammered: “Behind, behind is so scary, everyone is eroded, so scary to die, um…”

The words are normal, Shi Yushuang vomits again. Not at all Pingyue’s glamorous glamour. Feng Xingran was even more unbearable. He couldn’t even speak, he just kept vomiting. The two women just stayed behind, they must have seen the terrifying power of Tian Jue Du San, and then they rushed all the way.

Seeing Feng Xingran so touched, Ding Hao didn’t care if there was any filth in her mouth, but he suddenly hugged her into his arms, and couldn’t help comforting her with words.

Feng Aotian and the others, watching the two women rushing all the way from space, they immediately vomited, their expressions changed drastically, and one can imagine what kind of hell there is. I looked at the back side again, and found some Demon Sect women who were able to bear the ground. Some people vomited constantly, and even some of the brutal Demon Sect people had returned after losing streak. Their faces were convulsed, and they seemed to have suffered a lot. The fright.

In an instant, from the foot of the mountain, there was a terrible endless roar, a group of dim light balls, floating from there, it is difficult for these unjust dead ghosts to enter the cycle of reincarnation. He can only wander around, and if there is no accident in the future, he will become the fiercest evil spirit that will harm the Quartet.

Purgatory Devil Sect’s “burning heaven and lonely land” is already formidable power. At this time, it has caused the deaths of the daoist sect people in the western continent, and the death of five-six hundred people, the fire is still raging The flaming fire, there is no tendency to stop at all.

Compared with the panic caused by Tian Jue Du San, this “burning heaven and quiet land” is obviously insignificant. After Ding Hao comforted Feng Xingran, he rose into the void and stared at the foot of the mountain below. With Tianjuedusan as the center, there is no more full-blown figure in the surrounding hundred zhang. Many people’s limbs are decayed, and they are covered with thick nausea. They can no longer see the original face because of the special place here. , They couldn’t escape quickly, their eyes showed endless desperate gray, and they opened their mouths and groaned in pain, slowly turning into black blood, until their bodies were completely rotted into blood, and the dim soul was numb. Floating out.

Hell on earth! This is definitely the most miserable hell on earth. The reason why Tianjuedusan will cause the caster to suffer from Heavenly Retribution is probably because this method of death is too terrifying and hurtful.

In that direction, many people in the Demon Sect Alliance couldn’t bear such a disgusting and terrifying scene. Although they knew that it should not affect themselves, they still violently withdrew one by one. .

The only ones who stayed there to guard firmly were a gang of ferocious demons from Limitless Devil Sect. They smiled coldly, unaffected by them!

(To be continued)

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