Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1003: Susilo's attitude

"White away??"

Hearing these two words, Su Shentian and Shen Wuhuang all over there were shocked, and the pupils enlarged.

Su Shiluo sighed slightly, and the slender little hand clung to Shen Xuexue. She whispered softly: "Mother, I have already separated from Taiyi Shinto. I will not believe in the confusing evil." From today, I am no longer a sacred woman. My name is Su Shiluo, she is the daughter of Niang!"

She smiled and said that her eyes were bent into crescents.

Shen Xuexue was stunned, and the girl in front of her couldn’t believe that it was all true.

"Daughter, my daughter"

She stretched out her trembling hand and touched the cool and delicate skin of Susilo, and the tears poured out from the eyelids like a dyke.

"Thanks to Heaven, thank God, I finally gave you back to me." Shen Xuexue was next to Susilo, crying.

How many years of anticipation, how many years of hard work, how many years of missing, how many years of prayer. Today, it is finally over, and finally the wish has come true.

However, Su Shiluo shook his head: "Not a mother, not God has returned your daughter to you, it is your daughter who is saved from white! If it weren't for her, maybe I couldn't be so easy to get away from Taishin." !"

"White away?"

Shen Xuexue gave a slight glimpse.

"It is Yuner"

There was a low voice from the back of the gods.

This statement landed, Shen Xuexue is like a petrochemical, a pair of eyes are huge.

"Cloud? Is it the cloud brother of the Su family?"

Su Shiluo moved his eyes and asked quickly.

Although she was separated from the Taiyi Shinto, but the memory has not been lost, her state of mind has been completely purified, no longer blinded by Taiyi Shinto.

Su Shiluo is very small and separate from Su Yun. The memory of Su Yun is limited to casual conversations between parents. She knows that there is a person named Su Yun, and she knows that this Su Yun has no blood relationship with her. Brother and sister.


Su Shentian sighed.

"It turned out to be him?"

Susilo couldn’t help but show a smile. He smiled at the Soviet **** on the other side: "Hey, hey, cloud brother? Even though we are not brothers and sisters, this time he saved me, I have to be good. Thank you, he!"

"Hey, he, he"

Su Shentian supported me.

"what happened?"

Su Shiluo’s eyebrows are slightly embarrassing, and she feels a little bad.

However, everyone is looking down and not talking. This scene made Su Shilu feel wrong. She looked at Shen Xuexue, who was still dry, and asked again: "Mother, where is the cloud brother? I still remember that he was here before. He seems to have a bit of a wrong face. How is he here??"

Shen Xuexue still did not speak, sobbing in a low voice.

"He came to the fairy world alone, just to save you."

Just then, Shen Wuhuang over there opened his mouth.

He listened to his voice and said: "You have concealed his life with your mother, and have never said to him, until a few days ago, an enemy said his life, Luo Luo, you have recovered, that is Good things, as for him, I can only say that we all owe him! If there is a chance in the future, can you still find a way?"

"Re: Grandpa, what happened?"

Susilo asked, but the look on her face has changed subtly.

Shen Wuhuang felt that something was wrong, and for a moment, he still said something about the Da Ling Palace.

After listening to the words of Emperor Wu, Su Shiluo’s small face was suddenly tightened and his expression became serious.

She slightly put away her smile, raised her hand and wiped the tears from the corner of Shen Xuexue. The spine backed two steps and opened the distance with Shen Xuexue.

This subtle movement surprised Shen Xuexue's heart.

Then I saw Su Shiluo’s mouth once again raising her smile, but it was not the kind of smile that her loved ones reunited, but a bitter and helpless laugh.

"Hey, mother, why do you want to hide the life of Yun brother? When you meet, why not explain it?"

Su Shi Luo asked.

"This" Su Shentian did not know how to answer.


"Although I have recovered, but the memory is still there, hey, mother, I ask you, do you want to use the cloud brother to save me?" Su Shilu once again questioned.

"琉洛, you don't want to let go." Shen Wuhuang felt that Su Shiluo was not right.

Su Shiluo heard the sound, took a deep breath, and owed a sigh to Shen Wuhuang. He whispered: "The grandfather, Luo Luo has no other meaning, just want to tell her and her mother, what did Yun brother do. ”

Shen Wuhuang frowned and said: "What can we do? We don't all look in the eyes?"

"Some things, you may not know." Su Shilu owed another owe, turned to look at Shen Xuexue, whispered: "Mother, are you planning to do this?"

