
Chapter 1043: Terran is invincible

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Later, Lin Shi notified Chu Die again, and Chu Die informed those Wuliangshan disciples.

A group of people fought and retreated. At the end, they all retreated to the closed place before the four women.

At this point, Wuya's side, including himself, there are eight magic generals left.

But these eight magic generals, all with injuries on their bodies, the heaviest is Wuya. He looks okay now, but he will continue to weaken in a few hours.

The remaining seven generals, although all injured, are not harmful.

There are countless deaths and injuries on Wuliang Mountain!

In the end, the retreat to the place where the four girls retired, leaving a total of hundreds of people.

And more than half of these hundreds of people were seriously injured.

They are all the kind of fighting desperately, completely ignoring life and death.

Therefore, at this moment, there are already a handful of people on the Wuliang Mountain side, as well as the combatants.

A disciple couldn't help but weep: "My generation is incompetent, which makes the master shameful. If we can all be like masters, it won't be so miserable.

Another previously ran to remind Lin Shi and other disciples of sadness: "It's a pity that several girls were tired ..."

We all know that these girls are the women of His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness is the person whom the Master values!

Today, His Royal Highness is killing the Quartet outside, and he is famous for the entire Tiangong world.

Even if someone in the Wuliangshan Dojo secretly looked down on His Royal Highness, who doesn't admire him now?

If this time, the woman next to His Royal Highness was robbed here, then what kind of faces do they survive?

Brother's wound has been bandaged, and it seems that new meat has grown. At least on the surface, the brother has returned to normal. But everyone knows that this is really just an appearance.

Brother Dao's injury, I want to recover, I am afraid it will take a long time!

And now, is there time for him to recover?

I'm afraid it's difficult.

The brother still has a calm face, even if the pain in the body is unbearable, it is only a slight frown.

He glanced at the eight magic generals outside the formation, ready to break the formation, and then looked at Lin Shi ’s fourth daughter, Shen said: "Here, there is a one-way teleportation array that can accommodate ten people to leave. Four of you, Coupled with my side, the six most promising younger brothers, quickly leave from here! After leaving, remember not to show up! "

Lin Shi shook his head: "We are gone, all of you here, really can't live."

Speaking of which, the Four Girls are now the main fighting force of Wuliang Mountain Dojo!

If the four of them leave, then once this last barrier is broken, the entire Wuliang Mountain Dojo will be completely destroyed!

The elder brother smiled bitterly: "Today's disaster is inevitable, please go away! If you don't go, you will definitely be too late."

Xu Xiaoxian said: "Relax, Chu Yu is coming back soon!"

Just before the four of them went out to rescue the brothers and sisters, Xu Xiaoxian had contacted Chu Yu.

Knowing that Chu Yu was about to arrive, the four women also settled a lot in their hearts.

The elder brother was shocked by the words: "No! Don't let your prince be in danger! He is more important than us! He must not be involved! You must go and inform your prince to go!"

See the truth at the moment of trouble!

Before that, Lin Shi's daughters didn't even have any intersection with this Wuliangshan master.

At this juncture of life and death, the quality exhibited by this great brother is enough to move everyone.

Lin Shi smiled: "Brother Master is like this, my husband, too!"


Outside, the eight demons will start breaking!

The magic circle here is the strongest and far stronger than the magic circle at the gate outside the dojo!

Even the most powerful magic circle is finally broken!

Eight demons will be angry!

They have decided that once the battle is broken, they will not eat any of them and will kill them all!

Kill the **** humans with the cruelest killing method of the realm demons!

No one stays!

Kill them all!



Wu Ya's eyes were full of anger.

He has been completely irritated, and he has no time to continue to procrastinate.

Eight demon generals, with all their strength, started a crazy attack!

Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and others are all looking forward to it, Chu Yu can return soon!

They told Chu Yu about the situation here, Chu Yu did not let them escape, nothing else, just for the infinite protection of Taoist ancestor!

Born to be human, do something, do something.

If you cherish your life blindly, but don't take the lives of others seriously, even if you live, how can you have a general idea?

Such a world, alive, sometimes it is really not the most important thing!

After an hour!


A terrible loud noise, the defensive circle here, was finally broken, and the red-eyed sides faced each other again!


Even if this group of Wuliangshan disciples are all boiling to the extreme at the moment, but this group of magicians of Wuya have lost their cannibalism!

Now they just want to kill!

"Kill!" Xu Xiaoxian said coldly, and suddenly a breath of blood spewed out. With her blood, a sound wave burst out!

Her piano sound is not only disturbing the mind!

Can kill!

The first demon bearer was instantly hit by Xu Xiaoxian's piano sound, and a huge blood hole appeared directly on his chest.

His body shook twice, and there was an incredible look in his eyes, and he fell to the ground with a clatter.

