
Chapter 1054: The princess is in power

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Lin Xuesong raised his head and looked at Chu Yu with a frown. He was annoyed: "You're very happy when I am entertained at this time?"

In any case, he is Chu Yu's elder and Chu Yu's father-in-law.

He has already accepted his fate.

Even in the initial period, there were few people who really supported him as a domain master.

Not to mention that at this time, Chu Yu's prestige has reached its peak in the entire Tiangong world!

Chu Yu shook his head, "I don't mean to entertain you, I just want to ask, if you want to become a domain owner now, I support you."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the room suddenly froze.

Lin Xuesong was also stunned, staring blankly at Chu Yu for a long while before shaking his head bitterly: "I believe you are sincere, but forget it."

Depending on where his son-in-law gave, can he sit down?

Even in the end, everyone squeezed their noses, and recognized him as the domain master.

But how can he survive this in his heart?

Moreover, how can he face Lin Shi as his daughter in the future?

Huo Xiuwen said aside: "His Royal Highness, you must do this position! This is also your destiny!"

Chu Yu looked at him and said nothing.

Huo Xiuwen said: "I have a few reasons, Your Royal Highness and listen."

Chu Yu nodded: "You say it."

But he had already made up his mind, no matter what Huo Xiuwen said, he would not agree.

He has now completely integrated the methods given to him by the old monkey and entered another new realm.

Just like an emperor on earth, who would care about that emperor's position if he had longevity?

Although this battle is over, the battle between the human race and the realm is far from over.

On the front line away from the chaotic realm, there are countless human clan sages who are fighting with those top-level demons.

This battle has continued for countless eras, and may continue to continue.

As long as the battle on the front line does not stop, this ethnic war will not really end.

He wants to step on the real front and fight for the survival of the entire human race!

Rather than being here, ascending the throne to become the domain owner of the chaotic domain, being a boring person above.

Yes, the position of the domain master is particularly boring to Chu Yu!

Never had any interest.

Huo Xiuwen looked at Chu Yu and said: "First, His Royal Highness is now ascended to the throne. It is the hope of everyone. Since His Highness has not minded the slowness we used to have, and we have corrected the mistakes we have made, then from now on, we will Anyone dare to question His Highness to become the domain master. "

"Second, the real world is not only the chaotic domain. This world is borderless, and there are many large worlds like the chaotic domain."

Huo Xiuwen looked at Chu Yu: "Once there is no domain master who can serve the crowds in the chaotic domain, maybe one day, he will be attacked by other worlds. Our enemies have never been only the realm demons. Only But the realm demons are the most harmful to all creatures in the world. "

Chu Yu waved his hands with some headaches. In this world of matryoshka, he was enough.

Even if there are other worlds like Chaos Domain outside of Chaos Domain, he doesn't want to participate. In the endless years, there is never any record that there is such a battle between the big domains.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to break through the domain wall, you need a very high level and level.

As for those who have the ability to break through the domain walls, how many of them will eat enough to attack other large domains?

Just like in the Great Thousand Worlds, although there have been practitioners who attacked everywhere, that kind is a minority after all.

Moreover, it was not destroyed by Chu Yu?

Therefore, even if what Huo Xiuwen said is true, outside the chaotic domain, there is a human world like the chaotic domain, and Chu Yu did not take it too seriously.

The real enemy is only the realm!

Huo Xiuwen saw that Chu Yu was still lacking in interest, and was somewhat helpless.

Chu Yu is not Song Taizu on earth, and their group of people want to force him to add a yellow robe, but also depends on whether he is happy or not.

Under the circumstances of Chu Yu's unwillingness, who can force him to be a young strong man who can kill the realm?

At this time, He Shoucheng spoke again. He looked at Chu Yu and said, "Several concubines next to His Highness cannot go to the front with His Highness?"


Chu Yu stunned slightly, looked up at He Shoucheng.

He wanted to go to the front line, and he never spoke to the outside world.

Even Lin Shi and they do n’t know much about it.

Because that place is full of top-notch creatures of this world, where ... is the real danger!

Don't look at Chu Yu's ability to kill energetic creatures in the Demon Clan of the Realm, but at the front line, it is unclear whether he can still dominate.

How did He Shoucheng know?

Others also looked at He Shoucheng with some surprise, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

In fact, even if they are a group of people, it is only in recent years that they know that there is a place on the front line.

There is also an idea in their hearts, that is: Boss ... is he still alive!

There was no hope before, they watched the boss fall into the realm of the realm, and they thought the boss would die.

But after knowing the existence of the front line, they all irresistibly raised a thought in their hearts.

It turns out that this world is different from what they imagined!

So the boss ... is he still alive in this world?

Many people once did not understand the choice of the southern coach Xi Anfu in the former 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th and 7th times.

But now it seems that Xi Anfu probably knew something that year!

Therefore, he left the chaotic domain without looking back!

Damn it!

Know why not say it?

Are you going to find the boss for pets?

He Shoucheng looked at Chu Yu and said, "I didn't know what kind of character His Highness was before, but now he already knows a little."

"His Royal Highness seems to be free and even lazy. But in his heart, he is a person who is full of family feelings."

"His Royal Highness does not want to sit in the position of the master of this domain, it should be true, but the reason for not wanting is not necessarily the same as we had guessed before. Instead, you want to go to the front!

