
Chapter 1032: Instinct return

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What do others think?

Follow them.

Cows do n’t drink water and forcefully press their heads.

If you want to be recognized by others, you must show your due abilities.

The most feared thing in this world is the word serious.

Before Yujie did not invade, it was really difficult for Chu Yu to take it seriously.

It doesn't make sense.

His mind is not in the position of the domain master.

Even if that location can call the winds and rains, it can slap the wind and clouds, and it can have endless power and resources.

He still has no interest.

It's totally a pair of people who love to be and who should be, anyway, my inappropriate psychology.

For the so-called princehood, Chu Yu is also more burden than glory.

If he didn't have the status of a prince before the shit, he took two wives, Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, and two friends Chu Die and Jiang Zilian.

Can be mixed very well!

Then slowly find an opportunity to find a way to bypass the laws of Tiangong World and take over all family and friends.

As for ambition, Chu Yu really didn't.

Can't help myself!

Like a son of fate, he was chosen by fate and had no ability or room to struggle.

No matter how you go, in the end, it will go around that road.

The realm has invaded again!

At this time, no matter whether he is the prince of the chaotic domain, he has no way to continue hiding.

He is not ambitious, but he is not a turtle.

Faced with the invasion of foreign enemies, in fact everyone has no way out.

Including Zhou Han's group, even more so!

Chu Yu also pays attention to the network of Tiangong World.

I also saw Zhou Han and Xu Zhen's group once again joining forces ...

Chu Yu couldn't help smiling when he first saw the news.

The veterans who looked down on him, in his eyes, wasn't it naive?

Played with children like a family.

He does the same thing as the veterans, but he will never do it with them!

I do n’t want to do it, but the hearts of the Chaos Domain ... but Chu Yu wants to accept it!

I want to make you understand that there are some things that I am not good at, but I am not interested!

When the world is in danger, not only your group is the protagonist of saving the world.

When Chu Yu came to the second city, it had already been slaughtered by the realm.

The whole city is almost empty.

Bloody sky!

The bodies of countless monks, wild corpses.

Broken limbs can be seen everywhere.

Originally a great city with splendid and splendid civilization has been turned into ruins.

Brick debris is everywhere.

Almost no one is alive.

In addition to these people who died in battle, a large number of people remained, disappeared without a trace.

Chu Yu thought of the actions of the realm before, and his heart was cold and angry.


The demons of the world regarded the human race as their food!

And people who like to eat after the emotions have evolved to the extreme.

The realm thinks that only when the emotion reaches a certain extreme food is it the most delicious.

They wiped out the city, slaughtered all the rebels, and then captured those fearful.

One can imagine the end of those people.

Still a step late!

Chu Yu's face was as cold as frost, leaving without a word.

The third city.

There is also an army of tens of thousands of realm demons who are fighting with the practitioners in the city!

This city has a larger population than the first city!

There are 20 million people!

The number of practitioners who dare to stand up to resist is also greater.

There are more than three million!

The sky is dense and full of people.

Every realm is surrounded by at least two or three hundred people.

The scene is extremely tragic!

In the same realm, one realm can hit hundreds of worlds in Tiangong World!

The realm's defense is too strong.

Attacks from the same realm fell on them without hurting their muscles or bones, and they hardly even felt.

But the realm's attack was so fierce that it made the scalp numb.

The huge gap in combat power cannot be made up by courage.



Above the sky, the cultivators of human races constantly blew themselves tragically!

Just like those desperate realm demons at the time, they wanted to drag Chu Yu to death by self-exploitation.

However, here is a practitioner who has changed to a human race, trying to drag the realm of demons to death by exploding.

Seeing death as the same, but the mood is completely different.

After Chu Yu came here, without any hesitation, he directly killed a realm like a leader.

The same helmet holds the armor, but this world demon general seems to be higher than the one that Chu Yu killed before. His face is even exposed.

It still looks very handsome.

At the moment Chu Yu rushed over, Chu Yu was found, and turning around was a shot!

The real demon general carried a bright silver spear in his hand. The barrel of the spear was inscribed with complex inscriptions, and the infinite power of the great road was born in those inscriptions.

The cold light at the tip of the gun flashed dazzlingly.

This shot that pierced Chu Yu even pierced the void easily!

This is Tiangong World!

Not a lower bound for imperfect laws.

But the combat power of this demon general is really too strong!

One shot pierced the void.

Before Chu Yu's arrival, there were no human race practitioners at all.

His breath alone was enough to suppress the inability of almost all ethnic practitioners to approach him.


