
Chapter 1030: His Royal Highness

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In fact, there were too many people on the scene who didn't know exactly what Chu Yu had accomplished at the moment.

But it doesn't matter.

They only need to know that with the arrival of His Royal Highness, the original mortal situation was broken; the leader of this Demon Army was simply and neatly killed; just dozens of Realm warriors tried to self-detonate with His Royal Highness but failed ... they just need to know this, and that's enough!

War, especially this kind of life-and-death race, how can there be undead?

But now they have changed from the original desperation to hope, then to evenness, and then to a slight advantage.

This is enough!


What was expected of this realm of demons before it took the lead is finally happening.

This group of soldiers rushing out of this ancient city finally exploded in full blood, courage and will!

At this moment, the kind of cowardice and fear before was swept away!

Only the ending, but it has changed!

Countless people gazed wildly at the god-like figure above the sky.

A power of faith is born!

What is heart?

This is it!

Since Chu Yu stepped into the world of Tiangong, he was almost completely silent.

The top world, the living beings above all, the discerning gaze, the old man's distrust.

It can be said that this is the most unfavorable situation that Chu Yu has faced since coming out of the earth.

He was once depressed, even desperate in his heart, and thought of giving up.

But in the end, he persisted.

It is difficult to gain popular support, but sometimes it is actually very simple.

For example now.

Chu Yu's long sword pointed out that countless realm warriors were afraid.

This group of top creatures in the universe who barely knows what to fear in the heart, suddenly feels a powerless despair in the face of this handsome young man.

This despair is something they have never felt before.

It's just that the almost invincible realm is always invincible, and it doesn't recognize or believe this despair.

They think they are okay!

Just like the leader of the realm demon who was nailed to the earth, even if he is dying, he may die at any time, even if there is unprecedented fear in his heart, there is still a mind in his head: help me rise, I can still fight.

Whether it can fight, it obviously doesn't count.

Those Demon Warriors in the Demon Army that it brought are not the same!

Although it is undeniable that those realm warriors still displayed a strong combat power. But when the wind falls, the wind falls, and the wind direction is set!

There are still world demon warriors trying to rush to Chu Yu to explode.

But this kind of thing is not so easy, especially if Chu Yu already has preparedness.

Because it takes time to detonate the energy source in the body!

Like lighting a firework, the lead is going to burn for a while.

Chu Yu's eyes are extremely sharp, but any realm that has a tendency to explode towards him, he will make the most correct response in the first time!

Want to explode?

Yes you can!

Watching a group of tweeting monsters rushing towards him, Chu Yu's mouth was filled with a cold smile.

That smile looks cruel.

A tall demon, a body with a majestic breath, the energy in its body has reached a critical point of explosion!

It is very close to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu's figure flashed for a moment, a teleportation, and rushed to the demon.

Punch hard and hit the heart of this realm.

The energy source of the realm is not in Dantian, but in the heart.


Chu Yu's fist was too fierce, and even penetrated the real demon's chest directly.

Then he pulled his hand instantaneously, but didn't pull it out completely, halfway, and the other hand quickly grabbed the wound that Realm had penetrated.

Then, with both hands, rip the two sides hard.


In front of Chu Yu, the tyrannical realm was like a piece of paper.


Chu Yu was directly torn in half!

The blood was mixed with the internal organs, and the lily was flowing out.

Chu Yu, holding half of the real world's body in one hand, stood in the void like a demon god.

Shouted at a realm demon rushing towards him: "Go!"

The demon uttered a terrified tweet, and then his legs were soft, even falling directly from the air!

The realm of breaking the virtual realm!

Was roared by Chu Yu, shouted directly from the sky!


"Prince is invincible!"

"Prince is invincible!"

Those practitioners who rushed out of the city still have seven or eight hundred thousand people despite the large number of casualties.

The roar from all of them shook the sky.

The remaining world demons finally shuddered.

This city, originally full of food, has become a real **** for them.

It's terrible.

Choo Choo Choo!

A seemingly boss-like realm made a sharp cry and then ... turned and ran!

More realms, like the tide, followed behind that realm and fled like a swarm of bees.

The original more than 10,000 realm demons now have more than 5,000 left!