Chu Yu was silent, without refuting. Because that was what he intended in his heart.

"Frontline ..."

He Shoucheng looked with emotion.

Everyone else sighed.

In fact, these people, except for the younger Xiang Hengdao, in the past ... have set foot on the front battlefield away from the chaotic realm.

It's just that in that era, they still understood very well. Until now, the front battlefield has become a real place of great terror. With their realm and level, when they get there, they will die to death.

"If your Highness really wants to go to the front line, don't be in a hurry." He Shoucheng looked at Chu Yu seriously, and said: "At least, after you become the domain master, the queen is sealed, and then ... leaving the heir. "

Chu Yu glanced at He Shoucheng.

He Shoucheng suddenly looked serious: "There will be a prince in the future, and I will support it with all my strength. We will never let this mistake happen again!"

Everyone also swear seriously.

He Shoucheng said: "Your Highness, you consider it, even if you don't become the owner of the domain, we ... no one can sit!"

He also looked at Lin Xuesong.

Lin Xuesong was annoyed, but then smiled bitterly: "I have completely given up! Next, I am going to find my family. They have nowhere to go in the endless reincarnation. Now the battle in the chaotic domain has ended I ’m not able to go through the front line. I ’m going to get my family back all. The whole family must be neatly reunited together, just fine. "

He Shoucheng nodded: "So, very good!"

He looked at Chu Yu: "His Royal Highness ..."

Chu Yu was silent.

He Shoucheng glanced at everyone and gritted his teeth: "Beside His Highness, the one named Chu Die, is it a blood relative?"

Chu Yu thought for a while, his face was a little strange, this, it's really hard to say ...

From the blood line, there should be a relationship between him and Chu Die!

At that time, Chu Realm should have been created by an avatar of Chu Yuzhu.

If you follow the rules on the earth, after five generations, you can actually intermarry freely.

But Chu Die's situation is a little special!

In her body, the level of blood awakening of Chu's veins is very high!

Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a talent, and eventually follow Chu Yu to step into the world of Tiangong.

In other words, between Chu Yu and Chu Die, they should be very close in terms of bloodline!

As for seniority ... This stuff really doesn't make much sense to this kind of top practitioner.

According to the practice experience, Chu Yu did not know how many generations higher than Chu Die.

But in Chu Yu's mind, he still prefers Chu Die as his sister.

Chu Die seems to be the same idea.

Therefore, after a moment of contemplation, Chu Yu said: "The blood is close, he recognizes her as a sister!"

In a word, it completely determined his relationship with Chu Die.

"What about Jiang Zilian?" He Shoucheng did not struggle with the relationship between Chu Yu and Chu Die. He said that he was a sister, and that was a sister, and that he was a concubine, and that was a concubine!

No one will compete with Chu Yu on this.

"Jiang Zilian ... Be a friend," Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

He Shoucheng said again: "In a certain place in Tiangong World, there are a large number of His Royal Family."

Chu Yu looked at He Shoucheng, and said that this is the real old-fashioned person!

It seems that Zhou Han told He Shoucheng this matter before he died.

Nodded, Chu Yu said: "Yes."

He Shouchengdao: "Those people can't really leave there before they step into the red dust realm."

Everyone looked at He Shoucheng in surprise. Obviously, Zhou Han only told He Shoucheng this matter.

He Shoucheng did not explain much. He looked directly at Chu Yu and said, "His Royal Highness ascended the throne, Miss Chu Die, naturally the long princess in this chaotic domain."

That being said, there is nothing wrong with it. Chu Yu became the owner of the domain, and his sister was naturally the long princess.

"I think Princess Chang is a typical ruling talent. He has unparalleled wisdom and can rule on behalf of the domain master!" He Shoucheng said firmly.

I didn't even go to other seven generals from the left and the right.

The room was a little quiet, and everyone was digesting He Shoucheng's suggestion.

Chu Yu was really shocked.

He had not thought about letting Chu Die take charge of the world before. Chu Die is very good and will be happy.

But the problem is that it is impossible for everyone to make Chu Die a woman the domain owner of the chaotic domain.

As a result, He Shoucheng changed a way, even let the princess take office in power!

I have to say that this hand is very clever!

The world where Chu Die had been hiding in the Cangming Army had already proved his ability. At the same time, the Cang Ming army had an excellent impression on her.

As the most powerful force to protect this world, if it supports Chu Die, then Chu Die's ruling is basically based on it!

If the group of generals from left seven to right seven can support him.

Coupled with the identity of the domain master sister, I believe Chu Die can use the shortest time to stabilize his position.

He Shoucheng looked at Chu Yu and said, "Your Highness, this is already a group of old guys from us, and finally gave in."

Chu Yu glanced at him, and the old man was still picking up Joe. Now Chu Yu really has the confidence to face this group of people.

In this world, after all, we still have to speak with strength!

"The princess is in power ... is it OK?" Xu Zhen frowned, thinking in his heart, Xu Xiaoxian ... in fact, it was possible!

But he also knows that to say this, another person is more suitable than Xu Xiaoxian!

That is Lin Shi!

However, Lin Xuesong is already in the soul at the moment, it seems that he may not even hear what He Shoucheng just said.

Say let go, let go!

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