The void shuddered.

Chu Yu saw a sharp ray of light and had to zoom in!

This shot of the general of the realm punctured the void, with powerful rules, affecting time.

This shot is for the purpose of completely killing Chu Yu!

Chu Yu raised the sky in his hand.

Cut it hard!

Influence time? Affect the space?

I can do it too!


Chu Yu slashed across the tip of the real demon general.

That level of precision makes people tremble.

Then, in the magical eyes of this world demon general, his proud spear was cut open by Chu Yu!

The power of Chu Yu's knife is too powerful!

The accuracy is too high!

It is completely from the middle, dividing the gun of the demon general into two, and there is not much, not much on both sides.

Then, cut off the palm of the realm's general that was held on the barrel of the gun, and then cut off the palm underneath.

The powerful realm demon general was instantly abolished with two hands.

But before he even tweeted, Chu Yu had already appeared in front of him.

Chu Yu's knee hit the heart position of this demon general hard.


A shrill crack of bones.

The sternal bone of this world demon general was crushed by Chu Yu, and his heart was broken together.

Chu Yu as a whole, has already passed this demon general.


The head of the realm demon flies in response.

A piece of blood rose up into the sky along the neck of the demon general!

Breaking the pinnacle of the virtual realm?

go to hell!

The familiar feeling made Chu Yu's soul throb more and more.

Moreover, even more amazing is that even Chu Yu's body, his muscles ... seemed to have some kind of memory.

It seems to have a unique experience in killing the world demons!

"The general demon is killed!"

"General Demon is dead!"

"Their leader was killed!"

Over the entire battlefield, countless people shouted.

Chu Yu exudes a strong wave of thoughts: "I am Chu Yu! Everyone will kill this group of animals with me!"

Who is Chu Yu?

In many people's minds, such thoughts arise unconsciously.

But soon, someone shouted, "His Royal Highness! He is His Royal Highness! He saved my uncle's family before!"

"Chu Yu is His Royal Highness Prince, the son of Chu domain master!"

"Hill come down to save us!"

"We are saved, the hall is down! Kill kill! Kill all the animals!"

Boiling on the battlefield!

Without any warning, it boiled all at once.

The name Chu Yu is as if with some magic.

He didn't even need to say: I am Crown Prince Chu Yu.

He now only needs to say, I am Chu Yu, and naturally someone will stand up and tell those who do not know who he is.

After Chu Yu killed this general, he killed the Quartet!

These demon forces that are killing each city should be at the bottom of the entire demon group.

The really powerful ones are estimated to be on Zhou Han's side.

But it doesn't matter!

As long as it is a realm, kill it!

Killing chickens is killing, killing tigers ... also killing!

Even against the top-level realm, Chu Yu will not take a step back.

Because with the throbbing of his soul, some instincts that once slept in endless years ... are just returning a little bit.

Back to him!

Back to his soul!

He was still him, and he didn't awaken any memories of his previous life.

But those instincts in the depths of the soul that once slept are returning constantly.

Chu Yu still hasn't broken through to the free realm, but his combat power has gone too far in the field of breaking the virtual realm.

Breaking the pinnacle of the virtual realm, in front of him, there is almost no battle.

No matter how powerful the realm of the realm is, in the face of the terrifying Chu Yu like the big devil, it can only be slaughtered.

Before Chu Yu's arrival, he was a small group of demons, slaughtering a large number of human race practitioners.

But as soon as he came, he directly reversed the situation.


Chu Yu cut off the head of a real world demon with a knife, and the isolated head tweeted twice, and he was kicked and flew by Chu Yu with a big foot.

The head drew a long arc in the vast universe, hitting **** the head of a realm demon who was preparing to slaughter human race monks.

The two heads slammed together.


Everything is clean.

Chu Yu's movements are almost incredible!

Shuttle through countless realms.

He is like a cold-blooded killer.

Chi Tian in his hand can hardly see what he looks like, because he is too fast at the knife!

Half a day after he passed through the realm of demons, those realm warriors changed.

One by one, half of the body fell down obliquely, a lot of blood mixed with the internal organs flowing out.

What defense is invincible, what is powerful and unmatched.

In front of the killing blade, none exist.


A realm finally gave Chu Yu a paw while taking advantage of the chaos.

Although this realm is humanoid, its claws are extremely sharp.

There is endless cruelty in the eyes of this realm.

It was this human just now, killing too many of its companions.

Now it has been succeeded by it!

It has even seen the **** human, was ripped apart by its claws, and then screamed to death.

There was a cruel smile on its face.

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