
Chapter 1052: Grandpa is here to save you

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Kill the devil!

A group of young Tianjiao are boiling their blood at this moment to the extreme!

For the realm, this kind of human is simply the most delicious in the world.

Unfortunately, they can never enjoy it.

Chu Yu took the surviving human race Tianjiao directly out of the dojo.

In a very distant direction, the war has broken out!

For Du Gu, there is no suspense in this battle.

Patriarch enjoyed the food in the dojo without worrying about disturbing Patriarch.

After all, the ancestors have such a high status, how can they trouble the ancestors in everything? Otherwise, it seems to be very incompetent, isn't it?

At that time, a large number of humans who cultivated to advanced levels, filled with anger, fear and blood in their hearts, were sent to their ancestors to make their ancestors happier. This is what these young people should do.

Du Gu's eyes were cold, with a strong murderous opportunity.

At the end of today's World War I, the entire Tiangong world will open the curtain of complete fall.

It won't take long for the entire chaotic domain to become a paradise's paradise again!

Human civilization is really good!

It cannot be completely destroyed.

At that time, a large number of humans will be kept in captivity, partly kept for eating, partly for them to continue to develop their brains and come up with better ideas.

Well, most of the top talents have to be broken.

It's limited to ... It's good to be limited to the red dust environment!

Only a small number of people are left, so that they can break through to break the virtual realm.

Although the taste difference is not big, but people who eat the broken realm can be regarded as a big supplement!

And I am alone, as the commander-in-chief of this battle, I must also have a place in the realm of the real world demons!

The thought of being able to enter the ranks of the realm of the real world demons in the future, the heart of Du Gu couldn't help but surging.

It's a little bloody, and it's hard for myself.

In the camp of the human race opposite, murderous skyrocketing!

In the face of their army of demons, there seems to be no fear.

Du Gu's mouth showed a disdainful smile, will the soldiers win? Humans always like to paralyze themselves like this.

The **** mourning soldiers will win, they are already mourning soldiers, then die!

"Kill!" Under the command of Du Gu alone, the army of the realm of demons rushed towards the Terran camp like a tide.

He wants to decide the battle with one battle!

Zhou Han's injury was serious, but he still appeared at the forefront of the battlefield.

Countless people looked at him with admiration.

His figure appeared here, and everyone felt at ease.

How to discredit him on the network of Tiangong World, but in the minds of the frontline group of soldiers, Zhou Han is still the irreplaceable person!

His Royal Highness is no good!

Lin Xuesong, He Shoucheng, Xu Zhen, Shang Wenhong, Huo Xiuwen ... A large number of generals from left seven to right seven all appeared here.

This war will completely determine the destiny of the whole world.

The outlook is not optimistic.

Everyone knows it very well, but no matter how optimistic, no one will give up at this time.

It's their mission to fight the realm!

In fact, until now, it has become the mission of all creatures in the whole Tiangong world.

The powerful realm is not a reason for cowardice.

Zhou Han looked at everyone and said nothing more.

All that has been said.

This is a real battle between life and death, and there is no need to continue to mobilize anything.

Either the Kaitian Army, the Cangming Army, or other private soldiers under the command of seven left and seven generals.

Everyone knows what is about to face.

Therefore, Zhou Han only punched everyone with a fist, then in his hand, there was an extra Panlong Yanyue sword.

The blade pointed towards the sky!



The entire human camp, the army suddenly rushed.

The seven generals from the left and the seven from the right spread out and took their respective armies in various positions.

Neither side tried anything, both were extremely fast, flying in the sky.

The whole sky is covered by people on both sides!


When the two sides still have a certain distance, they began to fight!

Various magical spells were overwhelming and bombarded towards the opponent's camp.

All kinds of defensive magic circles rise instantly!

The realm of the world demons and the human races are fighting together instantly.

The existence of the cultivation on both sides of the two sides all manifested a huge body and launched a crazy attack towards the enemy.

By this time, no one will have reservations.

The kill is over!

Du Gu also played in person!

His eyes were fixed on Zhou Han carrying Panlong Yanyue's sword.

A cold smile: "Zhou Han!"

The fluctuations in his mind overwhelmed the entire battlefield.

"Come and die!"

Although the soldiers on both sides had been strangled together, at this moment, they couldn't help but look towards this side.

Zhou Han didn't disappoint, smiled coldly, Panlong Yan Yue knife waved in his hand: "Duo Gu'er, come!

As the former king of Kaitian, countless demons have been killed on the battlefield!

I don't know how many demons in the realm demons will fall in front of him.

Now even if the road is seriously injured, the combat power has dropped sharply, but how can one be afraid of the clamor of the enemy?

The figures of the two sides, directly above the endless high sky, directly turned into two rays of light and collided fiercely together!


