
Chapter 1039: Four women go out

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Without any hesitation, carrying a knife, he killed the demons.

"You have been surrounded by me, and if you are acquainted, you will quickly commit suicide, and you will be less guilty!"

"This man is so arrogant!"

"It's almost dead!"

"Slay him!"

"Must kill him!"

The group of demons that rushed out received a warning from the realm demolished by Chu Yu, saying that this human had killed all elite demons in another city.

Because of the limited time, this realm was chopped to death by Chu Yu before he finished talking.

Therefore, this group of elite-level realm demolished did not have all the information.

They only know that this human being is terrifying, but they all subconsciously think that Chu Yu is not a person, but a group of people!

If the realm demolished by Chu Yu knew that a group of his companions would think this way, he would surely die.


There are more than a dozen top-level artifacts, hit Chu Yu!

Similar to the magical powers contained in the previous magic instruments, but there are also differences.

But the routine is the same!

Each magic weapon forms a terrible field, and then these fields are superimposed together to form a terrifying killing array!

Only this time, these more than 3,000 elite realms were exhausted, and at the moment of formation in the field, they launched a crazy attack on Chu Yu in all directions.

Because they already know the identity of Chu Yu-Prince of Chaos Domain!

Since it is him, there is nothing to say, let's talk about half-death first!

But this wave of elite demon leaders is very vigilant, so let everyone fight together.

Chu Yu stood there and did not move, letting the golden armor on his body release the dozen or so artifacts. Then, he coldly watched the attack of more than three thousand elite realms on his magic weapon.

These magical powers contain unimaginable supreme avenues and majestic energies, which pass through those fields and appear directly around Chu Yu's body.

Without saying anything, Chu Yu runs gluttonous supernatural powers.

All over my body, countless pores seem to turn into a vortex of energy.


Crazy devour!

The golden armor formed by the metal ball is like two shameless robbers!

In that game, who grabs more is the same.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was a realm of blood spraying, and the whole person was about to collapse.

Who is the realm?

When is there such a horrible and crazy existence among humans?

Why can this person absorb their attacks?

Why can this person refine the magic weapon they sacrificed?

The brother just said that the other city was completely wiped out, wouldn't this guy do it alone?

The leader of this elite demon army ordered the two of his men to leave the battlefield as soon as possible, one to warn the other big cities; the other was to report Du Gu!

His royal highness, the human race, is far more terrifying than expected!

A fatal loophole appeared in the plan previously formulated!

This message must be delivered.

The leader of this elite army of Realm is extremely dignified. His appearance is ordinary, his face is a little long, his eyes are not big, but his body is full of majesty.

His identity is also very unusual, and he has a great future.

His grandfather once killed countless human races and other racial creatures in the chaotic realm on this land.

Among the realm demons, it is an earl!

And he doesn't have any title yet.

He wants to build merits and careers, and wants to grow into a real big man among the realm demons.

Looking at the figure like the dazzling star of the same round, the elite-level realm demon leader burst into a strange look.

If, if you can, here, kill the prince of this human race, even if it violates the will of Marshal Du Gu, I believe that he will not blame.

Maybe, can get a noble title!

I have to say that human civilization is really good!

The setting of knighthood can mobilize enthusiasm.

The higher the title, the greater the power!

"Strengthen the energy input to the magic weapon!"

"This human being is trying to refine our magic weapon, don't let him succeed!"

"What about the marksman?"

The leader of the long-faced realm commanded coldly, he didn't feel too flustered.

Crisis naturally exists, this person is not easy to provoke, but the crisis is also accompanied by opportunities!

As long as you can catch it!

A very beautiful woman, holding a bow, appeared beside him, then pulled the bow in her hand, aimed at Chu Yu, where the golden light was shining, held her breath ... released her fingers.


An arrow condensed by the law of the Dao hit Chu Yu fiercely!

The arrow instantly penetrated the void, and also passed through the field formed by those magical instruments.

Chu Yu, who is refining energy, instantly felt a strong sense of crisis. Looking at the opposite side, an arrow condensed by the law of the Dao grew bigger and bigger in his pupils!

It's kind of interesting!

The golden armor on Chu Yu's body instantly formed an energy layer, which was blocked in front of Chu Yu.

The energy layer is extremely thick!

And above that, there are also endless laws of avenues circulating.

The higher the state, the stronger the energy situation.

The arrow formed by the law of the avenue is indeed terrible.

The power is endless and the speed is incredible.

Chu Yu was hard to avoid, and he didn't want to avoid.

Because of this attack, Chu Yu felt a need to use more energy.