These practitioners who rushed out of the city stood blankly in the void.

They even couldn't believe it, just won? The inferior realm ... escaped?

After a while, someone shouted, "His Royal Highness!"

Because of the excitement, there are some broken sounds.

But the sound of His Royal Highness is like igniting the impulse in everyone's soul.

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!"

Many people even shed tears with excitement, hugging each other, yelling, and venting their crazy and agitated emotions.

On this day, they experienced a big ups and downs from despair to hope, this feeling, people who have not experienced, will never understand.

In the next moment, too many people rushed to Chu Yu.

Many beautiful female nuns looked at Chu Yu's eyes with emotion, without concealing the love in their eyes.

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether he is a prince or not.

Because he saved the city!

Saved everyone in this city!

He is the hero of this ancient city!

Beauty loves heroes, is it wrong?

Chu Yu smiled on his face, looking at the group of enthusiastic people in front of him, very happy.

In that ancient city, the cry of despair was finally transformed into the sound of venting pain as all the demons retreated.

There are many types of people expressing emotions, and there are many ways.

The same is crying, but crying in sadness, crying in despair, crying in joy, crying in anger ... and so on.

At this moment, weeping in joy in this ancient city.

The vast mansion is unparalleled in luxury.

As the most aristocratic head of the city, the middle-aged man without white face finally climbed up from his urine.

Despite being timid and timid, it does not mean that he has no brains. Hearing the crying outside from despair to joy, he seemed to have foreseen something.

Stumble open the door, push the door to see, there are countless figures in the sky, colorful colors, frequent visions.

Countless people are chanting His Royal Highness Wushuang!

"Your Highness? What is your Highness? When did the domain owner have a son?"

"What about people? Where did everyone die? Why can't even see a ghost?"

The world is not ushering in the end, the owner is still the owner.

Authority cannot be violated.

So he shouted, and several servants ran over to look at the majestic master of the majestic house.

"What happened?" The master of the house calmed his face. If it was not a water stain on the bottom of the robe, it might be more convincing.

"Homeowner, the realm of the realm has been repulsed, and the head of the realm of the realm is killed by His Royal Highness! We are saved! We are saved!"

The head of the family first stunned a little, and then said angrily: "Nonsense, where is your crown prince?"

"Uh ..." The domestic servant was also a little ignorant.

He didn't know where the prince came from, but everyone said so anyway, and he followed suit.

The head of the house looked right: "Go, follow me to see, don't be a messy person posing ..."

As he was saying, a wind blew, and the head-of-face owner suddenly felt a cold cold in the buttocks, stretched out his hand, stopped there, raised his hand and sniffed in front of his nose.

Frowning: "Forget it, let me get a set of clothes for me!"

Above the sky, Chu Yu was surrounded by countless people and landed in this city.

Countless people in the city took to the streets, and some big figures with status have come out to meet.

They care about the same thing as the head of the noble family who is in urine pants-who is this prince?

As we all know, Zhou Han has no heirs!

Although there are some concubines in the harem of Wangcheng, I have never heard of Zhou Han and his descendants.

There may be, but the Prince has never been publicly established!

In other words, this high prince is definitely not a father-son relationship with Zhou Hanyu!

Once, before the endless years, there was a Prince His Royal Highness.

But didn't that ... have long disappeared in the long river?

Chu Yu entered the city and was greeted by a group of people with very high status. An old man who appeared to be in high status came to Chu Yu and gave a gift.

First of all, I would like to thank Chu Yu for taking action to save everyone in the whole city. Then began to carefully explore Chu Yu's identity.

"No need to guess, I was Chu Yu, the son of the former Chu Yuzhu."

In a word, let the whole scene be quiet until the needle drops!

The old man laughed twice: "Ah, ha, haha, it turned out to be you. It really was ... long admired."

How to call it?

There is no way to call it!

His Royal Highness?

Certainly not suitable!

After all, Zhou Han is in power today.

A group of people who just went out to meet the crowd cheered loudly that His Highness Wushuang was nothing.

But in this case, if this group of people yelled "His Royal Highness" again, it would be typical to find nothing.

Politically incorrect!

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