
Chapter 1049: Wouldn't it be a prince?

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Although the vast majority of people are aware of this situation, even if the crown prince is down now, it may not help.

Can His Royal Highness beat the mighty creatures in the Demon Clan?

Even people who have confidence in Chu Yu will draw a huge question mark in their hearts when they talk about this issue.

Even the domain master Zhou Han was seriously wounded, and the fierce battle generals of the past seven years were not his opponents.

His Royal Highness Prince is very young, and it is said that he has just returned from the chakra, how could it be an opponent with the power level in the realm?

Although everyone understands this truth, no one is willing to accept it!

At this moment, it is obvious that once the army of the domain master Zhou Han and the former generals of the seven left and seven right sides collapsed, then the army of the realm of demons will be driven from this long.

The entire Tiangong world, and even the entire chaotic domain, will eventually become the back garden of this group of demons!

After being repelled from the endless years, the comeback ... the fear that was once dominated by the realm, once again appeared in the hearts of countless people.

The future ... is there a future?

The chaotic domain is vast and boundless, but where is their place of accommodation?

Tiangong World ’s network is not paralyzed, and there is a lot of mourning.

For Du Gu, this is what he likes most.

"Fear is the source of human progress. Unfortunately, most human fears can only lead them to destruction."

"If it is not for food, this group of human beings is still completely destroyed!"

"In addition to humans, other groups in the chaotic domain are not so dangerous. Only humans ... they are simply the most law-loved races in the world!"

"Even our noble realm demons have to transform into human form in order to pursue the Supreme Avenue."

In the lonely palace, a group of senior realms gathered together and discussed with a smile.

Their manners seem very civilized, and if they appear on other occasions, rather than in the community of the realm of the realm, almost no one will treat them as realm.

More human than human.

But what they say is full of complex emotions such as jealousy, contempt, and hatred towards human beings.

They were contemptuous of humanity, and they were jealous.

Because only someone's body fits the heaven and earth avenue!

Only the human body can practice the law of supremacy!

Therefore, even if this group of demons no longer consider themselves noble, once they reach a certain level, they will be transformed into human beings in the first place.

Otherwise, with their noumenon, it is impossible to practice to such a high level.

There is no more power in Tiangong World. This news makes the big men in this group of demons extremely excited.

They are endless years of layout, it is easy to hide the power of a demon group.

And avoiding the sight of those human powers on the front line, and invading into the Tiangong world.

As long as this battle is completed, then the power of those human races on the front will eventually lose their sense of perseverance because the old nest is taken over.

If you dare to come back for revenge, the ancestor-level powerful creatures on the side of the realm are not vegetarian. Will definitely be trailing behind and come to beat the water dog!

Therefore, Du Gu has no fear at all.

Sitting alone on the throne, Du Gu looked at a voluptuous and beautiful woman beside her, and asked Shen Sheng, "Is the old ancestor satisfied with the blood food we sent us?"

The enchanting and beautiful woman nodded and said, "We sent it to us, they are all called top grades. They are all the kind of **** young people, Tianjiao children. Ha ha, they have kept it, even if they see the ancestor, they are fearless, The emotions are so extreme! "

Du Gu smiled slightly: "Very good! This kind of **** food is really delicious."

The voluptuous woman smiled charmingly: "So, do you want to eat a few to relieve boredom?"

Du Gu laughed: "Forget it, this kind of top quality should be reserved for the ancestors, and I won't eat it. When I take the Tiangong World completely, what kind of blood food will not be eaten by then?"

"Yeah, if you have the best, you must send it to the ancestors first. We have the ancestors sitting in town before we can be foolproof!" The general of the other realm group was smiling.

"That's right, Zhou Han's group of people, ha ha ... It was famous in the past, but now it seems that this is not the case."

"Left seven, right seven ... the world is invincible, haha, they simply don't understand that it is our ancestors who are truly invincible in the world!"

"To say that group of people back then, only that Chu domain master was OK, and the rest ... couldn't withstand a blow at all."

In the lonely palace, a group of big men in the realm talked and laughed, and their moods were extremely relaxed.

There are great-level ancestors, what else can't be solved?

They didn't feel bullied at all.

The crushing battle all the way is the coolest!

What repeated battles and repeated defeats and repeated battles ... Want to toss the dead?

What demonstrates fearless courage with a weak victory over a strong one?

Humans spend more time!