Above that endless sky, there was a terrible wave of energy.

Loud voices, only terrifying vibrations.

People who are a little closer are all suppressed by this energy fluctuation.

The figure of Du Gu suddenly appeared a million miles away.

His face was slightly pale.

He took a deep breath and said, "It's worthy of being the former King of Kaitian."

Zhou Han's mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, and his face was particularly bad, but his momentum was still strong and unmatched!

Wen Yan sneered: "You are like this, I don't know how many killed in the past!"

In Du Gu's body, his momentum began to rise, and he used the secret method of the realm demons.

Even if he was extremely proud, he had to admit that it was a bit miscalculated!

Unexpectedly, under the severe injury of Zhou Han, there is still such a fighting power.

Just one blow from both sides, but he was almost cut in half by Zhou Han!

Although no wounds were seen, he had suffered a trauma.

If he directly summoned the ancestor for this reason, wouldn't he be too incompetent?

Therefore, being proud is like being alone, preferring to use the secret method of the realm demons to forcibly improve the combat power, and also to destroy Zhou Han, the enemy general, from the sky completely.

The lines of various avenues rose from the solitary ascent, and as he continued to climb upward. These avenues and lines form a huge and unmatched Taoist body!

This is Du Gu's stunt!

Once displayed, there will be the power of extermination!

This is the gap between the top powerhouses and the average powerhouses.

Zhou Leng looked at Du Gu and did not stop him. He also had a strong momentum rising.

Various avenue runes flew around his body.

Shang Wenhong over there couldn't help but red his eyes, biting his lips hard not to cry.

She is very clear that Zhou Han is burning the Dao Guo.

It's desperate!

It's really hard to live without a boss!

Too sad!

This group of former generals was forced to this point by a group of realms.

At this time, what can you do except to spare your life to fight?


Zhou Han's momentum first climbed to the top!

He lifted the Panlong Yanyue sword in his hand, and the volley flew up, slashing toward Dugu!

This knife, amazing the whole world!

Opening the King of Heaven is by no means a worthy name.

Even if he had been seriously injured, he would never be able to show his old skills.

But at this moment, his knife is still like a swan song in the world, glowing endlessly!

Du Gu growled, sitting across the eyebrows of the huge Dao body, driving this Dao body, suppressing towards Zhou Han.

Daoguang shines in the world!

In front of this knife, the Dao body summoned after casting the secrets of the Realm Demon Clan seems to become extremely pale!


Zhou Han's knife light has touched Du Gu's body.

At that moment, the inch collapsed!

The face of Du Gu, who was sitting firmly at the eyebrow of Dao, changed instantly!

I was terrified in my heart, and remorse!

How can a person who is almost obsolete have this fighting power?

Is this the real king?

"Ancestor ... Save me!"

At this time, Du Gu finally felt the fear.

No matter how proud, I can't just watch the great situation, but I am falling here!

Therefore, even after this battle, his cry for help would contaminate him. Even if he loses the chance of the extremely deep devil hall level gangster camp, it is always a hundred times stronger than being killed by a knife!

Seeing Zhou Han's striking stance on the earth, it is necessary to strike the real body of Du Gu.

There was a kind voice from the distant void.

"Sun Thief, Grandpa is here to save you."


The entire battlefield, in an instant ... an uproar!

Then, there was a strange silence!

Countless people were shocked!

The war that couldn't be stopped at all, there was a weird pause in the moment!

Who is the figure flying from the direction of the dojo?

Dugu asked for help, everyone on the battlefield heard, no matter the enemy or everyone, everyone heard clearly.

The response came in an instant, and everyone heard it clearly.

But ... who is coming?

Is that great-level ancestor of the realm demons?

If the realm of the world is so powerful, how could it be so frivolous?

No, it can no longer be described as frivolous.

It's just fun!

And the generals of the left seven and the right seven, as well as those who had dealt with Chu Yu, were instantly stunned!


They can't believe it in their dreams, what they hear ... will be true!

Then, everyone, all subconsciously, looked in that direction.

A figure, like a streamer, behind him, there are four fluttering figures, followed by a little, followed by a large group of young arrogance of the human camp!

Chu Yu!

Really Chu Yu!

At the critical moment, the man who rushed out from the direction of the dojo was really Chu Yu!

Before that, the one who fought against the Demon Patriarch in the dojo ... it was him!

Zhou Han, who had already exhibited the strongest blow, was standing in the void, looking towards Chu Yufei's direction. His eyes were extremely complicated, and finally, he sighed ... and then showed a smile of relief.

that's nice!

Sitting in the body of the road, seeing the Du Gu who was about to be cut by Zhou Han's knife, the whole person was stiff.

He looked dumbfounded at Chu Yufei's direction.

How should he describe his mood at this moment?

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