
Chapter 1060: Super arrogant

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As for why to find fault, Yu Xiaolou did not know, and he did not want to know.

He only knows that Wanyu County is at home, especially in the entire Tiangong world!

Really amazing!

He was a little cautious at first.

Although it came with the purpose of finding faults, there are also explanations from the elders of the family, but after all, it is a bit bottomless in my heart.

That's the king city!

The domain master in the king city, but the ruthless man who just wiped out the realm invasion!

I heard that the power of even the Demon Clan was killed!

Isn't it terrible to make trouble under such a ruthless eyelids?

Although he is a slutty boy, Yu Xiaolou is not a fool after all, he still has this IQ.

However, before he left Wanyu County, the elders of the family told him what he could do and what he could not do.

In short, to block this new domain owner to make him unhappy, but can not really anger him completely.

As long as you can force this new domain owner, let go of her body, talk to Yujia of Wanyu County, and listen to Yujia's heart!

Can't it be as rude as it is now, when you become a domain owner, you have no one in sight?

Not only did he not take the initiative to show his favor to home, but even when he was assuming the throne, he did not even send an invitation letter to home.

This is irrational!

What is your home?

Do you really think this world is as you imagined?

Really thought that the master of the Chu domain was invincible in the world?

Young people, if they do n’t suffer a little, they wo n’t really grow up without a lesson.

The generals from left seven to right seven are the same. The children are not sensible, are you not sensible?

He doesn't know what family Yu is, do you not know?

At that time, your Chu domain master, the one who looked down on the world and swept the world demons, did not despise us at home.

In today's era, under the circumstances that the chaotic domain can do its best, you dare to ignore your home?

Who gave you this confidence?

Where is your courage?

With this attitude as the keynote, Yu Xiaolou certainly understands it.

After he came to the king city, he announced his name stabbingly, and then began to find faults and provocative lives.

From the initial cautiousness to today's unprecedented arrogance, this kind of life is really much better than his life of bullying men and women in Wanyu County!

The pattern is different!

The horizon is naturally different.

What is this place?

This is Wangcheng!

It is the highest administrative center of the entire chaotic domain!

In this king city, a stone can hit a noble.

He is not a nobleman in Xiaolou, but the elders who sent him have already said that this time the task is done well, it is a great thing.

When the time comes, at least he will be given the title of a baron!

Baron ... although it sounds a bit off-price.

But that is also a real title!

Nothing else, just because after becoming a baron, you can have the territories of the plane world, you can sit on a trillion beauties ... This task, Yu Xiaolou also vowed to be perfect.

He is a person who is particularly eager to enjoy, likes to talk about pomp, loves luxurious life, and loves beauty more.

As long as she is beautiful, she looks beautiful, whatever her realm ... he likes it!

At this point, he is very different from most people.

Because in the eyes of many people, people with low realm are too dirty!

The whole body is almost dirty!

So dirty, how to use it?

But Yu Xiaolou feels that as long as the bed is sealed between his bed and the other side, then the best in the world is the best in the world!

I have to say that this guy is very beautiful.

Today he came to Qinglou again, thinking about his life since he came to Wangcheng, Yu Xiaolou even happily overflowed.

What a cool!

Don't feel too wonderful!

If you do n’t come to the Wangcheng, you never know that the status of Wanyu County at home is so high!

No matter how he caused trouble, no one dared come to trouble him.

Hey, I heard that the princess who is in charge of Wangcheng now, Guoxian Tianxiang, is a super beauty of first class.

The most important thing is that the super beauty is still a virgin enlightenment!

If you can sleep with that woman, you can lose one epoch ... Oh no, half an epoch, it ’s not unbearable!

It's a pity that the elders in the family have confessed that the woman can't mess with it.

And the elders in the family also said that at the critical moment, they will propose to the domain master!

Of course, it was definitely not for him to ask for Xiao Xiao, Yu also has a very high-status sister-in-law, the realm is also high, and it is not good to be good.

The family was going to propose to the domain master for the guy, and wanted to marry the long princess Chu Die.

Hey, Princess!

After marrying back, can this guy not sing every night? It must not be announced yet ... what?

Damn it!

It's not too cool!

But it's nothing.

Thinking of me in Xiaolou, after doing this task, returning to the family, you can also get a lot of awards, and you can also become a noble.

In the future, I will visit the territory. Among the countless family planning spirits, I can always find a large number of women who are as beautiful as Princess Chang.

Yu Xiaolou thought happily in his heart, kicking a door of a room here, and there was a scream immediately.

Yu Xiaolou suddenly shined!

Heart said lying trough, beauty!

A stunning woman with some irregular clothes, looked at him with a frightened face.

