Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1004: Magic blood

Purifying Susilo's state of mind with exquisite color, she has completely separated from Taiyi Shinto, no longer be tempted by the illusory Shinto, and not only that, but her heart has also been sublimated, at this moment, Su Shiluo may repair It is not the most powerful, but her mood may be much stronger than the average immortal, which is the benefit of Linglong.

After using this time, Linglong Cai spent a lot of effort and could not use it again in a few days. Su Yun wanted to peek at its performance.

However, at this moment, Su Yun does not care about Ling Lan, because he has not separated from the things of Su Shentian, Shen Xuexue and others.

I thought I found my parents, I would not be a lonely one, but I never thought that I was still an orphan, but my mother had already died, and I didn’t even know how to look at her.

The rise and fall of the world is too sudden, and it is really unsuitable.

After returning to Xianzong, Su Yun locked himself in the land of cultivation. At this moment, he did not have any thoughts to cultivate. The messy thoughts made him completely unnatural.

So what should I do now?

Those people have nothing to do with me, and there is no need to continue.

Is everything just a scam?

What is it for people to live in this life?

What have I been insisting on over the years?

What am I doing right these years? Still wrong? ?

Suddenly, some inexplicable problems suddenly hit Su Yun’s heart. These are just some insignificant problems. However, at this time, he is inexplicably thinking seriously, but this thought, people have a headache, the whole The body is inexplicably shaken.


The sound of the waves slamming in the floods rang in his mind.

The feeling of mad tearing suddenly slammed on the body, this feeling is extremely painful, as if people will be torn apart in the next second.

what happened?

Su Yun suddenly opened his eyes, this pale face became paler at the moment, but the eyes are extremely **** red, even the pupils can not see, completely obscured by blood.

He raised his hands, but he was shocked to find that at this moment, there were countless blood lines on his body. These lines seemed to be wounds that were torn apart by the skin. They were red and horrible.

what is this?

However, the violent pain made him unable to think too much. If he had not thought about anything, he would be attacked again by the full pain. In the static world of the true Mozong, he has long been used to it, abandoning the pain, even if the sword is added, it will not feel much. But at this moment, my body once again has an unstoppable pain, and this pain seems to act on the soul.


Finally, Su Yun took a slap in the air and screamed out. A wave of smoldering lines burst forth from his body, directly smashing the earthquake of this cultivation, and the explosion sounded through the whole question.

"what happened?"

The round demon and the sun rushed over with some of the disciples. When they saw the people standing in the ruins, Xiangyang and the round demon were all stunned.

At this moment, Su Yun, the body of the body is filled with strong magic, and all the faces and hands are horrible blood marks. He is like a demon, full of arrogance, especially horror!

"Fast, block it now, don't let the magic spill!"

The round magic quickly rushed to the side of the devil who pretended to be a disciple of Xianzong.

The few people nod and went on immediately.

"Immediately. Bring the Lord of the Monarch to the true demon, go now, fast!"

The round devil shouted, and the whirlwind turned to the Xiangyang Road: "Yangyang adults, this time for you to leave, take the devil to leave for a moment, will come back later!"

"What happened to the big man?" Xiangyang looked shocked.

"This is a very complicated matter, and it is extremely difficult to explain. In the future, there will be a chance to tell the big man of Xiangyang." The round devil is indifferent, but the meaning of this word is impossible to understand. The round magic is simply not intended to tell him.

After squatting for a while, Xuan nodded and said: "The adult should go first, and hand it over to Xiangyang."

"Well. If there is something, please send us a notice immediately."

"Okay." Nodded to the sun.

The round demon is no longer nonsense, immediately wrapped in gas with a weak, weak as if to faint the past Su Yun, flew outside.

Xiangyang Man is worried about Su Yun. He doesn’t want Su Yun to have an accident. Once Su Yun is dead, no one can solve the poison on his body. At that time, he has to be buried with Su Yun.

The round devil led Su Yun to go directly to the real demon. He seemed to know what he was, and he did not stop on the road.

On the way, Su Yun’s state is still not improving. Instead, there are more and more blood-red marks on the road. People are also weak and miserable. He is staring at the **** eyes and trying to look around. Shouted: "Where are you going to take me?"

Although Su Yun’s voice is small, the round magic is still heard.

