
Chapter 1038: Slaughter elite realm

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Yes, none!

Because the circle of demons laid under this city is really powerful.

These magic circles, like the walls of each dimension, are replaced by ordinary people on the earth. If you stand in the city and look up, you will see nothing at all!

Only blue sky and white clouds can be seen!

The creatures in the Tiangong world are much higher than the realm of ordinary people on earth.

The rules here are also completely different from the earth.

Therefore, the ordinary people here can perceive what is happening in the sky above their heads, making their heartbeats faster and giving them a strong feeling.

But they can't see it.

Except for a few high-level practitioners, they can see some blurry afterimages.

But they also can't see clearly!

However, this does not prevent them from being full of hope.

"The Prince's Hall must have come down to save us!"

"We will definitely survive in peace!"

"Yes, we will definitely live well!"

"His Royal Highness is invincible!"

The ancient city, with a population of tens of millions, admired Prince Yu Yu as never before.

Above the sky, more than 3,000 elites from the elite realm sent out together, and the world-shattering shot fell on Chu Yu, but failed to hurt Chu Yu.

On the contrary, Chu Yu dragged a dozen pieces of unsuccessful relics, and entrapped them to attack the real world elite group, which had huge pressure on Chu Yu.

Therefore, Chu Yu simply did not move.

Continue to refine these dozens of top-level instruments.

The majestic energy flows into the golden armor along the avenue of the golden armor.

It's like ... charging.

The Tao on the Golden Warframe, the refining of these dozens of top-level artifacts, is not to refining the spiritual imprints belonging to the realm above, and then grab them. It is pure, absorbing the Tao in dozens of magical instruments!

And energy.

"His defensive power cannot be so powerful!"

"The armor on him is the key, attack!"


"Attack his armor!"

The leader of the three thousand elite demon is also crazy at the moment.

What is reason at this time?

If this person does not die, it must be their dead!

And it will never die very peacefully.

This group of demons launched another crazy attack on Chu Yu.



Above the sky, there was a constant roar of terror.

This sound wave alone is enough to collapse the creatures in the red dust realm.

At this time, those dozen magic instruments were finally refined by Chu Yu.

Chu Yu swept the sky in his hands, chopping on these dozens of artifacts.

These magic instruments instantly turned into powder.

Fluttering, dissipating in the sky.

The fields around Chu Yu also disappeared at this moment!

Chu Yu is like a tiger coming out of the cage, carrying the sky, and rushing towards three thousand elite realms.

All the previous pressure, at this moment, has no points left!

This feeling is really too easy and comfortable!

Chu Yu suddenly entered the crowd of elite world demons.


He stabbed over a tall realm, and his blood flew away.

At the next moment, his eyes were fixed on the young leader of this group of realms.

That extremely handsome young man!

It's you!

Chu Yu rushed directly to the young man.

In the process, countless realms are still madly attacking Chu Yu.

The attack fell on the main road defense released by the golden armor, and even a little ripple was difficult to rise.

What a freak!

This is simply a 100-level bully who bullies the novice village.

Too cruel to add.

Several children in one knife!

This powerful, even Chu Yu, feels a little unreal.

But this feeling made him feel very familiar.

It seemed that there was ... a long, long time ago.

Maybe, in my previous life, did I really fight against the realm?

Chu Yu is also the first time in his life, a little less resentful of the so-called previous life.

His bravery, his strength, almost instantly collapsed this group of elites.

Are all realms really so fierce and not afraid of death?

Actually not necessarily.

The so-called fierce fearlessness is just too powerful!

This is like a gap between an adult and a child.

Even if it is a group of children, it is impossible to beat an adult.

So, can it be said that this adult is fearless?

You can't die at all, just say that you're not afraid of death!

But when this adult suddenly encounters a perverted child, holding a sharp blade, extremely fierce and fully capable of killing him ... Will he still be afraid of death?

Intrepid fear of death!

If it is really fearless, how could the Chu master in the past chase the **** of a group of demons and chase them into their old nest?

This group of elite level demons, at this time, have all counseled!

My heart is full of fear.

They are now just thinking about how to escape.

This human being, this legendary Crown Prince of Waste, is simply not something that their level of demon can provoke.

Change the magic in the future!

Faced with Chu Yu, these elites are simply sending food.

Chu Yu did not care about this, he just wanted to kill this group of demons.

Just like in the eyes of these demons, humans are just their food. In Chu Yu's eyes, this group of realm is just a group of ferocious beasts.