"Of course not." Shen Xuexue was busy.

"Why don't you explain it directly? Cloud brother will not hate you because of this!"

"But now he seems to hate!" Shen Wuhuang said.

"That is because it is not you who tells him the truth! It is an enemy!" Susilo directly retorted.

This statement directly blocked the Shenwu Emperor.

Su Shilu suddenly fell on the ground, bowed his head and said: "Hey, my grandfather, Luo Luo today will be regardless of size, contrary to filial piety, but today, Luo Luo will say a fair word for Yun brother! Maybe you don't know, Yun brother is trying to save Luo, I don't know how much I have paid, how much I sacrificed! Although Luo has always been in a door, but there is also an intelligence agency in Taiyi, for Yun brother, sister, mother. Your things, Luo Luo is also aware of some"

"Hey, mother, you have been trying to save Luo in the past few years. I am very grateful to you. You have not only given me life, but also gave me unparalleled love. However, Yun Ge’s love for me is not less than you. Mother, do you know why the cloud brother will break into the magic road and become a true demon?"

"Why?" Shen Xuexue asked with a trembling lips. She almost squinted and looked at Susilo.

But listening to Su Shiluo slowly opened his mouth and whispered: "Because of me."

The simple three words are unbelievable.

"Magic Road? Devil World, mother, what should you be? Especially the true demon Zong Luo does not know why his brother has such courage to make this decision, but according to my investigation, his intervention is indeed wanting Saving me from being too one door, not only that, but the destruction of one door is also caused by Yun brother!!"

Although she indulged in the completely useless Taiyi Shinto for so many years, all she saw and heard was in her mind. She knew and understood what Su Yun had done.

"Taiyi’s struggle with the true demon is not so simple. Most of the reasons are because my brother wants to save me, and this time is even more so! He will appear in Taiyi and hope to be close to me. Look for ways to save me! Just enter Taiyi!! Hey, mother, grandfather, do you know what this means? This is almost a joke about your life!! Grandpa, you just said, my brother led a lot The immortal went to save people. This time, if it’s not a cloud brother, can you be safe and sound? He always treats us as a family! And we?? What have we done??"

She asked again.

And this last question is already asking Shen Xuexue and Su Shentian to lift their heads.

Yeah, what did they do again?

Su Yun can enter the magic road for Su Shiluo, and can even destroy Taiyi for her. Now, even if he faces the immortal, he is not afraid, because he has been working hard and has been trying to protect his loved ones. Even if the opponent is the means of the sky, it is the powerful and exquisite palace! ! !

On the other hand, after they were taken away from Susilo, they left the Su family, but they dragged Su Yun and Su Pei to the Su family to look after them. There was no any news until Su Yun himself had gone through the hard work. they.

He treated the two as their biological parents, but the two did not really treat him as a son. Perhaps this is a wishful thinking. However, they did not reject the benefits given by Su Yun, but they continued to Grab, keep asking

Think about it carefully, who is right and who is wrong?

Shen Xuexue bit his lip, resisting the tears that overflowed his eyes, and shivered.

"I know that in the past few years, Yuner has paid a lot for us, but it has not been recovered."

"Yun has no intention to forgive us. What do you want us to do? In fact, the mother is also hoping to be happy with Yuner. It’s just that the girl really doesn’t know what to do, you are trapped. At the time of Taiyi, all the energy of the mother is almost how to save you from coming out, so I may ignore the feelings of Yuner, but you must know that the mother is really loving you.

Shen Xuexue said with a cry.

She is very worried, worried that because of this, let her daughter hate herself.

"I know"

Su Shiluo slowly closed his eyes, holding Shen Xuexue, who could barely stand and was about to sit on the ground. Her crystal clear mouth was slightly raised, as if she was laughing, and it seemed to be comforting Shen Xuexue. Then she listened to her whisperedly: "The reason why I said these things, I have no other meaning, I know everything I have done for my mother, but I want to say a fair word to Yun brother, he worked hard. These, I don't want him to be in vain, no matter what he or she does not recognize what he has done, it doesn't matter. At least, Luo will admit that in the heart of Luo Luo, he will always be the brother of Luo Luo."

She said softly, her voice was clear, she was determined, and she did not know what her mind was thinking.

Shen Xuexue and Su Shentian looked at her with some mistakes, but the two opened their mouths and finally chose to be silent.

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