So, just try it.


This arrow shot fiercely on the energy layer in front of him.

Peerless and sharp arrows crossed the energy layer, but only the arrows penetrated the energy layer.

The latter part ... but failed to pass through.

Subsequently, this arrow was refined by the energy layer.

But then, the second and third arrows ... shot quickly!

Shoot in the same position!

The second arrow shot in half!

The third one ... more than half of it shot!

Three arrows failed to pass through Chu Yubu's defense.

Was swallowed by this energy layer instantly.

The beautiful woman standing next to the chief of the long face of the realm wowed with a big sip of blood.

Chu Yu shouted loudly: "Girl, are you still there? Not full!"


The beautiful woman hated and let out a roar.

Can't help but want Zhang Gong to shoot arrows.

But he was stopped by the long face realm demon leader beside him.

"You can't break his defense." The long-faced leader's face was extremely gloomy, and he suddenly understood that this person's strength is definitely not something that his level of realm can resist.

The previous team was indeed damaged by him alone!

This person must deal with the creatures of that level.


Without any hesitation, the chief of the long face ordered directly to leave with his men.

"Boss, our magic weapon ..." There are boundless demons around him. The dozen magic weapons are invaluable. At this moment, all were given by Chu Yu, and he was undergoing crazy refining.

"Don't do it!" The long-faced Demon Leader's heart is bleeding, but if he stays here, he will never be the opponent of this person.

Can only increase the casualties!

Even if he goes back, he will be ridiculed by countless people, and he will also be guilty of solitude, but he doesn't want to lose all his power in this place.

Even if you go to the main battlefield to be a death squad and rush into Zhou Han's army, it's better than being here, being slaughtered and strong by this person.

This group of demons drove away the huge palace quickly.

After a while, Chu Yu refined all the energy from these dozen instruments into the golden armor.

There was a little regret on his face.

Chu Yu knew in his heart that the elite-level demons would be extremely vigilant against himself.

I want to easily **** this top-level magic weapon from them and slaughter them, I am afraid it is a bit difficult.

Later, Chu Yu came over the city and began to break through!

These magic circles, from the inside out, are naturally difficult to crack.

But from the outside to the inside, it is not so difficult.

It did n’t take long for Chu Yu to break all these formations.

There are also tens of millions of people in this city, and they have taken to the streets one after another. Chu Yu has already turned around and left before he had time to thank him.

He returned to the previous city, also broke the magic circle here, and left.

On the network of Tiangong World, news about these two battles quickly spread!

"His Royal Highness is too powerful!"

"He alone saved tens of millions of people in our city!"

"The tens of millions of people in our city were also saved by His Highness! Unfortunately, they didn't have time to thank them."

"Your Highness is much stronger than our current domain master ... much stronger!"

There are still people taking rhythm.

But at this time, a different voice suddenly appeared on the network of Tiangong World.

"In fact, the current domain master has not abandoned us. He is leading the army and is contending with the real power of the realm!"

"Yes, although the domain owner has done a lot of missed things, he has never given up our world."

"The crown prince is the crown prince, Zhou Yu is the master of Zhou Yu, our internal contradictions, internal solutions. Wait until when all these demons are expelled, all killed, and it is not too late to solve them!"

These news were overwhelming and instantly spread across the entire network of Tiangong World.

Every corner is covered!

When Chu Yu saw the news, a smile appeared on his face.

Lin Shi!

Chu Die!

Xu Xiaoxian!

Jiang Zilian!

They are out!

Others could not see what was hiding behind the news, but Chu Yu understood everything by looking at the name of the news.

Because those names are all the net names used by these women.

Moreover, they also have this ability.

These women are very smart.

It can be seen that there are people on the Internet who deliberately bring rhythm and try to make Chu Yu oppose Zhou Han.

In fact, Chu Yu felt something was wrong during this time, but he was too lazy to care!

Again, Chu Yu has no interest in the position of the master of this chaotic domain!

He has a clear conscience.

And he believes Zhou Han is not that stupid.

If you try to target him again at this time, it can only be said that his father ... the master of the Chu domain at that time, who knew people unknown.

Chu Yu still believed in the vision of the legend.

Afterwards, Chu Yu contacted Lin Shi through the network of Tiangong World.

"Congratulations, you have gained unimaginable popular support." This was sent by Jiang Zilian.

"Awesome, in such a short time, you are really turned over!" This was sent by Lin Shi.

"I have clarified something for you, we can't commit the opposition to Zhou Han now." This was Chu Die.

"Husband, miss you." This is Xu Xiaoxian.

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