How much to kill, his heart will not fluctuate.

At this time, there was already a real world demon who wanted to rush to Chu Yu and explode.

The brave man in despair, there will be any group and age.

When Chu Yu was staring at the leader of this group of realms, dozens of elite realms rushed to Chu Yu and tried to explode.

Chu Yu builds a small world, throws them one by one, and throws them on the elite world demons who want to explode and put them in.

Then, all the small worlds collapsed!

Chu Yu's application of the law has also reached a supreme state.

Otherwise how to call into the Tao?

Therefore, the collapse of every small world, along with Chu Yu's control and change of laws, is just a firework with a big fist in the sky of Tiangong World.

It looks inconspicuous!

If it were not on the scene, no one would believe that the small fireworks with big fists were actually the result of the terrible elite-level demon self-detonation.

Well, it has no effect.

Special effects will not be so bad.

The young leaders of this group of demons are splitting, roaring, and killing Chu Yu.

Everyone can escape, but he cannot.

Even if he can escape alive, Du Gu will never let him go. Even behind him, there is also a big brother of the Demon Clan, it still does not work!

Rules are rules!

No one dared to destroy.

Chu Yu waved his hands to kill the sky, and slashed to the real demon youth leader in front of him.

Since he entered the Tao, there have been no moves.

Any one move is like an antelope hanging horns, and like a red claw snow mud, there is no trace at all.

All attacks, real and false, no matter how powerful the computing power is, it is impossible to calculate Chu Yu's next move.

The young leader of the realm of the realm is not fish belly, if Chu Yu before entering the Tao, it should be easy to suppress Chu Yu.

But what he is facing now is Chu Yu after he entered the Tao!

Once a person enters the Tao, how strong he is is often unclear to himself.

Unless, like now, all the fighting power erupts, fight hard!

It is a pity that the youth leader in front of the world does not allow Chu Yu to explode in full combat power.

Chu Yu didn't even try it, but cut it hard with a knife.

The word of the demon leader of the youth world collapsed instantly.

First break the enemy's way, then break the enemy's technique, and finally ... this knife is facing the enemy's body.


From top to bottom, this knife directly cuts the youth leader in two halves.

"The leader is dead!"

"The leader is dead!"

A large number of realm demons cried out in grief and terror, and then this group finally collapsed.

The defeat was downhill.

More than 3,000 realm demons were killed by Chu Yu in the blink of an eye.

Together with their leader, they failed to escape Chu Yu's sword.

There are more than 2,900 elite demon left, completely lost the courage to continue to resist.

No matter how they attack, they can't break Chu Yu's defense.

On the contrary, Chu Yu's side, with a knife, could not even hold their leader.

The gap between the two sides is so disastrous!

What else is playing?

How can I fight?

"Want to run? Have you asked me?" Chu Yu's voice was cold and he chased toward the group of demons with a knife.


Pure unilateral slaughter.

This kind of scene appeared before the countless epochs on the Chu master.

Perhaps, in a more distant time, some people have also appeared.

But in this day and age, there are not many people who can have such a combat capability.

The veterans of the left seven and right seven should have no problem, the elite level demons are definitely not their opponents.

But those practitioners of the same age as Chu Yu should not have this ability!



Chu Yu made one cut, sometimes several cuts.

Elite elites were beheaded and their heads flew up.

The golden armor on his body was bloodless and dazzling.

It was just the murderousness in him that kept becoming stronger.

Now he, even if a broken spirit from the same realm appears in front of him, I am afraid he can't stand him.

The murderous body is really terrible!

Chu Yu is like this, catching up one by one, killing, and then chasing and killing again!

The remaining world demons, the farthest one, almost fled to another ancient big city, and they were eventually caught up by Chu Yu and chopped with a knife.

But this scene also drew the attention of the realm above the big city.

Chu Yu also found that the sky above that big city also had a palace!

Those elite level demons also sealed that ancient big city.

The scene ... almost the same as what he just experienced!

What does it mean?

These people all set up a magic circle here, hiding in the sky, besieging without attacking ... What do they want to do?

The last realm demon killed by Chu Yu finally delivered some news before he died.

So, in the next moment, the realm of the palace suddenly came out!

Towards Chu Yu directly killed!

Another three thousand elite realms, facing Chu Yu alone!

Want to completely consume me with wheel battle?

Chu Yu was happy.

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