For the realm demons, as long as they can win, kill the chicken with a oxen knife, it is no more common!

At this moment, in a deep mountain in the distance, there was a terrifying roar.

The Dugu and others present were stunned and surprised, "Ancestor?"

Subsequently, this group of people disappeared in place instantly, and the next moment appeared above Gao Tian.

Looking towards a **** mountain over there!

The **** mountain is over a million feet tall, and it is magnificent!

There used to be a powerful Taoist place.

Nowadays, a large number of demonists will be defeated, and then temporarily used to house the highest status ancestor of this group of demons.

The resources in that field are extremely rich, even for the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm, they also like it.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor lost his temper!

His roars and roars came from that field.

Du Gu and others looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

But the next moment, they will know.

A tremendously terrible road wave, like the tide, rushed from that **** mountain to all directions.

Du Gu's face changed in an instant!

That place ... there was a fight!

Moreover, someone is fighting with the ancestor!

It can exhale such terrible avenue fluctuations, even their powerful demons are changing their colors ... Could it be said that the people who fight the ancestors are human power?

This is impossible!

This world is no longer powerful!

Didn't their deities go to the front?

The terrible undulations of the road suppressed Du Gu and others' faces.

Although their realm is also very deep, and their combat power is very strong, they can still feel breathless in the face of this avenue.

On the other side, far away from here, the place where Zhou Han and his army were stationed, also felt this terrible road fluctuation.

All the people who were originally low in morale were all energized in an instant.

The senior generals from the left seven and the right seven gathered together, watching the defensive circle of shocks radiating waves of the waves of the road, all with shock in their eyes.

"Our people?" Zhou Han was badly injured, looking pale in that direction.

Few people know that the powerful person who came from the Demon Clan this time was also injured!

Zhou Han is indeed not that powerful opponent, but Zhou Han has never been a fish belly!

Not in the past, nor now!

At that time, Zhou Han, He Shoucheng, Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen, the former four kings, almost tried their best.

No one has any reservations!

It is a pity that, except for Zhou Han, the other three kings had not completely recovered from the trauma of that year.

If all three had no injuries, what was the result of that battle that day, it was really hard to tell.

In this regard, the ancestor-level power of the demon clan of the realm did not actually take up as much imagination as cheap.

After that battle, why did the great master save a few hands in a row, and after he established his advantage, he hid in the dojo?

Because of it, he was also injured!

The injury is much lighter than that of Zhou Han and others.

But if you continue to disregard all the shots, the injury of the ancestor-level demon mighty will continue to increase.

Zhou Han and others have been secretly looking for opportunities these days, trying to find helpers, and then going to fight with that realm of might.

But the Tiangong world today is really too weak.

Once those powerful beings almost came out. This fact was only recently learned by Zhou Han.

That's why he realized that his behaviors were too naive!

What's more, the human powers that he once looked down upon have never let him down.

The human race is in trouble, no one stands idly by!

At this time, no one can count on him.

The aristocrats who were expected to be promoted after he came to power?

forget it!

It makes no sense at all!

Those people, not to mention whether they have the determination and courage to fight for the human race, even if there is, it does not help.

Because the realm and combat power are so much worse!

Not many enlightened ones!

The group of people is a group of politicians.

In times of peace and prosperity, playing with conspiracies and tricks, counting individuals, are all good hands.

In the chaotic era of war, it is a joke to ask them to fight the enemy ...

Any demonic general can kill them.

Zhou Han understood this reason, and He Shoucheng and Xu Zhen, Lin Xuesong and Shang Wenhong also understood.

Therefore, they were all surprised and shocked by the fluctuations of the avenue in the dojo there.

Who is it? Fighting with the ancestor of the realm over there?

On Lin Xuesong's face, there was a look of excitement, saying: "That world demon mighty ancestor ... is also injured! If the people on our side are really a mighty person, they will definitely be killed ! "

Xu Zhen nodded: "Yes, if we really have a great power on our side, we can definitely kill him!"

Zhou Han frowned slightly and muttered: "If there is really power, how can Zhou Han's group of demons will attack all powerful dojos insanely?"

Everyone fell silent.

Yeah, even if it's really stable, it can't be so stable?

The power of the human race is really not so counseling.

At this time, Shang Wenhong suddenly said aside: "Isn't it Prince?"


New Year's Eve, I wish you all good luck in the Year of the Pig, family reunion, and good luck!

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