"Devil Lord, your symptoms should be caused by the blood in your body, don't worry, the lord once told me that once you have such a situation, you will be taken back to the sect."

The round magic said.

"Magic blood?"

Su Yun’s heart was full of confusion.

In fact, he has always had a few puzzles that cannot be solved.

Why do you cross through yourself? Why are you going back to the past?

The blood of the blood is obviously a person of the Su family. How can there be magic blood? Before the blood transfusion, it is also before the crossing, it is not the current body.

These problems he had thought about countless times before.

Returning to the true demon, the round magic quickly took Su Yun straight to the cultivation place where the sovereign was.

"I hope this time the Sovereign will have to retreat."

The round magic whispered all the way, although his expression was very light, but his actions seemed to be in jerk.

Near the land of cultivation, the round devil is too late to let people go in and report to the sovereign, and they hear a low voice coming from the cultivation land.

"Bring the magic king in."

The sound fell, and the face of the demon was slightly stunned.

Has the Sovereign Master already know that he will bring the Monarch?

"Do you have a retreat?"

"No, come in soon." The true demon lord again.

The circle nodded, did not dare to hesitate, with Su Yun went into the cultivation ground.

The true demon lord stood behind a curtain and could only see the vague figure, but could not see its face.

Su Yun was helped by the round magical scorpion. He lifted the heavy head at the moment and looked at the real demon lord. He wanted to salute, and the true demon lord spoke: "You don't have to be rude, the demon, you sit down soon." I immediately stabilize the blood in your body for you."

"Is it the reason of the blood?"

Su Yun heard the sound, secret thoughts, and did not support, directly sat down.

The round demon stood by the side, and looked at the back of the curtain. Suddenly, two black hands like rubber bands were stretched out, directly entangled in the body of Su Yun, like a python, and gently squirming.

Su Yun closed his eyes, and the blood marks on his body immediately dimmed.

His face that was distorted by pain also eased a bit, as if the pain in his body had dissipated a lot.

The magic that overflowed from the blood marks was also a little less, and the power of humans seemed to have recovered a lot.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the curtain, panting and arrogant: "What is the matter of the sovereign?"

"You are in a state of mind."

The lord is indifferent.

"The mood is gone"

"The blood in your body contains a terrifying demon. It is affected by the state of mind and boils on its own. If it is not suppressed in time, you will be controlled by the magic of your blood, and the consequences will be unimaginable."

"What is the magic blood? What is the blood of the blood in my body?"

Su Yun asked quietly.

Unexpectedly, this sentence fell, but the lord was silent.

For a long time, he only said: "Devil, you are the blood of this body, is your chance, your creation, I hope you can make good use of it."

"The chance to make a difference? I don't understand what you mean."

"How did you get this blood?"


"Maybe, you can go to the place where you got it." The voice of the lord still looks very light.

Su Yun heard the sound, and his heart sank.

Where is it getting? Tianwu mainland? That nameless body?

"Devil, this magic blood is not ordinary magic blood, it can be in your body and you are not dead, this is the creation, the ordinary person got this blood, I am afraid that it has long since disappeared. All this may be just a coincidence, but since already Destined, you must agree, Devil, from today, your position in the real devil world will be on an equal footing with me, and you will see me in the future, and you will not have to salute."

The lord opened the door.

“Ah?” Su Yun was shocked and asked: “Why?”

"Because the blood in your body."

"Magic Blood"

What is the purpose of the sovereign? Does he respect this blood? Is this magic blood so honorable? If so, the Sovereign is afraid to know what this is. But why didn't he tell himself the origin of this magic blood?

Su Yun is not going to ask again. After the lord eased it for a while, he took the black hand like a rubber band back.

"It's almost, Devil, you have to go to conditioning for a while, I believe it will be fine."

The lord said, but his voice is a bit weak at the moment, although it does not take much time to help Su Yun conditioning, but the magical cost is extremely huge.

Su Yun got up and worshipped the lord, and he returned to his cultivation and adjusted his interest.

Although it is to adjust the interest rate, but the doubts in his heart can not be scattered, thoughts and again, he decided to go to the Tianwu continent.

The nameless corpse is still there.

After the interest rate adjustment ended, the state recovered a lot. After Su Yun rectified, he immediately informed the Zongmen and went back to Tianwu.

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