
Chapter 1040: Break the road

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Chu Yu let out a long breath. After so long, they finally got out of the customs, which made him feel happy. Because this means that all four of them have stepped into the broken realm!

Now in this world, practitioners who step into the virtual realm are barely possessing the ability to protect themselves.

Chu Yu told them a few, don't leave Wuliang Mountain Dojo for the time being.

That place is temporarily safe.

But the four girls did not want to stay there, they wanted to come to him.

Chu Yu hesitated and told them to wait there first, and he would go find them.

As promised in the past, everyone should not be separated.

Especially for Lin Shi and Xiao Xian, they are willing to be born and die with him, and have no complaints or regrets.

From the standpoint of Chu Yu, they naturally do not want them to withstand any storms and crises. However, from the standpoint of Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, they are willing to accompany the king regardless of life and death.

Moreover, Chu Yu felt that he should be low-key during this time.

With his appearance, countless cities in Tiangong World have begun a large number of spontaneous battles against the realm.

It is almost impossible for those low-level realms to kill a city as easily as before.

Chu Yu must have been stared at by the high-level existence of the Realm Demon Clan. Think about the two battles you just experienced.

It should be directed at him.

Among the demons of the realm, there must be a powerful and terrifying existence.

Now, he may not be the opponents that exist.

On the network of Tiangong World, those with rhythm are not necessarily all people on the Chaos Domain side.

Chu Die has a clear understanding of this, so the first time he left the border, he directly hit a backhand on the Internet, destroying those rhythmic naval forces.

Chu Yu didn't know what Zhou Han thought about this matter.

But through various channels, Chu Yu still has some understanding of Zhou Han.

That is an extremely proud person!

Disdain to clarify or refute anything at all.

If Zhou Han turned around and freed his hands, I am afraid that those who talk nonsense will have no good ending.

Lao Tzu takes a large army on the front line to contend with the main forces of the realm of the realm. Are you a group of scum hiding behind to stir up the wind and rain?

What do these people keep?

Kill kill!

This is Zhou Han!

Now that Chu Die and their shot, I believe how much will dispel some of the hostility in Zhou Han's heart?

Zhou Han will definitely know who is clarifying for him.

Chu Yu doesn't need Zhou Han to be grateful, because the grudges between him and Zhou Han, those accounts ...

But now, everyone is serving the same purpose.

Fight the realm!

Chu Yu embarked on the road to Wuliangshan Dojo.

On the way back, I still encountered a lot of realms of troops, the level is very low, and the number is not particularly large.

Whenever they see it, they are killed directly!

Killing one more realm may result in one less human being.

This is a long and hard war.

The invasion of the realm of the realm was directly rolled out, and it has obviously been prepared for countless years.

Unlike the previous two snows, in fact, it is the real winter.

Chu Yu also understood why his father, the legend of Chaos Realm, would not stop after repelling the realm of the realm, and pursued the realm of the realm.

Just want to completely wipe out this group of locust-like creatures.

The existence of the realm is a huge disaster in the universe.

They are like viruses, and any living creature encountering them will not end well.

Even if it is the most advanced realm, after transformation, it looks like humans, but in essence, it is still the trait of that group.

Bloodthirsty, brutal, ruthless.

With other creatures, born is the enemy of life and death!

It is a pity that the power of the realm is far more powerful than imagined.

The pictures that the infinite Taoist once showed him were enough to prove many things.

The most top-level existence in the entire chaotic domain is almost on the real frontline ... that place far away from the chaotic domain.

Defend foreign enemies from outside the country!

Those talents are real heroes, and they are truly admirable.

By comparison, what did he do in the chaotic domain?

People say that practitioners are ruthless, and they will experience and encounter too many different things during their long practice, and they have already wiped out most of human basic emotions.

This is not the case.

Those are little monks, little practitioners.

For example, when Chu Yu was on the earth, those practitioners who used to be "high above."

They are indeed ruthless.

Because at that stage, the relatives and friends of those practitioners were mostly ordinary people.

Just like Xiu Xing Road, Xian Fan is separated by two.

The longevity of practitioners is at least a few hundred years, and those ordinary ordinary people have only a few decades, most of them are not even a hundred years old.

If he is a person with rich emotions, how will he see only his relatives and friends turned into a scene of loess when he looks back?

If you are not a mentally determined person, you may not be able to embark on this path!

It's better to live peacefully with your friends and relatives and your lover.

