
Chapter 1059: Wanyu County

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Wanyu County.

Occupies a vast territory in the north of Tiangong World.

It has always been the world of home.

The guards of Wanyu County are the people of Yu Family.

A three-generation heir of Yu's family.

Named Yu Hongyuan.

It is said that Yu Hongyuan has been talented since he was a child, and he is extremely talented in practice.

Born in those years when the Lord Chu domain swept the world.

He has never really been on the battlefield, nor has he ever made any contact with Chu Yu. Even with the master Zhou Hanyu, he didn't get much of it.

Because the entire Wanyu County, before the ages of the ages, was their home.

After Zhou Han came to power, he even made several wills and gave several noble titles to his family.

A title of the highest grade gave Yu a second-generation ancestor and a county king!

This shows that in Zhou Han's mind, Yu's status is also extremely high.

Even if the entire Yu family did not seem to make any contribution to the Tiangong world and the entire chaotic domain, he still won the title of the county king.

But Yu Jia is very low-key!

Almost never activities outside Wanyu County.

Yu's children hardly left Wanyu County.

They just keep running Wanyu County, putting the whole Wanyu County up and down, operating in a single piece.

Here, it is like a country China.

Water won't pour in!

In other places, Wang Cheng ’s purpose is to maintain the decentness of the surface, even if Yang Fengyin violates Yin.

But here in Wanyu County, it has no meaning at all.

In some cases, if the messenger who came to read the will was almost a realm, he would even die inexplicably in Wanyu County.

Wan Yujun ’s attitude is also very direct: we do not go to your troubles, whoever you love to be the domain master, whoever is the domain master, but it has nothing to do with our home! We do not want you to interfere in our affairs at home.

Wanyu County produces a kind of **** gold. This kind of **** gold is something that is scarce throughout the chaotic domain.

When refining weapons, adding this kind of gold will improve the quality of weapons by at least 10%.

If it is top-grade materials, plus top-grade gold, it can even improve the quality of 30% to 40%.

Chu Die is not the kind of reckless person. He feels that he is in power and wants to ride on everyone's head for blessing.

She is not so stupid.

Therefore, after she began to rule, she suppressed a large number of nobles mentioned by Zhou Han.

Some are resolute and popular, and some are swallowing like water, but they have never been involved in Wanyu County.

But some time ago, Shang Wenhong came to her and said that he hoped to go to Wanyu County to purchase some **** gold to upgrade the swords of the Kaitian Army and the Cangming Army.

Perform an upgrade!

This is the case in Mingli, and secretly there is some meaning to try out the attitude of Wanyu County.

Since this chaotic domain is a whole, just like a country, there cannot always be an independent kingdom like Wanyu County.

When there is a crisis, I don't make any effort, and when it's good, I don't let go at all. How can this be done?

Especially in recent years, after Chu Yu's ascension, some of Yu's children quietly left Wanyu County, and some even came to Wangcheng.

Performance ... how to say?

Unlike the low-key ones in the past, these children behaved very arrogantly!

Very arrogant!

Just over two months ago, the son-in-law of a nobleman from the Wangcheng city was severely injured by the slave of a younger brother who came to the Wangcheng city from his home.

Chu Die wanted to deal with the man at the time, but he forced it back.

Then Shang Wenhong came over and proposed to let Chu Die come forward and be at home with Wanyu County to buy some of this kind of gold.

However, the fact that the Yu family's children were traumatizing and hurting people in Wangcheng was not mentioned at all.

As a result, Wanyu County sent a reply quickly.

"Not for sale!"

Not without it, but directly rejected Chu Die and told Chu Die that the kind of **** gold is a strategic-level resource of Yuyu in Wanyu County and is not for sale!

Chu Die was very angry at that time, believe you a ghost!

The strategic resources of shit, that the scarcity of gold is true, but it can never reach the level of strategic resources.

If there is only that kind of gold, there will be no top-level magic weapon at all.

However, in this way, the attitude of Wanyu County is also quite obvious.

They seem ... to test this side!

This is really going to turn upside down.

A district king, would you want to rebel?

Actually came to test the attitude of the palace?

Chu Die looked at Chu Yu and said lightly: "Did you see the things behind the data? It happened recently. The children of Yu's family, in the Wangcheng, became more and more ridiculous."

"I saw it." Chu Yu nodded.

"According to my understanding of them, they are not so stupid, and their brains are not lacking in roots. The children who came out to the Wangcheng, although they were all his family's sons-in-law, were all of the kind that were not valued very much. . It's not an exaggeration to say that they are a bunch of waste materials. "

Chu Die looked at Chu Yu: "What do you mean by them?"

Chu Yu smiled and didn't answer Chu Die's question, but asked: "Did Zhou Han take this action when he was in power?"

Chu Die sneered: "No, that's because when Zhou Han came to power, he directly sealed them a county king, two dukes, four counts, and twelve counties!"

"It's really generous!" Chu Yu felt a little sighed.

The title of the chaotic domain is not as simple as a title. The title of each level has real benefits.

And the benefits are amazing.

For example, Viscount, this kind of not high title, can have hundreds of resources like the universe in the entire chaotic domain!