At the same time, there was also a very handsome young man in the room, who was staring at Yu Xiaolou with cold eyes.

However, after seeing clearly the appearance of Yu Xiaolou, he was startled, and then there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

The young man's home is a duke.

It is also the upstart of Tiangong World after Zhou Han took the position.

After Chu Yu became the domain master, Princess Chu Die took over the political affairs, and the prince of the young man's family went to kneel as soon as possible.

Relying on the fact that their family did not have too many evil deeds, and the prince was also very sensible, while kneeling, he made a name and betrayed many friends who were once very good and were also nobles.

The princess was very happy, so she didn't move their family. After some comfort, she gave a lot of rewards.

The family is okay, and the young man will relax and ask a beautiful woman to come and relax.

Of course, it's also because this female practitioner wants to see what the blue building looks like.

The beauty seeks, of course, to agree. How can you fail the beauty?

Young people are not unheard of the legend that Yu Xiaolou was rampant in the Wangcheng during the recent period, looking for faults everywhere, and even remembered Yu Xiaolou's appearance in his head.

But I didn't expect to meet Yu Xiaolou one day, and still in this case.

How big is Wangcheng?

Then every day when I'm full of food in the small building to find fault?

Even if he is very strong in Wanyu County, but this is Wangcheng, and not Wanyu County, why is he so arrogant?

Just now he had a good time with the nun. You and I, this beautiful nun, even did not even push it halfway. The two were almost ready to do good deeds and kicked in at Xiaolou.

The young man was extremely angry, but after seeing it in Xiaolou, the anger disappeared directly.

Calm down instantly.

The young man was very regretful at the moment and should not bring this woman here.

But he is not the kind of bully that everybody can bully. He stands up now and blocks the glamorous female behind him.

Looking at Yu Xiaolou somberly: "Friend, have you passed?"

"You, get out, this woman, stay." Yu Xiaolou lifted his chin, almost clamping his eyes.

I was simply too lazy to take care of this young man!

Whose child is this young man, and what identity he doesn't even care about!

No one in the Wangcheng can be put in his eyes!

In the entire Wangcheng, apart from the domain master Chu Yu, there are two queens, as well as Princess Chu Die and the left seven right seven veterans and coaches who can't provoke, there is no one he dare not provoke!

There was a cold flash in the young man's eyes, and he looked at Yu Xiaolou.

He is not the kind of noble noble guy, but he really can't figure out, what exactly does this Yu Xiaolou want to do?

Does he represent the attitude of Wanyu County Yujia?

What exactly does Wanyu County Yujia want to do?

Family children who almost never leave Wanyu County appear in the Wangcheng, provoking every day ... What do they want to do?

But at this moment, the young people felt a surge of blood.

Because no matter what Yu Jia wanted to do, he could not bear it now.

You do n’t want to mess with your home in Wanyu County, but it ’s too much for you to trample on others like this?

"Friend ..." The young man said in a deep voice.

"Go! I don't want to say it again!" Yu Xiaolou was extremely strong.

Friends, with your kind of trash, also deserve to be my friend in Xiaolou?

Yu Shun and Yu Qiangxi beside him all looked at Yu Xiaolou with a look of admiration, the boss is really amazing!

Too domineering!

It's simply arrogant to reach a new height in life!

Since they came to the Wangcheng, the two of them followed Yu Xiaolou, and they could have seen the true beauty of this world.

Even with those four guards, they experienced unprecedented pleasure.

In Wanyu County, no matter how arrogant and arrogant, there is a family pressure on it.

The real work is out of the blue, and outsiders dare not clean them up, but the family will not let them go.

But here, above ... nothing above!

The new domain lord, since they came to the king city, had not seen even a shadow. It is said that he never left the palace!

The high princess gave orders all day long, ignoring their actions.

The legendary big figures in the left seven and right seven all chose to avoid them.

It turns out that we are at home in Wanyu County ... so amazing!

It turns out that Wangcheng is so fun!

The young man in the room looked at Yu Xiaolou and wanted to say more.

He could not tolerate such humiliation.

Even if this nun, he did not intend to marry home, but after all, his woman!

Moreover, it has not been used yet!

The other party is still a virgin!

How could it be taken over by others like this?

"Fight him." Yu Xiaolou ordered coldly.

A bodyguard instantly shot.

Breaking the realm of the pinnacle of the virtual realm, used to deal with a young man at the pinnacle of the red dust realm, is simply killing the chicken with a knife.

Bullies are bullying too much!


The bones in this young man's body shattered inch by inch!

This blow actually broke all his bones except his head!

Even the spine ... all shattered!

The young man was like a pile of mud, piled directly on the ground, and uttered an extremely painful cry.

What supernatural powers and spells have no meaning at all in front of the suppression of Dadao.

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