
Chapter 1055: Voice

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Wujiang!

After a few months.

Tiangong World King City, under the witness of a group of seven generals from the left and the right, ascended to the throne and crowned as the domain master of the chaotic domain.

On the network of Tiangong World, cheers!

All hope!

That said, it seems a little overdone.

After all, it seems that Chu Yu hasn't done much.

The people from Tiangong World knew that the prince was back, and now he seems to have done only one thing.

Fight against demons!

But this thing is enough!

Is life important?

Not important to live!

If it were not for Chu Yu to turn the tide in a critical moment, it would be self-evident what the entire sky world would look like now.

Therefore, even if Chu Yu has no other advantages besides this, he is enough to ascend to that domain master in the minds of countless Tiangong people!

Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian were crowned queens.

One emperor and two queens!

On the network of Tiangong World, a wave of enthusiasm was set up and was regarded as a story by everyone.

Chu Die is the long princess!

There is no need to talk about such things as the long princess ruling.

On the network of Tiangong World, there have been a lot of works on how Chu Die rescued Cangming's family members.

Many things must be figured out slowly. Of course, everyone knows this very well.

There is a group of veterans from the left seven and the right seven sitting in the town. This world of heaven can't be chaotic.

If someone rejoices, there will naturally be worries.

The upstarts who were promoted after Zhou Han came to power are no longer the ants on the hot pot. They have become a group of startled birds.

Panic is not all day long!

The foreign enemies have almost been wiped out, leaving only a few small demons, which is not a cause for concern.

What about internal illness?

This group of upstarts, how many days of annoying things they have done in these years, is only in their hearts.

Therefore, the coronation ceremony of Chu Yu, countless top aristocrats of Tiangong World came one after another and sent a congratulatory gift.

Chu Yu let everyone accept it, not at all polite.

Why are they not collected from people's fats and creams collected from endless years?

As for when to liquidate? This depends on when Chu Die can free his hand.

The ruling princess ... When this name fell on Chu Die, she was not very happy.

When hearing this news, Chu Die lost her mind for a while.

Then a little angry.

"Why don't you talk to me about such a big thing?"

One night before Chu Yu's coronation, Chu Die came to Chu Yu angrily.

She knew the news at that moment.

Talked to her that Shang Wenhong, who had more than two hours, had just left her forefoot, and Chu Die had come to find Chu Yu.

She is angry!

Am I a ruling talent? It seems that there is such a little talent, but I don't want to manage these broken things!

How big is the chaotic domain?


A cultivator in a red dust realm is afraid that he will never be able to walk half the territory of the chaotic domain in his lifetime!

A powerful practitioner who breaks the virtual realm does not dare to say that he can walk every inch of the starry sky in his lifetime.

My God ... such a large territory is all left to the old lady to control?

Why don't you let the old lady be a queen!

What the **** is the governing princess?


Chu Yu consciously felt a bit sorry for Chu Die, scratching his head after hearing the words, said: "Sister ... the saying is good, this can work hard ..."

"I'm not your sister, you are my ancestor!" Chu Die glared at Chu Yu and glared at him for a long time, then said angrily: "You're good, everyone hopes to become the domain master, and then I want to pick a pick to be a hand-taker ? Do you know that the two daughters-in-law who love you so much that they are not allowed to take part in these breaking things, and they dumped the burden on me? Do you know too much? "

"Well, they are not capable enough, and they want to assume this position, but they can't catch it ..." Chu Yu explained.

"Nonsense! Lin Shi is incapable? Xian'er is incapable? I believe you are a ghost!" Chu Die glared at Chu Yu: "I thought my younger brother was out of breath, and my sister-in-law can also breathe a sigh of relief. The missed years of spiritual practice make up for it, and the result ... You found me such an errand? Do you know how big the entire chaotic domain is? Do you know how difficult it is to manage everything? "

"Sister is a born talent, and you can be a million. I believe these things are not a problem for my sister ..." Chu Yu touted desperately, at this time, his face was thicker.

Otherwise, Chu Die, a person with such a personality, might really be picky in anger.

At that time, those things that want him to manage the entire chaotic domain?

He will be exhausted!

Since the ancient emperor general, want to leave a Mingjun behind, a few of them are tired and born early?

Not to mention that Chu Yu was not interested in this, even if he really wanted to be a terrestrial king, it would be the kind of faint monk who didn't care about it at all.

Chu Die also knew in his heart how tired and lazy this "brother" had difficulty clarifying his relationship with himself.

However, these are not the main reasons why she came to Chu Yu. The most important reason for her coming to Chu Yu is that she is afraid!

Chu Die is a very intelligent person. Her intelligence must completely surpass her talent in spiritual practice.

Of course, Chu Die is also a talented person in this path.

Otherwise, she has no ability to stand on this land.

But for her talents in this area, her talent for practice is not enough.

At least in Chu Yu's opinion, once the Great Thousand World or Eternal God Realm, although the territory is large enough, it seems to be a big pond, but it is not enough for Chu Die to really show his strength.

