
Chapter 1031: value? nonexistent

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But if they want to calm down their attitude towards Chu Yu at this time, it is really difficult to do.

Although there are many people doing such things as killing donkeys and crossing bridges and demolishing bridges, there may be many people who do so.

But after all, it cannot be said on the bright side.

Because children know that it is wrong to do this, it is a **** behavior!

Therefore, even if it is secretly done secretly, it still has to maintain respect on the surface.

Chu Yu's entanglement with this group of people is very clear, he did not care.

He did not expect to pass a rescue, so these people suddenly changed their positions.

People's hearts always accumulate slowly.

Zhou Han is too powerful in Tiangong World, and has been operating for too long. When people mention Zhou Han, it is unclear what they think in their hearts, but their faces must be respected.

His princely prince, an innocent person, was replaced by years of peace. If he appeared here, even if no one came up to arrest him, there would be few people who would dare to approach him.

Too taboo!

Even at this moment, I am afraid there will be many people secretly regretting in their hearts, dare not come to see him?

"Everyone don't have to be embarrassed. I came here, there was no attempt, I just wanted to kill the realm." Chu Yu said lightly: "Now the realm has retreated, and I will not come again in a short time. But you still have to be careful. "

Chu Yu said, holding a fist at the crowd: "It is your courage to win this battle for yourself. Goodbye!"

After Chu Yu finished speaking, he rose directly into the sky, did not stay here, and left.

If he stays here, many people will indeed be embarrassed.

This city also has its owners and defenders, and it is also effective for the nobility of Zhou Han.

For example, the head of the nobleman who peed his trousers was the upstart after Zhou Han took office.

How will this group of people treat the lost former prince?

On the one hand, he is the enemy of Lord Zhou Hanyu; on the other hand, he is the hero who saves the people.

Anything is wrong.

So Chu Yu simply and neatly left.

This time, many people felt a strong guilt in his heart.

"We seem ... a little sorry for him." A middle-aged man whispered.

"Yeah, after all he saved all of us in the city." Another said.

"Even if he doesn't show up, we have a millionaires, it's not necessarily ..." Someone tried to refute.

"Fart! People will dare to surround us with a population of tens of millions, if we don't have it, our millions of practitioners will have a fart!" The monks who participated in that war reproved.

There was also a lot of discussion in the crowd, and more people tended to Chu Yu.

Because no matter what identity Chu Yu is, who his enemy is, he is the hero of this city after all.

He saved tens of millions of people in this city.

Everyone should thank him, thank him, and respect him!

At this time, the master of the grand nobleman finally arrived late.

Changed to clean clothes, very decent, looks calm, and restored the majesty of the past.

Just on him, but from time to time came a faint smell of urine.

These are powerful practitioners in the presence, and their five senses are extremely sharp. So the eyes looking at the master of this big noble family are strange.

"I heard that the former prince appeared here? What about others?" The head of the noble family looked at everyone seriously.

In this city, even the lord of the city must politely give him a three-pointer.

But at this moment, no one answered his question.

Including the old housekeeper who was ousted by him before to bring people to resist the realm of the realm.

"Lao Fang, Lao Fang? Are you dead? Let me ask you something!" The master of the house felt that the atmosphere was a little weird and could not help getting angry.

In fact, more is the shame that comes from deep inside.

He understood from the reactions of many people, so he regretted that he should have sprayed perfume and came out just after taking a shower.

In desperation, the old housekeeper walked out of the crowd and Shili said: "Master Master, too ... Mr. Chu has gone."

The head of the nobleman suddenly became furious: "Leave? How can you let him go?"

Many people looked at the owner's eyes and suddenly became somewhat respectful.

The thing that scares pee pants, it seems ... no big deal.

Because it seems that the master of this great nobleman is also a good man with a conscience!

Although the courage is a little too small, but a good person with a conscience is always easy to be tolerated.

As a result, the noble family head's next sentence suddenly made countless people glaring at him.

"He's an offender, since he reported to the door, so many of you, even let him run? How does this turn me back to tell Master Domain?"

When he glanced over the silent city lord's face, he suddenly shuddered.

Originally this kind of thing, the main headache should be the lord.

Although he has the supremacy in this city, the real ruler of this city is the city owner.

A criminal named by Zhou Han came here and calmly left. The most anxious person should not be him, but the city master.

But how does it seem that instead of being in a hurry, the city lord seems very opinionated to him?

The city master is the old man who talked to Chu Yu before.

To be honest, his heart is also very contradictory.

On the one hand, he felt ashamed of Zhou Hanyu, after all, Chu Yu calmly left in his face; on the other hand, he felt guilty about Chu Yu.

As the lord of the city, he knew a little about the past.

Speaking of which, His Royal Highness was quite wrong.

