
Chapter 1051: Go out to kill the devil

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Now Chu Yu's gluttonous supernatural powers can directly transform this deity ancestor-level powerful deity into energy and swallow them all!

This is a bit scary!

This world is not without the practice of refining a powerful soul body as energy, but that requires a long process.

The gluttonous supernatural power does not need any time at all. Once it is running, it can be swallowed directly.

Although the energetic creature in this realm of the realm was cut off by Chu Yu, he did not completely die.

I'm afraid there is nothing more terrifying than watching the enemy turn his body into energy and swallow it.

But at this time, the power in this demon has completely no resistance.

Can only beg: "Dao friends, I would like to give everything, willing to surrender to you, become your servant, please spare me!"

This is really huh, what a joke?

Isn't this realm ancestor an idiot?

Spare your life?

Why didn't you spare your **** life?

In this state of the art, wanting to know what is happening here is basically a thought.

This old beast, who lived in this dojo for a long time, had already devoured hundreds of human youths.

Although I dare not say how powerful these hundreds of people will grow in the future, they are all of the same race. But it was eaten like cattle and sheep, how could Chu Yu let go of this old beast?

Chu Yu was silent, and under the despair of this realm, he began to threaten again.

Threats are useless. Chu Yu walked all the way, and all kinds of threats heard ears almost cocooning.

In the end, this Realm of Demon could only attack Chu Yu with a bitter language.

But it seemed so weak.

"Small things, you must not die! Your human race will eventually be completely destroyed!"

"The high-level spirits of your human race are trapped there, and they will not be able to find it for life, and they will not be free!"

"And there are many powerful demons in our world, like me!"

"Even if it fails this time, but next time ... it will come back soon next time!"

"You ... will perish!"

Chu Yu didn't speak, always running in a gluttonous supernatural power.

After stepping into the realm of power, his body does not know how many universes have evolved.


So the whale swallowed the energy of the world's powerful ancestor, feeling that it was a pleasure.

Especially listening to his curse, Chu Yu felt more motivated.

Imagine that not long ago, this powerful ancestor of the realm of demon was still sweeping and crushing. The entire Tiangong world seemed to be no one's opponent.

Presumably, it must have been a triumphant thing, right?

But now?

But he can only curse him here with weak words.

Of course, if he is faced with a creature in the red world, these curses are still useful.

After all, this level of power, the words followed, can really curse those who are much weaker than him.

But for Chu Yu, it was not even tickling.

The Dao and Dharma contained in those incantations can't even break Chu Yu's oil skin!


Chu Yu sat cross-legged, staring blankly at the head of the Realm Demon Ancestral Power, continually casting his energy into the energy transformed into his body.

The whole process has lasted for several days!

From the outside, the battle inside is over.

However, no matter whether it was Zhou Han or Du Gu, both sides did not act rashly!

The Dugu group of generals sent people over to see it, but they refrained.

Because they are afraid that their ancestors will lose their temper!

"Look? Don't trust the deity?"

"What do you mean? You even sent someone to ask what happened? But a small fly, shot to death, is also worth asking you to ask?"

"At that time, it is better to think about how to destroy the opposing army as soon as possible! Instead of pinning all hope on the deity!"

"The deity is not your beater!"

Similar words, Du Gu can think of, because the ancestor's temper is not so good.

Moreover, in front of his ancestor, he had to be extremely obedient, and he had to pretend to be obedient.

However, he is the commander of the army after all, how can he be interested in pretending to be a kitten?

So, seeing that there was no movement over there, my heart settled down, thinking that the ancestor must have won!

Otherwise, the other party should have come out already!

As a commander, you must learn to be calm and calm.

Well, it is estimated that when the ancestor is about to finish eating those blood foods, he will greet him when he sends another batch of blood food.

Zhou Han is really cold.

After the fight, there was no movement, but the person did not come out.

Need to say this result?

Otherwise, what are you doing there?

Waiting for the enemy to continue to the door?

Or do you want to search for things in the dojo?

A great power, search the resources in the dojo ... do you believe it?

Not to mention that the resources in the dojo have already been searched by the duo alone for many times?

Therefore, something must have happened!

In all likelihood ... it fell!

At this time, no one wants to believe that that person is Chu Yu.

They don't like Chu Yu. This is true. They don't like it all the time. Until now, even if Chu Yu has performed very well, they still don't like it very much.

But dislike does not mean that they want Chu Yu to die!

Anyway, Chu Yu is the boss's son.

"Hey, don't think about it, get ready, and die with them, let's fight!"

Zhou Han sighed, and then looked at the old brothers, who were seven to seven from the left.

