
Chapter 1042: Four women shot

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"This ..." The ugly yellow-haired woman was shocked. She didn't think there was such horrible food in this dojo ... No, it seems that who is the food is not necessarily!

The remaining eleven demons just wanted to rush over to help, but were entangled by a group of Wuliang Mountain disciples.

The background of Wuliang Mountain is not as bad as they estimated!

At least, at the moment when the soldiers of the two sides meet, under their magical powers, this group of powerful demons will not account for what they imagined to be!


There was a tremendous loud noise.

Master's palm finally fell.

Shoot the ugly and sparse yellow hair woman directly on the ground.

Shot into the depths of the earth!

However, this ugly woman is not so vulnerable. It was not killed by the palm of the master.

Instead, he spouted blood violently and rushed out from the depths of the earth against the palm of the master.

She seemed to activate a certain secret method, and her strength became extremely powerful in the blink of an eye!

Grab it hard and face the master.

Her eyes were bitter, and she wished she could swallow the great disciple of Wuliangshan.

There was no sadness or joy on the face of the master, no emotions were seen, and endless magical laws were intertwined in front of him.

Form a shield with countless sharp spikes!


The paw of the ugly woman was caught on the shield, and her palm was suddenly pierced with countless holes!

A lot of blood flowed out and made a miserable cry.

Although she is also an enlightened person, she is not an opponent of the master!

The elder brother reached out his hand, and under the law, the ugly woman could not avoid it and was choked by her throat.


The ugly woman's throat was crushed!

Die on the spot!

Because it was not just her throat that was crushed, but also her way and method!


Wu Ya slapped it hard and shot it at the master's vest.

All defenses are fragmented and collapsed!

The older brother just knew that Wuya was attacking him, but on the one hand, he was very determined to kill the ugly woman; on the other hand, he had no time to avoid the palm of Wuya.

Hard to beat Wu Ya's palm, let the master vomit blood on the spot.


Many Wuliangshan disciples were eager.

"Anyway ..."

The elder brother exuded a wave of divine thoughts, comforting the group of brethren.

Then, he punched backhand and slammed into the boundless world!

Despite being hit hard, his attack power is still powerful!


Before Wuya, an energy shield was erected immediately.

The big brother's fist hit the giant shield, and made a loud noise.

But the giant shield was not broken!

The master's face was a little stunned: "You demon ... actually use this magical power?"

Wu Ya said indifferently: "This is the supernatural power of your human race, it really works!"

Saying that, in Wu Ya's hands, a long knife with energy condensing suddenly appeared, and he stabbed hard towards Master's abdomen.

"Go to death." Wu Ya said coldly: "These are the means of your human race!"

The long knife pierced the abdomen of the master directly, and twisted endlessly!

At this level, the battle between life and death is almost always melee.

Of course there are so-called fighting methods, but once the fighting method, the time may be lengthened.

This is not in line with the purpose of this group of demons.

For this group of demons, the shortest time to solve the battle quickly is what they want most.

If there is any great power to come to aid, they will be out of luck.

Because even if he is alone, I don't know if there is any power in Tiangong world that has not left.

Therefore, on the one hand, we must find out the hidden powers. On the one hand, when we attack those powerful nests and break their backs, we must make quick decisions!

The master's abdomen was pierced, and the corner of his mouth was constantly overflowing with blood.

Every drop of blood is actually majestic energy. In this state, the body is condensed by the law!

But in the end, he was seriously injured.

A large number of Wuliangshan disciples came to the rescue and wanted to save their masters and brothers. Unfortunately, this group of people couldn't really get close to it.

Before he could get close, he was strangled by the horror of Wu Ya!

Facing creatures at the same level in the same realm is this melee battle, and there is a gap in the face of the realm, that is, the supernatural power and the law are crushed.

Therefore, those people simply couldn't get close to here, their bodies shattered!

The master's eyes are splitting: "Don't come over and hide in the circle!"

Wu Ya showed a cruel grin: "It's all this time, and still have the mood to control others?"

As he said, he suddenly became angry: "However, why are you not afraid? Why are you not angry? Why are you so bloody? How do you tell me to eat?

"Go!" There was a flash of strange color in the eyes of the master!

With a roar, at the same time, a small sword appeared quietly behind Wuya's neck.


Dive straight in!

Wu Ya never dreamed that at this time, the master had even a back hand, and he still had the ability to hurt him!

This little sword is not something condensed by Dao and Dharma, but really ... a weapon of magic weapon!

This is the master's magic weapon!

It was useless until the critical moment of life before it came out.

Even Wuya has to admit that human deceit is a huge problem that he can never solve.

It's too insidious!

