
Chapter 1048: Where is the prince?

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Chu Yu scratched his head, think about it, even the young monk Shang Huiguang could know his intention, how could this horrifying power not know?

But he also had doubts in his mind, and his realm did not reach a level where he could contend with the mighty creature.

The energetic creatures have not really entered into the unrestrained realm, but they all entered the endless years of Taoism, and on their own road, I do not know how far they have gone.

For example, Zhou Han, this former king of Kaitian, has already entered the Tao and has gone very far on his own way.

But he was still not a powerful opponent on Du Gu's side and was seriously injured.

Although it didn't fall, if it continues like this, I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.

At this level of practice, every step is extremely difficult, and the leapfrog challenge ... naturally exists, but it is too difficult!

After Chu Yu fought with the demons, this feeling was particularly profound.

Therefore, in response to what the white-haired old monkey said, passing him a few hands, he could go back and solve those hairy thieves. Chu Yu felt deeply doubtful.

The white-haired old monkey seemed to see Chu Yu's doubts and said, "Don't you believe it?"

Chu Yu nodded: "Unbelievable."

"Superficial." The white-haired old monkey looked at him: "Do you know who you are?"

Chu Yu stunned slightly and blurted out: "I am me!"

"Do you really think you are the same idiots born from Yuan Tianchi?" The white-haired old monkey said disdainfully.

"Huh?" Chu Yu stared blankly at the white-haired old monkey.

"Yuan Tianchi ... It's just the birthplace of a creature!" The white-haired old monkey said disdainfully: "The very weak one."

Chu Yu: "..."

You are powerful, you have the final say!

The white-haired old monkey looked down at Chu Yu and said lightly: "There is no way in this world, and the world is boundless. Don't believe what others say, just believe what you are. Your origin is much stronger than you think! Not here at all! "

Chu Yu looked speechless and looked at the white-haired old monkey with a black line. Do he want to be like this? I was not born from Yuantianchi?

The white-haired old monkey smiled and said, "You are far more powerful than you think!"

In the same way, like his father, the legendary domain owner once said to him.

Ask him to study the knife, and ask him to rely on himself.

Facts have proved that Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen did not rely on them.

People don't care about him at all.

I was too lazy to ignore him!

Only now, in front of the white-haired old monkey, Chu Yu decided to make this clear.

So he looked at the white-haired old monkey with an open face: "Master, then tell me, what is my origin?"

The white-haired old monkey shook his head and said, "How can I know?"

"Don't you know?" Chu Yu's eyes widened.

The white-haired old monkey shook his head: "I don't know."

"Don't you know that you promised?" Chu Yu's mouth twitched. If it wasn't for fighting, I really wanted to fight this old monkey.

Can Master tease people like this?

The white-haired old monkey looked at Chu Yu and said, "Does it know that you are extraordinary and knows where you come from? Is it necessarily related?"

Chu Yu was a little slurred, as if ... it really didn't matter.

"The world has no borders, God knows where you came from?" The white-haired old monkey looked at Chu Yu and said: "But one thing, your origin is very big, very big. But there are many people coming here in this world. Well, otherwise how could I be suppressed here? "

With that, the white-haired old monkey waved his hand: "Forget it, don't say that, I will give you some methods. If you look back and learn about it yourself, there will be a huge improvement."

The white-haired old monkey inadvertently revealed a little information, and it seems that the people who suppress it are also coming!

Chu Yu wanted to ask, but the white-haired old monkey no longer talked about this, but simply spread Chu Yu several methods.

These kinds of methods, after appearing in Chu Yu's spiritual consciousness, did not show any special magic.

But if you run one of them a little, there will be a feeling of rushing out!

This feeling is extremely indescribable, like standing in a large forest originally, breathing the breath of the air. Then suddenly I changed a place. The air here is not fresh air but rich aura!

This method is more like an introduction, leading him to a new level of understanding of Tao and law.

If the cup of Taoism tea of ​​the young monk Huiguang before can make his Dao and Dharma further, then Master Monkey ’s preaching of these kinds of Dharma can make him move forward dozens or even hundreds of steps!

After all, there are several methods, Chu Yu did not try at the moment.

But I believe that this first method will not be inferior.

Chu Yu looks young, but in fact, the life he has experienced and the experience he has possessed is already a vicissitudes of life.

Generally speaking, no matter how big it is, it is difficult to make his heart fluctuate.

But at this moment, he still couldn't help moving.

Kneel in front of the white-haired old monkey, and bow respectfully.

Master is the master, and no one will disappoint you at any time.

The white-haired old monkey's strength is terrifying, but it is not a majestic person. At least when I see it, neither the clone nor the deity is.

But this kind of naughty old monkey gave him too much help.