Although this chaotic domain is large, Chu Yu is very confident in her.

Chu Yu also said so.

"Fart's confidence!" Chu Die was also anxious and could not help swearing.

Looking at Chu Yu: "I tell you, I really don't have that much confidence. Don't look at the current peace, it's because the realm has just been defeated! You are still good, or the group of veterans like the left seven and the right seven. Fortunately, the battle is tremendous, and the power of this battle alone is enough to overwhelm countless people. "

"Is it possible? People are forgetful, and it is impossible to remember this battle forever. When those people come back to God, once they are passive, do you think they will not fight back?"

"Don't look at this battle is very difficult, it seems that the group of newcomers seem to have no strength to fight back, but is this really the case?"

"Although you are a tired and lazy guy, you must have also gone through history. There are too many dynasties in history. But what about those families? Would you rather watch the dynasty annihilate, one by one, still stay in Mingzhe? Only a thousand years of family ... Have you never heard of this sentence? "

Chu Yu looked at Chu Die with a smile: "Sister, when I was born, there was no family for thousands of years."

Chu Die: "..."

She looked at Chu Yu faintly and said, "Anyway, I don't care. Don't think of being a real shopkeeper. You must at least give me poems and fairies."

"The two of them ..." Chu Yu hesitated.

"Why? If you can't bear your daughter-in-law, you will know to use your sister?" Chu Die squinted Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was speechless in his heart. Who said that he was n’t my sister just now?

"If they don't object, they can." Chu Yu hesitated for a moment and said.

Chu Die raised her head and stared at Chu Yu with a staring gaze.

Chu Yu was somewhat guilty by her, and smiled and said, "Sister ..."

"Chu Yu, I'm afraid." Chu Die looked at Chu Yu and said softly.

"Sister, what are you afraid of? My two father-in-laws, as well as the other seven generals from the left and the right, have promised that they must endorse the platform for you." Chu Yu said.

"You know I'm not talking about this." Chu Die still stared at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu smiled: "Apart from this, what else?"

"Don't pretend to be confused with me." Chu Die looked at Chu Yu seriously: "You think I don't know the frontline?"

"Ha, I don't know where that place is." Chu Yu called haha: "And, sister, you wouldn't think that I would be stupid enough to go to that kind of place?"

Chu Dieyouyou said: "Under normal circumstances, with my understanding of you, you should be able to avoid that kind of place."

Chu Yu was relieved: "Isn't that done?"

"But that place, you will definitely go." Chu Die looked at Chu Yu: "Am I right? My dear brother?"

"No, my state is too bad. Even if I go to that kind of place, I might not even be able to bear the power of a rule." Chu Yu explained.

"I don't believe it." Chu Die was very simple, and looked at Chu Yu: "For example, if you go to Jingping today, and the world is well-being, the entire chaotic domain will not be able to invade this kind of thing in the short period of time. And you, The reason why I took the position of the domain master, but I threw all the burden on me, and I was playing for the purpose of going to the front line, I said, right? "

"Don't lie to me!" Without waiting for Chu Yu to speak, Chu Die looked at Chu Yu seriously.

In her eyes, there was also a rare softness.

"Chu Yu, you and I have the same source of blood, and it's hard to tell the story of the Xian family. Since you embarked on the road of spiritual practice in the past, you and I will be acquaintances. You call me a sister, and I recognize your brother. Between us. You do n’t have to say more about the grudges and grudges of the past. It ’s already a thing of the past. To be honest, I really do n’t want you to be in any danger. ”

Chu Die said, her eyes were slightly red.

Her sudden true feelings revealed Chu Yu with some emotion.

The relationship between him and Chu Die is indeed too deep and too complicated.

Two people who were supposed to be dead enemies, I am afraid that no one could think of it, and finally they could become sisters.

"Sister, in this world, you are one of the few people who know me." Chu Yu also got serious and looked at Chu Die: "Then you should understand me very well, I am not a big-hearted person who wants to rule the country and the world." Great man. All the time, all I have in my mind is how to live comfortably. "

"But this world, he is not comfortable!"

Chu Yu sighed: "On the earth, Reiki is recovering, and Xiao Zhen has restarted the world of spiritual practice. I took advantage of the situation and was ignorant all the way. I stumbled along this spiritual path. All the time, I asked for nothing but energy. Live well. "

"But whoever thought of this **** destiny fell upon me."

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "I used to secretly envy those big figures in my heart. I feel that these people are the sons of the heavenly election. I wish they could replace them. But when the identity of the son of the heavenly election hits him, Only then did I finally understand that it felt like a thin ice warfare. "

"I don't want to live this kind of life, I want to eliminate all hidden dangers, and then happily live in seclusion."

"So, although I have no ambition in my heart, if anyone wants to deprive me of the chance to be a happy salted fish."

Chu Yu looked up and looked at Chu Die with a serious expression: "I will definitely try to kill him."

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