After this sword pierced Wu Ya's neck, he directly entered his body, madly destroying Wu Ya's Tao and law.

Wu Ya tried to reach into Master's body with his hand and grab out Master's internal organs, but the bursts of pain in his body made him completely powerless.

"You drive me crazy!"

Wu Ya roared, cast the secrets of the realm demon clan, and then the momentum of the whole person exploded in an instant!

This is the horror of the realm demons. Once they use secrets to activate themselves, it is equivalent to having a chance to regenerate.

However, once this secret method is used, they will quickly become weak.

Is there any such secret method? There are naturally Wuliangshan dojos. But at this time, the master has been unable to perform.

Because just now, when Wuya cast this secret method, the master brother attacked the three demons next to him!

Those three demons would have dreamed that the guy who had been seriously injured and dying could still divide his mind and attack them. Suddenly beheaded!

Use three for one ... it's worth it!

The brother looked at the boundless momentum of his body, and his eyes inevitably showed some regrets.

Still weak!

If it could be as strong as Master, how good would it be?

If you can cultivate to half of Master's level, facing these demons, it is estimated that they can be wiped out in a blink of an eye?

The difference in state is really desperate.

Wu Ya, the whole person is going to be mad!

They finally rushed in twelve, and in the blink of an eye four were killed by this guy!

Even he ... was also seriously injured.

Even if the secret method is used to activate himself, it is equivalent to rebirth once, but then, after a short time, he will become weak.

And this weakness is going to go through a long period!

No matter how powerful a creature is, once it loses its ability to protect itself, it will become angry and frightened.

He wants to eat people, but he wants to eat people who reach their extreme emotions!

That's delicious!

As a result, his opponent, who had killed four of his companions during a chat, was still as old as a dog!

There is no mood swing at all!

On the contrary, he was so emotional that he could burn the sky!

"Go to death!" The knife in Wu Ya's hands, horizontally, will completely cut the master brother in half!

At this moment, suddenly came the sound of piano!

Then, there was a series of small formations that were too small to hit him like a cannonball!

At the same time, there were two other attacks that bombarded him from two other directions.

That piano sound is beautiful, it is a fairy sound that he has never heard.

But in an instant, Wu Ya woke up and understood that she had started!

I hate it in my heart. If there is no injury, how can this sonic attack interfere with him?


Countless small magic circles exploded on him.

The power of these magic circles is terrifying!

Even if the world is reborn again, vitality and ability are returning to the peak, in this case, they have to avoid it!

Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian rushed directly to the brother, pulling him back from the death line.

There was a bitter smile on the face of the master: "Why do you girls come out? Master said, we need to protect your ..."

"Don't say such things at this time." Lin Shi said, looking directly at Jiang Zilian: "Send him to us!"

Jiang Zilian nodded, and retreated to the retreat of several of them with the seriously injured brother.

That is, when the war broke out, the magic circle in the dojo was activated, and the four girls discovered that the place where they closed their doors turned out to be the safest place in the infinite mountain dojo!

Before, even the two circles of Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian failed to notice.

It is precisely because of this friendship that they could not stand idly by.

Speaking of it, including Chu Yu, they all owe the infamous Daozu's favor.

Now that the dojo is being robbed, how can they do nothing but watch their eyes?

Is that still human?

Wu Ya roared, cast magical powers, sacrificed the magic weapon, and slammed into Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian.

In his eyes, what the human patriarch looks like is the same. So I don't think Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian are beautiful.

There is only endless hatred in my heart!

If it were not for these human women, the **** guy had been cut in half by him!

Xu Xiaoxian sneered and played in the void. She entered the hall in half steps. Although there was no powerful damage to Wuya, the interference was no problem.

Moreover, her piano tone is specifically for all realms!

This is a way!

An incomparable way!

It is not harmful to the human race, but it has a huge impact on the realm.

This is like creatures of different races, and their acceptance of sonic frequencies is also different.

Many humans can't even hear audio, but for other creatures, it is like a thunder bomb, which will have a huge impact.

If Xu Xiaoxian can go one step further and truly become enlightened, then her piano tone can not only affect the realm, make them upset, even explode to death, and even bless humans in reverse! Let human blood become more vigorous!

Now, she can only do one thing!

That is, interfere with these demons!

It is huge!

But it's worth it!

Just look at Wuya and the remaining seven powerful demons.

But the strength of this group of demons is indeed too strong!

The disciples of Wuliangshan Dojo have a huge gap in strength.

Some are as strong as the older brothers, and others are as weak as the Sima Junjie.

So it didn't take long for a lot of casualties to appear.

Lin Shi Chuanyin Xu Xiaoxian: "This is not the way to go on."

Xu Xiaoxian returned: "Retreat to a closed place!"

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