But the king defeated. This has been the case since ancient times.

Outsiders are not qualified to sympathize with the Prince.

On the other hand, the master of this big noble is simply shit!

When the realm came, he was scared to pee his pants, and the realm retreated, with a sense of smell on his body, he dared to come out and point fingers, it is shameless!

"It's my business to explain to the master of the domain." The old man glanced at the master of the house and said lightly: "If it's okay, go home and wash and sleep."

There was a low laughter from the crowd.

The old man is very bad, and he vaguely points out the smell of urine on the other person's body, let the family go back to wash and sleep ...

The master of the noble family finally finally understood why everyone looked at him with a bad look, feeling this group of people ... even had a feeling of admiration for His Royal Highness, who was identified as an offender!

Is this okay?

He instinctively wanted to attack, and even wanted to take the opportunity to join the city master.

But feeling the unsightly eyes that countless people looked at him from all directions, the master of this big noble family still couldn't help but flinch.

After all, his roots are in this city.

If people lose their hearts and minds in this city and want to redeem them later, it will be too difficult.

In particular, he had just lost such a big face-he was scared to pee his pants.

This matter will not take long before it will spread throughout the city.

At the thought of this consequence, the head of the noble family, the master, was very sad and couldn't help but curse in his heart: Why can't the **** Chu Yu appear earlier? If you want me to throw such a big ugly, it is simply a jerk!

He coughed twice and said, "That ... this time our city suffered heavy losses. As the largest noble in this city, I think I have an obligation to do something for the dead. So, their pension , I do n’t need the main palace, I ’ll take care of it! "

After all, it is still a bit politically sensible, not so stupid. When he said this, many people looked at him and finally became kind.

The nobleman willing to pay is a good nobleman after all.

This ancient city finally became quiet.

In addition to being private, no one would mention the topic of His Royal Highness in public.

As for the Tiangong World network, no one mentioned it.

As if this had never happened.

However, in Baichuanhuihai, water droplets pass through.

This is probably the case in this world.

The accumulation of less and more will happen one day.

On the other side, Zhou Han and a large group of people finally got together again after a lapse of many years.

Fighting with the invading realm.

The Cangming Army and the Kaitian Army, as well as the other private soldiers from the left seven and the right seven, summoned again.

The picturesque war is slowly spreading out.

It can be said that the place where Zhou Han is located is the real main battlefield.

Those realm demons who have entered the Tiangong world seem to know this too, and concentrate their main forces on the place where Zhou Han is located.

In just half a month, the two sides have fought several times.

The situation is not particularly ideal.

Of course, this is not to say how much loss Zhou Han has eaten here.

It's not taking advantage!

For the generals of the left seven and the right seven, facing the war of the realm of demons, they did not take advantage of it, in fact, it was a loss!

Under the leadership of the boss, their group of people went across the entire chaotic domain!

Sweeping countless demons!

Whether you are a low-level realm demon warrior or a high-level realm demon general, in the eyes of the boss, all are scum!

Always swept!

Now that the elders are gone, they may already be gone.

The rest of them, facing the demons that invaded again, could no longer fight the kind of battle they had in those years, and they couldn't get the kind of swallowing the mountains and rivers.

Even if it is Zhou Han, the most powerful among the people, even if he has been the domain master for so many years, he is still a little bit worse.

In many people's minds, the difference ... maybe it is the legendary gas number.

They haven't heard from the Prince for a long time.

The last time I heard about Chu Yu, it seemed that he had escaped into the dojo of the infinite Taoist ancestor.

"Nothing interesting!" Lin Xuesong still has a grudge against Chu Yu.

Even at this time, he still has not changed his view of Chu Yu.

"It's a bit ... I can't help it." He Shoucheng smiled bitterly in his heart without showing any expression on his face.

"The muddy baton can't help the wall, let's just do that, I hope Xian'er can be happy with him, she's just happy." Xu Zhenxin sighed.

They were all born in Yuantianchi, but Xu Xiaoxian is his daughter after all, no matter how ruthless his mouth is, he can never be truly ruthless.

Most of the generals in the left seven and right seven don't really feel much.

There is no way, not a person of a generation, with a completely different working style and angle. In their eyes, the crown prince Chu Yu is a typical incompetent.

It would be unpleasant to think that their group of **** battles would help an incompetent person to come to power in the future.

As for whether Chu Yu was given the opportunity to grow up, it was not within their consideration.

What you have is time to grow, but why did you choose to wander?

Therefore, to this day, the attitude of this group of people towards Chu Yu has not changed much.

Including the group of people like Shang Wenhong, they are similar.

Even if I finally chose to support Chu Yu, it was more of a political consideration.

The benefit is maximized.

To say how much you value Chu Yu, there is no such thing.

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