All the creatures in those universes are almost equal to the private property of this Viscount!

The size of the universe is nothing strange, and some cultivation resources are not necessarily produced in the top universe with perfect laws.

Even in a world like the Thousand Worlds, there are also a lot of things that top creatures need.

As for counts, dukes ... and even county magistrates, the universe of the universe they can legally own is more and more advanced.

Chu Die said: "After you came to power, you ran away. No one can find you. And I don't have the right to give them a noble title. It's estimated that I am dissatisfied."

"Send a few unscrupulous children, come here to make trouble, hoping to attract my attention?" Chu Yu sneered: "Aren't I afraid to kill those people by the way."

"You killed them, I'm afraid it would make them even more worried." Chu Die smiled: "Maybe waiting for this step at home, and then when the time comes, you can make a lot of noise."

"How much do you know about home?" Chu Yu looked at Chu Die and asked.

"There should be a great power." Chu Die sighed: "The old Dugu was too self-righteous. He thought he attacked the dojos of those great powers wildly and would give all the great powers of this world. Lead it out. In fact, this is simply impossible. Without encroaching on the interests of the family, their family's power will not be shot. "

"That is to say, in our Tiangong World, there is still a lot of power. But even if the realm hits the head, they do n’t shoot, they hide in secret. But when it comes to the distribution of benefits, they do n’t want to just Watchers? "

"I think so." Chu Die nodded.

"Okay, so good!" Chu Yu smiled, his eyes cold.

"What are you going to do?" Chu Die looked at him and asked.

"What else can I do? Whoever dares to cause trouble, suppresses it. He probably doesn't understand it at home. I'm not Zhou Han's seemingly cruel man, but actually very calm in doing things." , The domain owner is reluctant to do it, but since he did it, whoever provokes my head, then be prepared to be hit by me. "

"Cough, maybe many people do not know, you are actually a very strong guy." Chu Die looked at him with a smile.

Since Chu Yu has returned, she has nothing to worry about.

In fact, it was not particularly worried.

Even if Yu Yu had great power, he was a tortoise.

The chaotic domain had reached that level at that time, and did not come out to resist.

In the time when the master of the Chu domain swept the real world, Yuyu of Wanyu County was as stable as a dog, and did not mean to stand up and help.

This family is really a cancer.

There is no need to stay in this world.

At this time, Chu Die received another report.

She glanced at Chu Yu: "It's trouble again."

Chu Yu nodded: "Go, take a look."




Yes, it's called Qinglou.

One of the largest and most luxurious private clubs in Wangcheng.

In the entire city of Tiangong, they are called top-level.

People who can enter and leave this place are almost the top noble children of the entire chaotic domain.

Ordinary people, no matter how rich they are, they can't get in here at all.

Yu Xiaolou ’s position in Yuyu in Wanyu County is not high. Although he is a heir, his talent for practice is not very good.

Compared with many brothers and sisters of the same race, it can even be said to be very poor.

However, with a good background and a high enough status, I grew up with the help of my family since I was a child.

Rao is so, he still lives in the closed small world for a long time.

The closed small world is like the place where Chu Yu's family lives.

In fact, newborns in Tiangong World almost all have to experience that kind of life.

After all, no one is born to have the level of practice of red dust.

However, most of the children of ordinary people enter the small world where they can practice, and they belong to the kind that can practice, but it is definitely not that kind of comfortable.

After all, not everyone can make a real big world like Zhou Han, and put countless top resources into it.

In Tiangong World, there are actually countless such small worlds.

There are too many people who can only live in that small world for the rest of their lives.

So it seems that the spiritual cultivation of the Tiangong World is very high, that is because the cultivation is not high, it is inseparable from the world of hiding, and it is impossible to get out!

Yu Xiaolou once felt that he might be inseparable from the small world.

Despite the small world he was in, it was pretty good.

Beautiful scenery and rich resources.

But he still doesn't like it.

Who doesn't want to go to the flower world outside?

Fortunately, he was born at home. Yu's children really don't have many of them trapped in the small world forever.

After coming out of the small world, Yu Xiaolou felt that the sky outside was wide and wide, and the prosperity outside almost blinded him.

So he began to indulge.

Indulge in sensuality.

Anyway, it is already a red dust environment, and you can casually wave in the Tiangong world.

His status is again his son-in-law!

No one can control him.

There are many children like him at Yu's house. This time, he came to Wangcheng with him, and there were two side branches, one named Yu Qiangxi and one named Yushun.

These two people, because they are side branches, have low status and are generally talented in spiritual practice. They spend a lot longer in a small world than Xiaolou.

After he came out, it was also based on the prestige of Yu Jia, and did nothing evil in Wanyu County.

Their home is really not very high, but for Wanyu County, they are the same as the high prince!

On weekdays, no one dares to provoke them.

In addition, they also brought four guards.

In contrast, the strength of these four guards is very powerful.

Any cultivation practice is at the peak of breaking the virtual realm!

Looking at the entire Wangcheng, there are not many people who can beat them.

This time, Yu Xiaolou led the team and brought this group of people to the Wangcheng. There was only one purpose.

Find fault.

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