"No matter what happened, I hope that you can forgive me. Because after this time, when will we see you again, or will we know each other when we meet again, it's hard to say."

Shang Wenhong's eyes turned red and he smiled hard: "I think, even if the man who entered the dojo failed, the previous movement should be greater than when we battled the old guy that day! So maybe that Old man, the injury is even worse! So, we do n’t necessarily have no chance at all. ”

Lin Xuesong looked at Zhou Han with a struggling look in his eyes, but in the end, he still sighed: "The old grudges are completely clear now."

He also added a sentence: "I am for the destiny of the entire human race!"

Zhou Han nodded with a smile, looked away from everyone, then stopped on Xianghengdao, and said seriously: "I'm sorry for your father's death."

Shaking his head to Hengdao: "My father left a last word before he died, saying that his death has nothing to do with you!"

The head of the past five generals, General Tian Xiang Yingjie, just like his name, it is also a real hero.

He has acted brightly all his life, and he is a true person of integrity.

Zhou Han usurped the throne and became the master of the chaotic domain. Xiang Yingjie turned it back without hesitation!

Even before this, the relationship between Yingjie and Zhou Han was particularly close, but he did not hesitate to reverse it.

It is a pity that Xiang Yingjie originally had a very deep Dao injury.

It was not without cost for the master of the Chu domain to calm the chaotic domain with the left seven and the right seven.

This group of people were more or less traumatized.

Xiang Yingjie's Dao injury was particularly serious, plus a group of upstarts who had just surrendered to Zhou Han, under the eagerness to make a deal, and under mad siege, the Dao injury broke out and died.

This matter was almost a secret in those days, and not many people knew about it.

In fact, Zhou Han has always been ashamed of Xiang Yingjie's death, and secretly made a decision not to do anything against Xiang Yingjie's family and son.

Otherwise, Xianghengdao could not survive safely to today.

Zhou Han listened to this, nodded, and there was a flash of relief in his eyes.

He smiled bitterly: "In my life, I spent the first half of my life happy! Following behind the boss, you don't need to think about anything, and you are not afraid of facing a terrible strong enemy. Because I know that behind me, someone is doing it for me Hold on! "

"Since leaving the boss, I have done too many things that I thought were correct but the results were ridiculously wrong."

Everyone looked at Zhou Han, their eyes were very complicated.

I probably did not expect that pride, like Zhou Han, would also criticize and analyze himself in public.

But listening to it gives people a feeling that "their words will be good if they die."

It's not a taste in everyone's heart.

What a proud man in the past!

Killing decisively and decisively.

It can be said that he got the feather feather as the arrow, and he did not hesitate to kick the prince Chu Yu to the side, and he became the domain master.

But someone who really understands all the causes and effects, even if he doesn't like Zhou Han, he must say that this person is indeed decisive! It is also capable and responsible!

The chaotic domain at that time was indeed not affordable by Chu Yu at that time.

It is said that the master of the Chu domain is completely ill-prepared. I am afraid that even the master of the Chu domain himself did not expect it to be so difficult to attack in the Devil's nest. Among the demons of the realm, there are so many ancient ancestors of great energy level.

He attacked the world devil's nest, which is exactly equivalent to an ordinary person to poke the horse honeycomb!

So he was trapped there and rumored to have died in battle. Only then did the later things happen-the power of the entire chaotic domain exists and emerges!

In fact, a lot of things, not to mention Zhou Han, a group of seven generals from left to right, even the status of the Chu domain master, may not be so detailed.

Regarding some ancient things, regarding those ancient existences of great energy level, Chu Yuzhu is actually quite young compared to some existences.

Therefore, there are some things that cannot be blamed on Zhou Han and them. In fact, the position of the station is not so high, the pattern ... naturally it is not so big.

Up to now, I really know a lot of things, but basically, it is meaningless.

The upcoming battle is the real battle between life and death!

Including Zhou Han, from top to bottom, everyone is already ready to die.

In the dojo, Chu Yu finally engulfed all the energy of this great-level demon ancestor.

He smiled slightly at the dying head: "Thank you!"

Ancestral Demon: "..."

Immediately died and scolded for so many days, what else can I say?

The head was completely dissipated in the air.

Chu Yu stood up, waved his hand, and lifted the ban on those young Tianjiao.

And these young arrogances have already been shocked so that their souls are almost out of the body.

Looking at Chu Yu's eyes was like a **** ... looking at the supreme **** in their minds.

"Go, go out and kill the devil."

Chu Yu said.


On New Year's Day, I wish you all the best in the new year, good health and good luck!

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