
Chapter 1041: Get into the dojo

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"Okay, now, get ready to break through!" Wu Ya said, closing her eyes slightly, a faint blue light flew out of him, turned into a snake-like line in the void, and began to appear in this piece. Swam between the world.

Just like a thief, if you want to steal something, you must first find out where the door is.

For this group of creatures, it is not difficult to find where the door is.

After a while, the blue long snake-like line stayed in one place.

The next step is the key to them.

The dojo left by Da Neng is definitely not that simple to break in.

But this group of demons will be prepared.

Dozens of people sacrificed their magic weapons, and first set up here!

Not only do they have to attack and kill all the creatures in the dojo, but they must also prevent uncertainties from coming in from the outside!

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Infinite dojo.

Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian have finally entered the virtual world after retreating!

Seeing the truth, I have to say that this state is quite deep.

In the past, many laws were like a mist, and it was true after stepping into this level.

To learn, you must first be able to see what you want to learn.

So, although the four of them still have a long way to go, at least, they can already see hope!

Chu Yu finally came back to take them with them, which made the four girls very happy.

"After so many years, Mr. Chu has changed a lot!" Jiang Zilian expressed some emotion.

I met Chu Yu in Daqian World. At that time, she was surrounded by people and started killing everywhere.

If it were n’t for Chu Yu, what would happen now?

Continue to work for the tiger?

Or was it already humiliated or even killed by those who have been conspiracy against her?

I dare not think about it, nor do I want to think about it.

After all, those people had already turned into loess.

Even if they have true spirits, they can still be reincarnated, but in this world, how many can be like the son of Chu, after endless reincarnation, the king finally returned?

too difficult!

Thinking of yesterday, it was like a dream.

Chu Die smiled and said: "Everyone is growing, but our father-in-law is growing faster than everyone expected."

Lin Shi smiled: "It should not exceed one's expectations."

"Is the infinite ancestor?" Jiang Zilian asked.

Xu Xiaoxian said: "It is the master of Chu domain!"

"Huh?" Jiang Zilian was at a loss.

Lin Shi nodded: "I believe that his growth trajectory should still be within our father-in-law's expectations."

Xu Xiaoxian said: "This is the way paved by the father-in-law, but he grew up by relying on himself. So, he can return and walk all the way to today, and he also has to thank the father-in-law. . "

Reincarnation, this mysterious and mysterious thing is actually very difficult to say.

Even a great man who exists supremely doesn't dare to say that he can return again after endless reincarnation.

Most of it may be, but how long will it take? This is hard to say.

At this moment, a sound of warning suddenly came from Wuliangshan Dojo.

There is a grand divine thought that instantly covered the entire Wuliangshan Dojo!

Invasion by foreign enemies!

The four girls were slightly surprised!

Here, they can view the situation outside in real time through the Tiangong World network.

If foreign enemies invade, who else can be besides the realm?

At this time, a huge projection suddenly appeared in the sky above him.

The projection shows that at this moment, outside the Wuliangshan Dojo, a group of figures are attacking the gate of Wuliangshan Dojo madly!

And the attack methods of those realms are really incredible!

so horrible!

Every blow was shocking. The force enough to sink a plane madly bombarded the gate of the infinite mountain dojo.

The entire Wuliang Mountain, at this moment, is silent!

At the next moment, an infinite number of Dao Zu disciples stood up to preside over the overall situation.

Although panicked, there was no chaos.

Because the infinite Taoist ancestor is here, a lot of layouts are left.

Someone came to the place where the four girls retired, soothe them, and tell them to hide here.

"There is a magic circle left by the Master in this place. No matter what happens, you should not leave. You can be assured that you are safe and sound!" A disciple of the infinite Daozu said to the four daughters with a calm attitude.

"What do you do?" Chu Die asked.

This immense Taoist disciple smiled slightly: "No need to worry about us, we will meet our enemies!"

Is it really that simple?

Chu Die looked at the pictures of the world demons attacking the mountain gate on the projection light curtain in the sky, and he was not very optimistic.

If you still stay in the red dust environment, it is difficult to see the problem.

Because the creatures in the red dust realm, looking at the projections in the sky, I am afraid that even the realm's attacking methods are not clear!

After breaking the virtual realm, breaking the virtual and seeing the truth, after removing the falsehood, the nature you see is real.

Can we break it for the time being, at least they know very well what is happening outside now.

Chu Die asked herself, several of them, should not be able to attack this level.

Just look at the solemn expressions of Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian and Jiang Zilian.