"Why? Boy, are you serious?" The white-haired old monkey smiled and said: "You don't have to be so serious. This life is very long and boring. You always have to do something you want to do."

With that, he looked at Chu Yu and said: "Hurry up, there is enough love between us, don't have to be so serious."

Although it said so, in his eyes, there was still a flash of relief.

Master and apprentice are like father and son. It accepts Chu Yu as an apprentice. Although he never thought of anything in return, how could he not like Chu Yu to respect him in his heart?

Chu Yu stood up with a happy smile on his face.

Afterwards, he asked the white-haired old monkey: "Master, how can you lift your ban?"

"My prohibition?" White-haired old monkey babbling smiled: "You can't untie it!"

"Can you tell me something?" The white-haired old monkey shook his head. "No!"

"Yes ... I can't provoke?" Chu Yu looked at the white-haired old monkey with a firm look.

The old monkey laughed: "Just be it."

Should it be?

What the **** is this?

But Chu Yu no longer asked, if it can get out of trouble, I believe it will not be suppressed here all the time.

Since it says that it can't provoke, then it's really out of luck.

However, after learning one of these methods, he felt that he had made tremendous progress. I believe that after studying the other methods, his realm will once again have a huge leap forward.

By then, the first to deal with this group of demons is!

Get rid of this group of demons that have invaded the chaotic domain.

There are Buddhist guards here, and the old monkey is not fish belly, if the bounded demon dare to hit this place without knowing it, I am afraid that the old monkey can stare at the group of animals at a glance.

To understand this, Chu Yu is no longer attached to the old monkey.

He bowed to the old monkey again for a few weeks, and then turned away.

"Master, wait one day, I am really strong to that extent, I will definitely come here and let you go out with my own hands!"

"Haha, then I will wait for that day!"

The hurry to come, the same hurry to go.

The young monk Huihui did not continue to retain Chu Yu, and sent them and their entourage outside the Buddhist gate.

Then salute Chu Yu: "His Royal Highness will go for the time being, and the monk will arrive later."

"Huh? You?" Chu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the young monk Huiguang.

"Kill the enemy." The little monk Shang Huiguang showed a mild smile on his face.

Chu Yu froze, then suddenly smiled: "Okay, then I'm waiting for you over there!"

"Sure!" The young monk Huihui finished, and turned back.

On the way back, Ping Feng and Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian, Chu Die, and Jiang Zilian all held back their doubts.

They didn't know what the old monkey told Chu Yufa.

Among them, Chu Yu only saw the old monkey worship a few times, but did not know what they exchanged.

However, since Chu Yu got into the spacecraft, he closed the door directly, and gave them no opportunity to inquire.

Nowhere along the way.

It was not until the spacecraft flew back to the Tiangong world that Chu Yu finally walked out of the retreat.

Then the whole person looked like a different person.

With the realm of Ping Feng and the four women, one can see this change happening in Chu Yu at a glance.

Everyone's eyes were full of surprises, and they even couldn't believe it.

Will it be so magical?

Chu Yu only worshipped the white-haired old monkey a few times, and the whole person's state has been substantially improved?

Moreover, why is the white-haired old monkey only good to Chu Yu?

Is it because he is a prince?

However, this idea was immediately rejected by themselves.

White-haired old monkey, what level of existence is that? The legendary ancient power that does not belong to this era.

Although it was suppressed there, even those old enlightened people who were equally powerful, respected it when they mentioned it.

Such an existence, I am afraid that even the owner of the chaotic domain is not in the eyes, how can a younger junior be taken too seriously?

Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian had some guesses in their hearts.

Because they knew that Chu Yu had a monkey master on the earth.

Isn't that monkey the same as the white-haired old monkey suppressed under the Buddha's Lingshan Mountain?

Chu Yu still didn't explain, just looked at Ping Feng and said calmly: "Drive the spaceship directly to the battlefield!"

There is already a lot of mourning on the network of Tiangong World!

These days, the army of realm demons under the solitude has won again and again!

The powerful demon in the opponent's camp does not talk about seniors and juniors at all, and there are no rules in it.

After confirming that there is no power in the world, he is unscrupulous and always rushes to the front!

Cangming and Kaitianjun are indeed powerful, but even Zhou Han and others are not their opponents. How can they count on them?

This is the group of generals from the left seven to the right seven.

They deployed a large number of magic circles to resist the enemy's offensive pace.

Otherwise, the whole army may have been wiped out!

But even so, how long the human race can persist is also unknown.

There is no power in the world and it is about to fall.

This news, on the network of Tiangong World, is circulating wildly!

And at this moment, countless human beings who have fallen into despair again can't help asking a question again.

Where is the prince?

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