Therefore, those practitioners are ruthless! Is tough! Is indifferent!

Because they have no way to balance emotions.

But to the realm of Chu Yu, it is completely different.

At this level, one can become enlightened alone, and the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

Even if his family and friends can't live with him, but after a long time and many epochs, there is no problem.

In this case, why should we give up emotions? Be a heartless person?

Chu Yu came to this position step by step because of his feelings.

If he is ruthless, I am afraid so far ... it is still just a "big monk" on the earth, overlooking the world indifferently.

Those supreme beings in the chaotic domain are exactly the same!

It was because of feelings in my heart that I put down everything, joined hands, walked out of the chaotic realm, and fought against the ancestors of those realms!

Trying to keep all the flames out of the chaotic domain.

This is really a big feeling.

Chu Yu admires.

In his mind, he never had the idea of ​​competing with others.

He just wanted to be able to live peacefully with relatives, friends and loved ones.

In order to achieve this goal, he can do so at all costs.

No matter what is in front of him, he will eventually move forward and break all obstacles!

Just for the obsession in his heart, he must also realize it.

Outside the Wuliangshan Dojo.

Dozens of figures stood.

These people all look very young, with different appearances, all wearing gorgeous clothes.

From them, they can't see much of the strangeness. Only when the light of layers of avenues emerges from their gorgeous clothes occasionally can they be judged that their identity is unusual.

This is a demon among a group of realms!

Although their status is not as good as the left seven and the right seven on the Chaos Domain side, they are many times more powerful than the ordinary virtual world practitioners!

There are even a few, already found their own way!

After practicing to a certain level, practitioners will fall into a huge bottleneck.

This level is actually breaking the virtual.

It ’s already broken ... What else is ahead? How should I go on? What kind of realm is Xiaoyao Realm?

No one can direct this.

Even if there is really a creature in the free realm who acts as a guide to break through the virtual realm, what he can do more is just to tell his own experience.

Is it useful?

Maybe a little bit, but it does n’t do much!

Because every cultivator, after cultivating to the ability to destroy a plane in the fingertips, what he has done ... is completely his own way!

What practices and magical powers are all yours!

I ca n’t learn so much from others.

Just like Chu Yu, after he entered the Tao, he practiced his own Tao.

Looking at the world, he already has the qualifications, opened the school and became the master of one religion.

Among these dozens, at least five or six are enlightened.

Although they are in the virtual realm, their strength is much stronger than the general virtual realm.

They are Dugu sent to find those who dominate the dojo!

The purpose is very simple, is to destroy these dojos!

Kill any living, gasping creatures in this dojo.

This is not to vent anger, but to break all the back paths of the supreme existence that fights on the real front!

Was n’t your Chu Master powerful then?

Chasing our defeated soldiers and chasing them all the way to the real demon nest?

I have thought that one day, our Demon Clan will bypass the frontline battlefield and kill your chaos in another way to copy your old nest! Take away all your resources and heritage! Break all your backs!

Among these dozens of people, the one headed by Wu Ya was named according to the habit of human civilization.

It is based on an ancient Taoist scripture-this life has a bound, but the Tao has no bounds.

Wuya looks in his thirties and is not handsome, but his face is sharp and his eyes sharp.

He looked at Wuliangshan Dojo here, and said lightly: "I'm sure that there is a top dojo in this place!"

He glanced at everyone around him and said with a smile: "And, in this field, life is full of energy, and there are obviously many relatively powerful foods. We are lucky this time."

A woman with an ugly appearance beside her is really ugly!

The mouth is crooked and the eyes are slanted, the skin is dull and dull, and the thin yellow hair looks ugly. Dressed in a colorful robe, it looks like a monkey-like monster.

Wen Yan smiled and said: "I also smelled that it smells like food, which is really great!"

Although she looks ugly, it does not prevent her from loving human culture, even she speaks deliberately.

"Haha, I just don't know which powerful dojo. We have broken his back this time. I don't know if I sensed all this in the frontline battlefield, will I spit out a bit of blood?" Open a big mouth, hehe smiled.

Wu Ya smiled and said: "Humans are cunning and always like Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, but no matter which old nest, they like to leave some heritage. If there is enough heritage left by that powerful person here, I believe that he must vomit blood. ! "

"Ha ha ha ha!" The generals in a large group of realm demons suddenly coaxed and laughed.

Very cheerful.

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