Among the four people, this time the breakthrough was again made by Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian.

The two of them are not only as simple as stepping into the virtual world, they all touched the threshold of their own way!

If Chu Yu entered the Tao directly at the time, then Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian should be considered to have entered the Tao halfway.

It's so close, but I have seen hope!

So the two women see the problem more clearly than Chu Die and Jiang Zilian!

Chu Die and Jiang Zilian can see, but it is difficult to understand, the two girls can understand ... but can't do it!

The person who came to report left in a hurry, ready to fight.

Because going on like this, the mountain gate is broken, that will happen sooner or later.

At the mountain gate of the dojo, there was also a magic circle fighting back.

A powerful dojo cannot be just defense.

The counterattack is also fierce!

The big-faced big man before was cut off by a counterattack. If it is not that he dodges fast, it is not a thigh problem, but will be cut by the waist!

The ugly-looking woman was also pierced with light by her shoulder armor, and blood was flowing. Flowing on her colorful clothes, it looked even uglier.

A total of thirty-seven or eight magic generals, at the moment of breaking through the mountain gate, a dozen or so almost lost their fighting power.

There is no abnormal color on Wuya's face, because this is so normal!

According to his estimate, it may even die a few!

None of them are dead now, which is considered a profit for him.

As long as the mountain gate is breached, the creatures inside can't withstand a blow at all.

A powerful dojo is about to be copied by them!


Facing the broken mountain gate, Wuya reached out a hand and pointed forward.

Suddenly, two dozen demons will rush into!

The remaining dozen or so who have lost their fighting power will stay outside because they have lost the ability to divide up resources and food.

But the companions will naturally bring their share.

In the dojo, more than two dozen demons will have just rammed into one of the other magic circles.

This magic circle is like a meat grinder.

The energy inside, the horror of killing, even the infinitely prepared before can't help but change color.


Three demons were crushed on the spot!

There is not even time to sacrifice the magic weapon!

"Damn old thing! Cunning human!" Wu Ya gritted his teeth and used his utensils to protect his body, and then began to break through the previously agreed methods.

When the magic circle breaks down, there are only twelve realms remaining in charge!

The remaining ones, not injured, are all dead!

Wu Ya's eyes were a little red, and he didn't expect that the real beginning was when he came in.

In fact, Du Gu has reminded him before, and told him to be careful, saying that those powerful are very insidious, and the means are fierce, not inferior to any fierce realm.

But Wuya still feels that the reason why Mighty is Mighty is that they are powerful!

Just like the realm of the realm, the powerful realm of the realm is disdain for any conspiracy!

No matter how you calculate it, I just have to push and crush it all the way!

It is only this time that the commander, Du Gu, is a completely different guy from the older generation demons. To a certain extent, Du Gu is closer to humans!

Tricky and cunning!

Wu Ya regretted that he didn't seriously implement Du Gu's plan.

Eating such a big loss made him a little cautious.

Although the killing team was broken, it did not dare to advance in the first time.

Although the ugly woman was injured, she did not lose her combat power. She said beside her with a bitter face: "General Wu Ya, set up this kind of magic circle, and slaughtered the strong men of our level. , Will also be an unimaginable number! So, they can not have too many such magic circles! I have already endured it, I will kill it! I will eat them! "

Wu Ya glanced at her: "Then I will appoint you as a pioneer, and you will go in to find the way!"

The ugly woman laughed, and went straight to the past.

There is nothing ahead!

The ugly woman turned around and called out loudly: "Come on!"

Wu Ya waited for the remaining eleven generals to growl and rush forward with the ugly woman.


A group of disciples in Wuliangshan Daochang stood there sternly.

"They came here!"

"Brother, do you want to start the second killing team?"

"Don't open it first, it's too expensive. If we can't wipe it out, we don't have a third chance!"

"Why is this group of demons so strong? Under normal circumstances, the killing team at the door should be able to kill them all!"

The brother standing here sighed, there should be more things! Shouldn't this group of demons have entered the chaotic domain at this time?

"Meet the enemy!"

The master gave a command and rushed towards the twelve demons.

He is a very low-key person, not much known in the whole Tiangong world.

Once I walked the world, I never used my real name. Therefore, few people know who the great brother of Wuliangshan is.

But internally, his prestige is extremely high!

Because of his realm, he has already entered the Tao!

The fighting power is very powerful.

The elder brother rushed directly to the ugly woman with sparse yellow hair, raising her hand is a palm!

This palm is like a **** mountain!

For the ugly yellow-haired woman, there is nowhere to hide!

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