He was a devil who stepped into the road half and half, and was killed by a blow by a human woman!

Don't look away!

"Tweet!" Wu Ya's throat made an angry roar from the depths of his soul.

No matter how pretend to be like an individual, it is still just a realm.

At the critical moment, the nature will still be exposed.

Lin Shi, over there, bursts out with a brilliant Buddha's light. The Buddha's light turns into a Vajra pestle and smashes towards Wuya.

Wuya is not weak at this moment. He is a powerful creature with enlightenment, and in the face of this vajra pestle, there is a strong fear in his heart!

How could this be?

Wu Ya roared and displayed the Tao and the law of the whole body. He was unconvinced and unwilling. How could a human woman have such a powerful ability?


The Vajra Pestle transformed by Fo Guang smashed **** Wuya's head.

The shield formed by the endless Tao first appeared a large number of cracks, and then broke apart.

But the Vajra pestle transformed by that Buddha light was almost wiped out.

But at this moment, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian over there ... shot at the same time!

Their goals are quite consistent!

It's just for nowhere!

Two magnificent attacks slammed into the boundless.

In peacetime, these two attacks are impossible to hit Wu Ya.

Just two virtual practitioners who break the virtual realm, how can they break the defense of the enlightened person?

But at this moment, his Dao shield was directly broken, and the two normal attacks could not hurt him at all, but posed a huge threat to him.

The six demons left beside him rushed to the four daughters and to the Wuliang Mountain disciples here. They shot like crazy.

But these are not so much related to Wuya.

Because he was directly attacked by these two attacks, he was hit hard!

People are in the air and blood is spitting wildly in their mouths.

There was a roar of tweeting, the sound was sharp and harsh, and the whole person appeared in the process.

It is a huge, unmatched, ugly beast.

This is the real image of the realm!

Faced with the remaining six demons, the four daughters and Wuliangshan disciples here also faced a major crisis again.

This is a battle between life and death!

Because no one escaped.

Even the smallest, most talented and future disciple of the infinite Taoist ancestor did not leave.

Blood, roar, roar, scream ...

Everyone is in a ball!

A large number of Wuli Mountain disciples guarded the four daughters and protected them desperately, so that they would not directly face the six magic generals.

There is a strong **** smell in the sky, and the ground is full of broken limbs and broken arms and blood flowing.

Very tragic!

Winged out, Wuya, who was seriously injured again, tweeted and screamed, wanted to get up, rushed back to the battlefield again, but tried several times, but failed to get up.

He ... no, it should be it, a pair of huge lantern-like eyes glaring, looking in the direction of Lin Shi.

Hate in my heart!

It watched those Wuliangshan disciples in front of Lin Shi being killed, and then finally two attacks fell on Lin Shi. The terrible supernatural power hit Lin Shi to vomit blood.

Wuya couldn't help but tweeted and laughed.

Just then, it suddenly felt cold on his body, and then his head fell **** the ground!

Then, he saw his neck raging blood again.

At the same time, I saw a figure passing by!

I ... I was cut off from my head?

I'm dying?

Wu Ya one heart sank to the bottom.

At the same time, the endless energy in it is also madly lost.

The moment the will soon dissipated, it seemed to hear the roar and wailing of the companion.

Chu Yu finally arrived!

In order to arrive in time, Chu Yu paid too much!

Almost half of his energy is lost!

He didn't want to involve several women in danger, but he couldn't tell them to abandon the Wuliangshan disciple and leave.

So I can only desperately go here.

The dozen or so demon outsiders who lost their fighting power were instantly killed by him.

When he arrived at this moment, it happened that Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian were in crisis.

As for the head that fell to the limit, it was just a matter of course. Chu Yu didn't even see what he was killing!

Rushing in front of the four daughters, Chu Yu's hands rose and fell, and in a single knife he split a demon in half!

This knife also consumed Chu Yu's energy.

There are five left!

Chu Yu backhanded and cut the arm of another realm.

The realm roared and wailed.

But the next moment, the roar and wailing stopped abruptly.

Xu Xiaoxian and Lin Shi teamed up and sent the demon to death.

There are four left!

The disciples who survived Wuliangshan, at this moment, fully exploded their full potential.

They are all crazy!

Like crazy, the four demons will attack the rest of them.

In the ordinary way, this group of infinite mountain disciples, in the eyes of these demons, is not much stronger than the ants!

In the end, the demon who can survive are all enchanted realms!

But at this moment, these four demon generals, in the face of Chu Yu like the big demon king, and these crazy innumerable mountain disciples, and the four human women, all had a strong fear in their hearts.

They subconsciously remembered a legend!

In the past years, when the Chu domain masters drove their predecessors from the Chaos domain all the way, countless Cangjun roared and shouted a word that shocked the whole starry sky.

Human race, invincible!

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